I'm not sure if something was broken in the update or not, but I'm not seeing a button for the GUI anymore with 1.3.1. I've wiped my gamedata folder clean to be sure it wasn't another mod screwing with it but it's still not there. I've tried setting the False's in the GUI.cs file to TRUE (as shown below) and still didn't work.
namespace SoundtrackEditor
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Instantly, true)]
public class GuiManager : MonoBehaviour
{// ☰ ∞
// GUI window location and sizes.
protected Rect mainWindowPos = new Rect(Screen.width / 10, Screen.height / 20f, 400f, 10f);
protected Rect playbackWindowPos = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 115, Screen.height / 10, 230f, 10f);
protected Rect playlistWindowPos = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 115, Screen.height / 20, 400f, 10f);
protected Rect audioPreviewWindowPos = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 115, Screen.height / 20, 400f, 10f);
protected Rect editorWindowPos = new Rect(Screen.width / 6, 50, (Screen.width / 1.5f), Screen.height / 1.15f);
// GUI visibility toggles.
private static bool _allUIHidden = false;
private bool _mainWindowVisible = true; // TODO: Persist this value for startup
private bool _situationVisible = true;
private bool _playbackControlsVisible = true;
private bool _playlistGuiVisible = true;
private bool _audioPreviewGuiVisible = true;
private bool _editorGuiVisible = true;
// Addon toolbar
private static string _appImageFile = "SoundtrackEditor/Images/sted";
internal bool Tooltip = false;
private static ApplicationLauncherButton appButton = null;
private string _previousSeekPosition = string.Empty; // Last seek position of the audio player's seek control.
private bool _muted = false;
private bool _playerTracksExpanded = false;
private Vector2 _playlistScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
private Vector2 _tracksScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
private Dictionary<string, bool> _expandedPlaylists = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
private Vector2 _audioDBScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
private Dictionary<string, bool> _expandedDbItems = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
private List<AudioLoader.AudioFileInfo> _audioFileList;
public AudioSource PreviewSpeaker;
I know next to nothing about coding, but is there something else I could try? This mod has become one of those "why isn't this in the base game?" type mods IMO.