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Everything posted by KillAshley

  1. yes, it hasn't been updated yet for 1.0, there are ways to get ksprc working though if you read the ksprc thread. I'd remove the link, but there are still ways to get it installed so it's better to leave it for people that have installed it
  2. Update 1.4.1 live on curseforge Fixed Serran's atmospheric pressure from being 18atm back to 0.4atm Tweaked Serran's texture & normals slightly Changed all atmospheres to a better curve to (hopefully) stop instantly overheating ships Altered Sonnah system's science levels to a better starting position (more balance needed in future)
  3. haha its not 100% yet, drag is still a little over the top...but hopefully it stops ships insta-exploding during reentry, which is a good thing hopefully!
  4. it's doable, but i'd need to custom edit the heightmap to provide more land mass, then do the texturing behind it. If you read the to-do list in the OP I'm actually considering overhauling all stock bodies alternis-kerbol style, but thats once this is nice and stable and balanced which is more important for now! I'm uploading another build now that (hopefully) fixes the issues with the atmospheres of the custom worlds....stops you insta-exploding when entering the atmosphere. Still got a lot of work to do with it, but its a small step forward at least.
  5. Thanks mate. to be honest I've been too busy trying to configure the atmospheres properly to see if dress has it's asteroids yeah the idea of laythe was exactly the same as yours, it seemed way more fitting to be an inner planet rather than an outer one...it just needed a little moon to keep it company I'll have the proper atmosphere setting done very soon, got a bit behind it due to work and other IRL stuff. At the moment ships grind to a halt as soon as they hit the outer atmosphere, which is pretty bad lol
  6. yeah sorry, atmospheres are a bit buggy atm, I've almost got them perfected for the next update but for now thay are a little screwed up. I somehow mixed up serran's atmosphere and gave it 17 atm pressure asl when it's supposed to have 0.4. The barometer readouts always show 100x the atmosphere now, kerbain now says 100 asl. hopefully i can upload the new updated versions today.
  7. yes, please continue. This has a lot of potential!
  8. hey srb... resources - not yet cryovolcano - it's just cosmetic unfortunately bugs - not that we know of, hopefully people will tell us if there are
  9. i see where you're coming from, don't worry I'm not taking it as an attack. Balance is something i really want for the system and there's still a lot of work to do to get it right. Feedback is probably the only way I'm finding these errors atm, as with working full time, the time i spend fixing the mod, and other IRL stuff leaves me no time to play the game to find these issues. I had a look at the configs and yeah it seems i have mixed up my numbers somewhere, the spreadsheet i used to calculate everything has quite a few different multipliers...I'll have to go back to my spreadsheet and make some changes to the science again and try to find where things went wrong. How would you best suggest the tweaking of the numbers? obviously raising the starting moons to a higher touch. Maybe I should raise the whole scale which i based my numbers on to a slightly higher level, leaving the curve as you branch outwards through the system. Basically the way i made the scale, planets had an initial multiplier (Kerin was supposed to have 0.5/Sonnah was supposed to be 1 but that seems to not be right/laythe is 5) and then had a difficulty multiplier affecting it, then the modifiers for the different sciences (low/high space, landed, etc.) leaving the final numbers. I'll delay the atmosphere update i was going to release today to go over these numbers more and see how it goes. Haha I think I'm too used to the names, really. They mainly got named back when i was just creating random planets to learn how it's done, way before i attempted a coherent system. Most of them are named after descriptive words i used for them (Ernus=Infernus/Arin=Arid/Derso=desolate) There are a few exceptions, like Lave was named after a argument with my housemate who called it the 'lavender colored planet', and Serran used to be a moon of a planet i ended up scrapping called Terran. Then theres Atell & Eli which used to be in a binary orbit at Vanor, which looked like an old RT setup i had, I called them sATELLite/satELIte. I can see there can be some confusion about the names but I'm extremely bad at naming things, suggest a few names and I'll probably change them Ideally i'd rename Lave, don't quite know about the others, but if things get suggested that fit well I won't turn them down!
  10. Awesome, didn't really check that out at all, cheers! It'll be gone in the next update which should have atmospheres with correct pressure/temp curves I left put of the initial 1.0 release. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow, depending on any issues I find along the way.
  11. I actually had an idea for a sub-mod. Like a New Horizons minor bodies pack, designed to work for NH. The idea is on the backburner though, until I'm done polishing the main mod.
  12. Lol you're persistant with the red giant, ay? it's easy enough to do, the only issue would be the size/luminosity of the giant. I'd have to shift all the orbits out, and then write a solar power curve that takes into account the suns light...I'll have a look into it, but at the moment the issue with atmospheres needs fixing ASAP
  13. Used to yes, stand alone kopernicus fixed this issue I'd probably wait till tomorrow if I were you. I''ve found a few problems with atmospheres but need to wait till I finish work before I can upload the new update
  14. no don't message him, we can do it easily. resources are fine i can do that and eve configs are pretty easy to set up.
  15. ok so to answer evreything at once... resources will be manually set for next update, ensuring they are in the right spot. we aren't sure if stock will randomly generate them on custom bodies as of yet. OPM is incompatible, as it requires the kopernicusTECH version of kopernicus (its outdated and heavilt modified). CKAN is incompatible for planet packs, as they screw things up sometimes. Hopefully in the future when kopernicus stabilizes it will mean we can use it, but for now stay away even if you see it up there. The cyrovolcano will be edited next update....ALOT....as long as there's a way to make it work, ill be making them almost still. Also i'll be making an atmosphere for potatus, as it makes more sense than it being a vacuum planet. Eve is still temperamental for new 1.0.2, I'm hoping the new version rbray is working on gets a release soon. For now, no clouds, but in future...many clouds!
  16. So thaks for taking the time and letting me know dude, feedback like this is very important so lets adress the issues: Ok SO! i did a fresh ksp install to check out whats happening, and yes i did indeed screw up Serran's atmosphere. It should have 0.4 atm pressure ASL, but it seems i have got it confused with Sonnah as it seems to share the same stats. I'll fix this immediately. As far as the greatly reduced science science goes, I spoke about this earlier: The old way always left me feeling overpowered when i went to new planets, I wanted something that would challenge me, force me to make do with just a few parts for an Eve probe, make me improvise a lander for Duna. I took time creating a curve-based science mulitplier system, and adding a modifier for difficulty of reaching/landing on each body. True you can still grind away all the science at the KSC and I'm certainly not going to stop you, but the intention behind everything is that you need to challenge yourself to making do with what you have to explore the system. oh, and Kerbin will get you the LEASt amount of science in the system, you do get more from sonnah/mun/aptur/serran, but not alot more. Perhaps i can release an alternate config option, leaving science based on the stock way if you really want. Although you will be incredibly overpowered really fast. Let me know what you think. I have heard there was issues with mechjeb previously, was hoping it was because of a conflict or a bad previous version. Unfortunately I've never used it, so I wouldn't know what the issues mean. That being said, what exactly is the issue you're having? Sweeeeeeet, I'll get onto it soon.
  17. ok, here we go! 1> depends on the ship i've landed ships there during testing, but it's hard...they like to go boom alot. I think i might tweak the orbits in future and bring all planets out slightly to make it a little easier 2> It worked perfectly with FAR in previous versions but i haven't tried the latest versions of it to see. If you find any issue let me know and i'll fix them ASAP. 3> I actually had plans to completely redo the stock system from scratch (like Alternis Kerbin did in the past), however it's only been a thought so far. It's easy enough to do with Kopernicus though. 4> Asteroids are hard coded to spawn outside of Kerbin's SOI in ksp, so they spawn in a sort-of asteroid field between kerbin and Serran in orbit of Sonnah. I want to look at changing this with something like Custom Asteroids Mod (if it still works) but for now asteroid missions are pretty easy unfortunately. 5> I manually set them, but I'm still not 100% they are perfect. I have had only limited experience with the mods that use them so i might have gotten abundances wrongs sometimes. (This is why feedback is always important for me) AND with the change to the system I'm still not 100% with the new system. 6> No, contracts in stock are generated on a distance scale. So you'll get contracts depending on distance to another body. I've heard custom contracts (like orbital science ones) have unforgiving times (like 3 years to do a minmus mission when it's now in orbit of Eeloo!). Looking into this is on my to-do list, but i needed to see if it's stable in 1.0 first before expanding more. 7> Possibly, it's actually a forum member! We had an incident where i didnt set an atmosphere properly on Serran in an earlier version resulting in it getting about 220atm pressure and he gave me the idea of adding a planet with an insane atmosphere and almost no gravity and after I finished it I decided to name it after him/her! 8> Thats easy enough, go into their configs (GameData>New_Horizons>KopernicusFile>NewHorizonsPlanets>[PLANETNAME]) and find the ring section. Delete everything between the { } and it'll work fine. (I also fixed the imgur screw-up, thanks!) If theres anything else you want to know, just ask! at the moment theres no way in-game to do this, however the information is easily readable in the configs. open the config for the planet you want to know about (they are all in the New_Horizons folder) and scroll down to the ScienceValues section and i'tll say flyingAltitudeThreshold = [x] spaceAltitudeThreshold = [x] the [x] is the altitude in meters from the surface that the change from low to high takes place
  18. @void_error planets can easily be removed by deleting the folder for it. if you delete a parent body, make sure to delete it's moons or alter their orbital paramaters, otherwise it won't load. @Gaiiden you'll have to tweak it yourself. they are kinda 'one setting only' kinda things...i still need to tweak them some more, as they appear too fast sometimes, but I set them so they always point away from the sun so at least it looks ok. To change the opacity of the tail, look in the kittopiatech config for corolet, and just set the last number for each of the color settings from 0.2 to what ever you feel comfortable with (0=invisible, 1=solid)
  19. haha you're welcome dude, theres even some extra planets in there that i threw in for you As always dude, if you find any bugs/have any issues or suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll sort it out as soon as possible.
  20. not as far as i know, there could be a config option I'm not aware of but as far as i know the soi depends on it's proximity to it's parent. You could, however, swap its orbit with Serran and it'll have a bigger soi, or move it around as you wish...Or you could lower the GeeASL of Sonnah down to a lower number, which will in turn will increase kerbin's soi. You may want to be careful with aptur when increasing the SOI, as it sit juuuuuuuust outside of kerbin's area, so increasing the soi could cause issues with it, but i haven't tried that
  21. It's back, baby! Version 1.4 is now live on CurseForge! Changelog: Added Lave Scidef Reduced most texture sizes to improve RAM usage slightly Fixed atmosphere temp & pressure for 1.0 update Fixed all temperature curves Added all pressure curves Fixed flightGlobalsIndex order Fixed atmosphere gradient for all planets Fixed resource configs to new stock system (Added data for new planets too) Fixed Mun's orbit back to correct position from my 1.0 version Moved Rings to separate folder to ease ATM compatibility Planet Changes- Ernus Minor terrain tweaks Moh fixed ambient lighting (don't know how it became blue....) Added correct temperature (careful, it's hot!) Arin Fixed texture seam Sonnah Added correct temperature (careful, it's hot!) Lave Retextured Leouch Added gaseous anomaly planet, Leouch, to Jool (Jool was getting lonely) Added Biome map, and correct multiplier Molas Retextured Titanus Removed Kittopiatech dependancy Changed Titanus to a frozen world (removed liquid ocean, replaced with ice ocean) Retextured to better match terrain Normal map now reflects surface properly Vanor Added correct temperature (careful, it's hot!) Tidus Reverted to original design (without laythe islands) Updated biome map Etal Added high gravity dwarf planet to Vanor Added correct biome map and science multiplier
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