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Everything posted by OhioBob

  1. Thanks but we've already made that change. Unfortunately the revision wasn't made in time for the current release, but it will be in the next update. Did you change the DSN modifier to 4x in your game settings? In addition to the patch that changes the range modifier, we also recommend that you change the DSN modifier. We leave changing the DSN to you the player in case you want to make it easier or harder. 4x is just our recommendation. (Leave the range modifier in game settings at 1. Changing it trigger a bug, which is why we do it with a patch.) With both modifiers at 4x, the range between a built-in antenna and level 3 tracking station should be, Range = SQRT( rating_1 * rating_2 ) Built-in antenna rating = 5000 Level 3 tracking station rating = 250,000,000,000 Range = SQRT ( (5000 * 4) * (250000000000 * 4) ) = 141,421,356 meters
  2. We didn't want to spoon-feed you everything. There's a thing called exploration. When you say "lowest possible orbit", I assume you mean lowest altitude in order to clear mountains and atmosphere? Below are the highest points (or height of atmosphere) on each celestial body. Moho 7,242 Eve 60,000 Gilly 6,231 Kerbin 85,000 Mun 5,348 Minmus 3,589 Duna 70,000 Ike 4,687 Edna 5,165 Dak 10,602 Dres 5,533 Jool 700,000 Laythe 75,000 Vall 8,143 Tylo 85,000 Bop 3,381 Pol 2,926 Lindor 540,000 Krel 3,031 Aden 6,249 Huygen 180,000 Riga 90,000 Talos 5,540 Eeloo 80,000 Celes 3,478 Tam 6,634 Hamek 6,644 Nara 200,000 Amos 4,180 Enon 7,277 Prax 2,262
  3. Kopernicus is being taken over by some new people. Kopernicus Continued 1.9.1-1 has been released but it's still quite buggy and not recommended for general use. But it is available for those who want to try it, and GPP should work with it.
  4. I don't know what CKAN is showing, but no, you can't use GPP or GPP_Secondary without Kopernicus. None of the installation instructions have changed.
  5. UPDATE Galileo's Planet Pack v1.6.4.0 Requires GPP_TEXTURES 4.2.1 KSP 1.8.1 or newer Changelog Added Unity sunflares. Added support for Kerbal Health. Added support for Principia (deletes Lili). Bundled Sigma TweakChutes. Updated scatterer configs to current version. Updated Kerbal Renamer. Updated Agency logos. Updated Strategia config. Fixed OPM/scatterer compatibility problems. Fixed bug in MechJeb2 config. Fixed bugs in science definitions. Revised and fixed bugs in resource configs. Revised asteroid groups (location & lifetime). Revised internal biome names. Revised Lili's albedo and emissivity. Reenabled Lili's orbit icon. Disabled Ciro's atmosphere to remove artifact. Disabled on demand loading for biomes. Replaced HazardousOcean with HazardousBody. Changed Otho's semimajor axis. Reformatted CelestialBodies.pdf This update consists of long overdue bug fixes and configuration updates. There are no texture and/or terrain changes at this time. WARNING! -- The change to Otho's semimajor axis could break saves for any vessels that are currently in route to Otho, or any scheduled launches to or from Otho.
  6. Sounds like a good plan. When I played around with this, I didn't know about KerbalWindTunnel (not sure if it existed at the time). I estimated the drag coefficient by using the AeroGUI from the cheat menu to periodically record dynamic pressure, drag, and Mach number throughout a launch. I could then calculate the drag coefficient and plot it vs. Mach number. Your way sounds easier. Something else that complicates things is that the Cd is also sensitive to angle of attack. I was working on a page for my website that explains all about drag and drag coefficients as it relates to rockets. It's still a work in progress so it's not published yet. I think everything dealing with launch vehicles is finished, the unfinished part deals with blunt body reentry vehicles. Perhaps I can make available to you what I've written so far if you think it would be helpful. (edit) Here's my incomplete paper. I've deleted the stuff that's still a work in progress. I don't guarantee that all the links work. http://www.braeunig.us/space/aerodyn_wip.htm
  7. Drag coefficient is a function of Mach number. It peaks around Mach 1. How KSP computes drag is complex. It's by no means as simple as taking a drag coefficient times the cross-sectional area. As I understand it, each part has a "drag cube" with each face having an area and a drag coefficient. How much each face contributes to the drag depends on its exposure to the wind. There are different multipliers applied depending on whether the face is a tip, surface or tail. Then, of course, there is a Mach number multiplier. The drag from all the parts is added up to give the total drag. I don't think there's really anyway to compute it yourself. The closest that I've come is to empirically estimate an overall drag coefficient. But that's only a ballpark.
  8. UPDATE Version 1.0.1 Changelog Added support for Outer Planets Mod. Added support for Minor Planets Expansion. Added subtle color variation to desert midlands. Added missing parameter to atmosphere configs. Added needs to Woomerang map decal. Revised folder structure. See opening post for download link.
  9. I've never used that mod before so I'm not familiar with it, but there's probably no reason I couldn't make a patch for it. I'll look into it.
  10. That's a stock bug. The only way I know to fix it is to reload the game. Perhaps some other people have learned some tricks for dealing with it, I'd love to read them.
  11. I just loaded up GPP using 1.9.1-1 Kopernicus. One of GPP's moons uses sphereOfInfluence to override the computed value, and it's working OK. So it may not be Kopernicus. Ovok's config looks OK to me, I don't know why it's not working.
  12. Ovok's computed SOI is about 23 km, but the sphereOfInfluence parameter in Ovok's config should override that. If it's not, that might be a bug in 1.9.1-1 Kopernicus. That version of Kopernicus should not be considered ready for primetime.
  13. I think the current scatterer configs are written for pre-0.052. You may have to go all the way back to 0.0336. But to be honest, I really don't remember what works and what doesn't.
  14. I don't recommend 1.9.1 as this time. The 1.9.1-1 version of Kopernicus is a pre-release and still quite buggy. It's not ready for general use yet.
  15. Biome maps sometimes get glitchy like that. It happens to me all the time when I make them (very frustrating). We're sometimes able to fix the problem when we find it, but Laythe may be one that slipped through the cracks. We'll have to take a look at it, perhaps we can fix it for a future update. If you find any other biome maps that have these types of problems, please bring them to our attention. The dead kraken as it appears in stock has been removed from Bop. @Galileo and @JadeOfMaar were working on replacements for many of the anomalies with better versions, but I'm not sure what the status of that is. I believe it's still a work in progress, so it's likely not all of those anomalies have be placed yet.
  16. I just tested @R-T-B's build that includes PanelFix2. Unfortunately the atmosphere bug that I reported is present in this build. Beware that I don’t know anything about the internal workings of Kopernicus, but I do know enough about how KSP computes atmospheric temperatures to understand in part what I’m seeing. To explain the bug, I have to explain a little bit about temperature calculations. In its simplest form, Local Temperature = temperatureCurve + (temperatureSunMultCurve * temperatureOffset) TemperatureOffset is the sum of a bunch of stuff that accounts for variations due to things like latitude (temperatureLatitudeBiasCurve), time of day (temperatureLatitudeSunMultCurve), etc. What I’m seeing when measuring temperatures around the planet is that, Local Temperature = temperatureCurve That is, the second part of the equation, (temperatureSunMultCurve * temperatureOffset), is apparently always retuning a value of zero. For example, on Kerbin at an altitude of 0, temperatureCurve returns a value of 288.15. Using R-T-B’s build, anyplace I land in the water on Kerbin – be it at the equator, near a pole, day, or night – the temperature is always exactly 288.15 K. None of the offsets are being applied. Note that temperatures are correctly computed in build 1.9.1-1.
  17. I'll test it if you can make it available to me.
  18. That's a question that would be better directed to the Nova Kirbani devs. Kopernicus is a dependency used by many many mods. The Kopernicus devs can't possibly be responsible for all those mods. It is the responsibility of the other devs to make sure their mods are compatible with Kopernicus.
  19. UPDATE Version 1.1.6 Changelog Revised asteroids (now more reliable with shorter untracked lifetimes). Added Changelog.md. See opening post for download link and instructions.
  20. I don't know why anything having to do with solar panels would affect atmospheres. But I do know the atmosphere problem I found was in a dev version that included the solar panel fix. The problem could have very well been caused by something else in that particular build. I'm happy to test any particular version of Kopernicus to see if the atmosphere problem I described is present or not.
  21. @Azic Minar, regarding OPM, just add the following as a .cfg inside your GameData folder. This should make OPM work seamlessly alongside TLK. This will be added to the next release.
  22. I didn't setup the configs in a way that would allow the new Kerbin to be installed as an additional planet. It's currently either a replacement for stock Kerbin or not at all. I didn't think about OPM when I made this. There's no reason OPM won't work, but the added planets will be in their original orbits. I should add a config that modifies the OPM orbits to bring the planets closer to the Sun proportional to the orbits of the other planets. I've already found one small mistake in the atmospheres that I need to fix. I'll add an OPM config as well. I'm planning to wait a day or two before updating in case I find anything else that needs changing. I really didn't plan on releasing this as a mod when I started working on it. I just had a vision of what I wanted this planet to look like and started working on it to see if I could do it. Releasing it as a mod was an afterthought.
  23. I just went back and read some of my conversation with Sigma88. I see that when I was using his dev version that included the solar panel fix, it broken atmospheres. Some of the atmosphere temperature curves stopped working. When I switched to the dev version that excluded the solar panel fix, the atmospheres started working again. That's when Sigma told me that he didn't think he was going to keep those solar panel changes. So if you decide to merge the change, be prepared for other problems to crop up and require fixing.
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