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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. I'm still working on it, I ended up making the decision to include all stars (if possible) to let people choose. I need to rework orbits, solar curves, and a lot of other things before it's functional. I don't want to rush it and screw it up, but at the moment it's pretty low on my priority list
  2. As MinimumSky5 said the Aptur problem has been deal with in the latest dev build (you can grab it on Github) the problem was that i didn't reset Kerbin's SOI after lowering Sonnah's GeeASL which meant the Kerbin's SOI overlapped Apture quite considerably. I've now forced a fixed SOI on Kerbin so there definitely won't be an overlap as there was. Unfortunately as for the Mun thing....that bug has been the bane of my existence since v1.1 when it showed it's ugly head. I still can't figure out what's causing it, and it happens at random too. Unfortunately you might just want to get hyperedit to correct the ship's orbit when it decides to go for a walk through the system.
  3. work on the stars is ongoing....I'm trying not to rush it I want it to be perfect and playable
  4. very nice work dude! Glad to see such a nice looking add-on for RSS. Hope it goes well!
  5. haha so there are pretty great ideas guys, saves me a lot of time coming up with ideas guys! MapDecals are on the to-do list along with scatter. @eddiew well....Titanus has a few rivers....although they are pretty small and frozen
  6. damn, didn't think of that, I'll fix it right now! (you can find my many fixes on the development branch on Github before the next release comes out) EDIT - Fixed! check the dev branch on Github for the fix until the next release is complete. awesome
  7. So everyone, with the release of Kopernicus 0.2.3 the dream of custom ground scatter is finally here! If anyone has any suggestions as to what they think would fit nicely on certain planets let me know as it'll save quite some brainstorming when the time comes to start work on it. Just write a reply here, or send a PM, either is fine....
  8. Sounds interesting, I might look into it in the future, but no promises. I'm trying to avoid altering stock as much as possible (apart from my textures) as they are still great planets! That seems about right, tbh. I didn't want it to be much less than that, otherwise it gets too easy. It's designed to be more of a halfway between stock min & minmus.
  9. WANTED I need someone to help me out with CKAN, I have had a look, and TBH I have NO idea how to set up New Horizons to be added in. I am so confused by everything If someone could give me a hand in getting it added that would be AMAZING.
  10. Hmmmm, shouldn't even be on CKAN yet! Never tried putting it on before! Thanks...yeah maybe scatterer interferes with the rendering of the rings, I'm not sure how it does it's thing TBH.
  11. have a test, it does good things for some people, but i have found for others it INCREASES ram usage. time to test, ay?
  12. lol yeah you gotta clear that cache dude, it keeps it's own copy of compressed textures. ATM isn't really necessary anymore as most mods use dds, but it does come in handy for kopernicus and EVE as they still need a few png files
  13. Yeah New Horizons is designed to be a challenge as well as a fresh experience. Every planet has its own plane that it's moons orbit around, even if it's just a LAN change...this makes planning missions critical. Transfer window planner and precise node helps a lot! No disrespect, if you want to use that then go for it, but I have a lot of respect for these mod authors and they disable their mods on x64 then I just do without. They disable them for a reason... Na never heard of that one! The sunken terrain issues were just when parts of the terrain was actually below 0 altitude, caused a lot of explosions when people found them.
  14. Sry dude, didn't have time to test today, I'll check it out as soon as I can...work is a little hectic atm! To be completely honest, the heavy inclinations was something I thought about for a long time before implementing into NH. The whole idea was to have that gameplay challenge that it brings. I have heard of problems with mechjeb before, however the way I see it is that the challenge it brings is worth the hassle. I've always been able to plot courses to different planets, however they take quite a few corrections. The whole layout was created in Universe sandbox, so the system is stable, however I had to drastically reduce each planets SMA to make it a viable system.
  15. I'll get out my spyglass and have a peek, see if theres anything that can be done to prevent the premature explosions. I'll let you know when I find something. For now, try removing KCT for the time being. not currently I'll have a look at doing it for next release if it's not too hard.
  16. I'll look into it for you first thing in the morning fallout, as its almost 4am here. I'm thinking that it could be a pretty good assumption to make though, will suck to have that as an incompatibility!
  17. @cantab Yeah I bet it looks good. Just remember that currently my compatibility patches aren't designed to work together, so you may have issues of overlapping orbits around the system. Hoping I can make some that can fit everything in one, would be a truely epic sight! @MinimumSky5 Technically the temperature is the same as at the poles, if you look at the configs the ASL temperature is the right number...the crack itself is just some clever trickery from manipulating the heightmap.
  18. I can see people seeing it that way, but the way I see it is that people have the right to do their mods how they seem fit. FAR has taken a hell of a lot of work so I can respect the desision to remove support for x64, even if it annoys me!
  19. yeah i crumbled to the pressure and now use the x64 windows hack, works pretty nicely actually. I seem to get less crashes than with x32...only downside is that i can't use FAR anymore as it disables itself in 64 bit
  20. Sounds good. Actually had this very same idea myself a while ago long before beta-1 of kopernicus came out, but didn't have the time to look into it. Hopefully you can do something good with it Even created template stars of different types (red giants/brown dwarfs/blue MSS/white dwarfs/yellow dwarfs/etc) to use as an easy set-up. You may have a little issue with New Horizons as the included MM patches activate when their supported packs are loaded to bring them into my system properly.
  21. x64 can work wonders! lol! tempting, but that would be a little too hacky for me! I'm sure CaptRobau won't mind, but yeah my system is set out pretty specifically, and I would like to keep it that way. Theres still plenty of his own beautiful planets to visit!
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