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Everything posted by Arch3rAc3

  1. Yeah, that's what I mean, since it adds itself to the stock tree, is it going to add itself to this custom tree? Obsolete? Alright, I'll take a look at the other one. Thanks. Oh and, what about ATC mod? Does that TechManager works with it?
  2. Alright, thanks, mate. FAR is working nicely, it's so hard and awesome at the same time, I might waste some time reading everything. Btw, this doesn't come directly to the thread, and this comment might be even deleted, but anyway... Do you know if B9 works on career mode together with the "Tree Loader - Custom career tech-tree loader addon" (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-23-5-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-1-5)? If not, do you know how can I place the parts inside the tech tree and add other parts (from other mods) to work with FAR?
  3. Yeah, thanks mate, you did make my mind clearer now, but I'm not sure if I understood everything lol. So like for FAR, I've already download it and it came with a few folders and files. All of these files have the .cfg extension, but I don't know what to do with those. For installing it do I have to overwrite the Default Squad files inside my GameData, or do I just copy the FAR folder (with it's own Plugins and Textures folders and .cfg files) to my GameData and it's done? (oh, btw, my ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll was in the KSP_Data folder, not the GameData lol, I'll move it to GameData and try it out now). Oh, and I'll delete the ModuleManager that came inside FAR/GameData folder, it's the same version as the one I already have, so I don't think I'll need it. Btw, if I download new parts, like "B9 Aerospace", is there a way to make them to work with FAR by editing the .cfg files and putting values to them? I do have a few more questions about addons, but it doesn't come directly to this Subject, so I might just wait and try getting this to work first. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hey, can someone help me on this mod? I want to install Ferram Aerospace Research addon but I have no idea how to use this mod to install that. The only info I have on installing this mod is: "How to install You just have to put the dll in your KSP/GameData folder. Then you can put you patch .cfg file anywhere. I would create a folder for your personal patch, but it's up to you. As mentioned earlier you can have multiple version of it. But you can clean up too " - What is the "patch", I've only got a .dll file on the first link (which I placed inside my Data folder) and another dll. file with a readme file on the second link (which I placed in a folder), I have no idea what to do now, I don't even know if this is working or not. On the FAR addon installation guide, the only thing I got is this: "Install by merging the GameData folder in the zip with the GameData folder in your KSP installMultiple copies of ModuleManager will cause issues; make sure you are using MM 2.0.5 or higher ModuleManager is REQUIRED for FAR to work properly. Failing to copy this over will result in strange errors." - Which doesn't seem to explain me anything as well, not even how to make this work with ModuleManager. I new to this game, so if someone could just give me a small help I might understand this, I see there's a lot of coding as well, but I don't know what's that for also.
  5. Then I have to reinstall my Win 7 64 bit to a 32bit OS? Isn't there a way for me to launch KSP in 32 bit or something? I don't think it's worth to reinstall everything.
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