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Everything posted by OhioBob

  1. JNSQ is configured for Scatterer v0.0772. It has not been updated for 0.08x versions of Scatterer. I don't know what works or doesn't work with the newer versions.
  2. Galileo isn't around much anymore so I doubt you'll get a reply. Changing any part of GPP and redistributing it would be a violation of the license. However, I think all the needed changes could be done via a separate config without actually changing any of GPP's files directly. Creating such a config and distrubuting it should be fine. I would have no problem with that.
  3. That's a possibility, but I have no idea when. I have to figure out how the new scatterer works first. And then updates to GPP and GEP come first, which I've already started work on. After new versions of GPP and GEP are released, then maybe I'll consider taking another look at JNSQ.
  4. I recommend the most current stable Kopernicus (which at the time of this writing is build 139). For Scatterer we recommend v0.0772 (GPP has not been updated for v0.08x). As far as SD and Rescale goes, I haven't been paying any attention. I assume you want to use the most recent, but I don't know for sure. However, you really don't need to use either. GPP comes with it's own rescale mod for either 2.5x or 10x that doesn't require SD. I don't know if it is available through CKAN, but it comes with the GPP download and can be installed manually. You can find it under "OptionalMods" in the downloaded .zip file.
  5. For the time being, yes. Although nothing more is currently planned, that could change at some point.
  6. Mutliply the values in the provided delta-v map by square root of 2.5.
  7. The information contained herein is outdated, but here is a map and list of the world's space centers with descriptions and locations: World Space Centers (braeunig.us)
  8. That's good news. Thanks for testing it. The renamer I always thought was a little bit buggy (and not always the most popular feature of GPP), so I already decided to remove it for the next release. Hopefully that will fix all future freezing problems. I find it strange, however, that this problem suddenly appeared. The renamer has been a part of GPP since the beginning, and it never use to do this. Perhaps there was a change in KSP that caused it and the renamer to no longer play well together. @Gotmachine, just to keep you updated, it appears the kerbal renamer that GPP uses may be the culprit. So for now I don't think any other action is needed. If we learn anything more that could use a community fix, I'll let you know.
  9. Unfortunately, not at this time. I've made good progress on the update, but then I just needed to take a break and get away from it for awhile. I should be able to finish once I get back to it, but I have no estimate of when that will be or how long it will take. I'm hoping maybe before the end of the year, but I make no promises. That would be very helpful if it could be done. To remove the renamer, just delete the folder GPP_Renamer. I think you'll have to start a new game after that.
  10. Thank you so much for investigating this. It is great to finally have a fix. @Gotmachine, could this be a stock bug worthy of inclusion in KSP Community Fixes? I don't know if it happens anywhere other than GPP. I wonder if the Kerbal Renamer has anything to do with it. As far as I know, GPP is the only mod that uses it. I plan to remove it in the next release.
  11. I don't know anything about Google Sheets, so I can't offer any advice about that. As far as the div/0 errors goes, once that happens, there's no fixing it. Typically you have to close the spreadsheet (without saving), reload it, and start over. Perhaps redownloading the spreadsheet and starting over will fix it. Other than that, I have no suggestions. I just found this... How to Open Excel Spreadsheets Without Excel (alphr.com) Perhaps one of these options will work for you.
  12. If KSRSS removes the 23.5 degree tilt of the ecliptic, then I think Kourou makes the most sense as the default space center, as it is most stockalike. If KSRSS includes the 23.5 degree tilt of the ecliptic, then might as well do Cape Canaveral as the default space center, as it is probably most popular. Can there be a setting for it in an editable config?
  13. The fix has been included as part of Kopernicus for nearly two months now. It is also now mentioned in the JNSQ instructions (but not in the OP because I can't edit that). I can't help it if people don't read the instructions.
  14. 8 GB should be plenty to run OPM by itself. Where you would likely run into trouble is if you try to add visual enhancements, such as EVE and/or Scatterer.
  15. JNSQ does not work with OPM, so that's not an option. First off, JNSQ is built to a different scale (OPM is stock size while JNSQ is 1/4 real scale). And while JNSQ is based on the stock solar system, it also adds several new bodies. In total there are 30 planets and moons in JNSQ, while stock plus OPM gives a total of 31 (with JNSQ actually having more bodies that you can land on). So the large number of bodies really makes it unnecessary to add an OPM-like expansion pack. The usual complaint that I hear is that there are too many similar looking "grey" moons, but that's matter of personal opinion. It doesn't take long to install it, so perhaps you can do so and just take a quick look at the planets to see if you like it or not. If you find it uninspiring, you can easily uninstall it and try something else. I don't recall the shoreline issue necessarily being something unique to JNSQ. I know little about Ad Astra as it is by a thrid party, and I've never used it. I am planning a revamp of GPP (and GEP). I've actually completed most of it, but I hit a wall where I just needed to step away from it and take a break. Once the motivation to continue returns, an updated version will be released. Unfortunately I have no particular time table for when that will happen. Hopefully before the year is over, but I make no guarantees. I've never played KSRSS, but it looks interesting. Unfortunately right now I don't think you can even download it. The mod dev is in the process of revamping it, and it's my understanding he has removed the download link until the new version is available. Based on what I've read, the revamp includes changes to the scale of the system (with 1/4 and 1/9 real scale versions). No word on when the revamp will be completed. If you still can't decide, something else you can do is install JNSQ and GPP together. JNSQ will be the primary system, while GPP can be installed in its secondary mode as a secondary star system. While JNSQ and GPP are built natively to different scales (JNSQ 1/4 real scale and GPP 1/10 real scale), optional mods are provided to rescale one or the other so they can be played together. You can either make JNSQ smaller or GPP bigger, depending on what you prefer. You can even add in GEP if you'd like. Of course, if the idea of making the long journey to a neighboring star system doesn't appeal to you, then this really isn't an attractive option.
  16. Are you looking for something that replaces the stock solar system, or something that adds to it? Because every replacement pack is almost certain to have a habitable home world to replace Kerbin. As far as planet packs that add planets and (possibly) stars, I am only familiar with a few of them. One of the oldest and still active planet packs is OPM, though it doesn't add any habitable planets. Two of the planet packs that I've been a part of - Galileo's Planet Pack (GPP) and Grannus Expansion Pack (GEP) - can both be installed as either a primary system (i.e. replaces the stock solar system) or as a secondary system (i.e. adds a secondary star system). GPP adds two habitable planets (Gael and Tellumo), and GEP adds one (Nodens). All three of those planets are roughly 50% water with oxygen atmospheres. If GPP is installed as the primary system, Gael is the home world, and if GEP is installed as primary, Nodens is the home world. GPP and GEP can also be installed together, with either one being the primary system, and the other being the secondary system. Or they can be installed along side the stock solar system, forming secondary and tertiary star systems.
  17. Something is definitely not right, but I don't know enough about either KSRSS or Principia to offer any advice. My only experience with Principia was to install it with my own planet packs just long enough to see if there were any unstable orbits. I don't recall if there were any tricks in getting it to work. I do remember that that it's necessary to start a new game, it won't work with an existing save.
  18. To get Principia to work, you just need to install it. No config is necessary. Of course that doesn't mean all the orbits will be stable. For instance, in JNSQ some of the moon orbits became unstable with Principia installed. That is, the moons would be ejected out of their initial orbits into interplanetary space. So when we say JNSQ includes support for Principia, we just mean that some of the orbits had to be modified to assure stability. These changes are included in the body configs rather than in a Principia config. As I recall, the bodies that include changes are Mun, Minmus and Bop. If you look in Minmus.cfg, for example, you'll see two different values for semiMajorAxis, one without Principia installed - NEEEDS[!Principia] - and one with Principia installed - NEEDS[Principia]. Probably all you need to do is install KSRSS with Principia and inspect it to see if everything works and is stable. If so, then you won't need to do anything. If not, you'll need to make whatever modifications are necessary to keep bodies in their orbits. It is my understanding that Principia can also do axial tilt, which I suppose it probably does for RSS. The axial tilt portion of Principia is something I know nothing about, so I can't advise you about that.
  19. I don't know what [x]science is, so I can't comment on that. "removePQSMods = PQSMod_VoronoiCraters" would only remove craters from the template, if there actually were any. But Moho doesn't use that mod, so you'd be removing something doesn't exist to start with. I don't fully understand the problem, but you probably should delete the biome from the config. Try deleting this part from Moho.cfg: Biome { name = VoronoiCraters displayName = #LOC_JNSQ_Biome_VoronoiCraters value = 1 color = #916991 }
  20. Multiply by the square root of 2.5.
  21. I've thought about writing a patch that would do it. But I don't have the time right now. Perhaps something for the future.
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