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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Maybe you mean something like Allista's Hangar mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-90-0-Hangar-v2-2-0 Also, Bobcat's DEMV Mark 4 looks like an illustration of such ramp module. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109673-Bobcat-DEMV-Mark-4-rover-UPDATED!
  2. http://impact.ese.ic.ac.uk/ImpactEffects/
  3. Action Groups Extended allows up to 256(?) groups for various actions combinations. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74195-0-90-%28Jan31-15%29-Action-Groups-Extended-250-Action-Groups-in-flight-editing-Now-kOS-Support!
  4. Procedural Airships http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99132-0-90-Procedural-Airships-1-3-dec-20th-2014 Sounding Rockets http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102502-0-90-Sounding-Rockets%21-Start-small-Dream-big%21-0-1-1-2014-12-24?p=1707766&viewfull=1#post1707766 (Probably the second one is just for small VeGa-style blimps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vega_program )
  5. Maybe you mean what Roverdude does in MKS/OKS? Folder "GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Kolonization" contains folder "Parts" with cfg files using mostly the same models/textures from folder "Assets". In any of these *.cfg several textures are connected to a model.
  6. New planets  new textures. More RAM usage, more often game crash. So, imho, something like that won't appear until either Unity 5 or dramatic RAM usage optimisation. (When you use PlanetFactory or so, you operate on your own risk.)
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27H%C3%B4pital%27s_rule
  8. Kerbals & Insanity? You're joking  it's impossible.
  9. True insects not afraid of vacuum http://lexx.wikia.com/wiki/Giga_Shadow http://lexx.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lexx
  10. If EVA Kerbals are vessels, you would try to open KSP/Saves/(Your game name)/persistent.sfs , find your victim by name and edit his altitude or velocity.
  11. Maybe use BoatParts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-25-R4-6
  12. Real pee engine is even more simple. No hydrogen tanks, no electricity. The pee stream itself creates reactive force itself. Just put your pee nozzle out of the viewport and aim in correct direction. Of course, need to be carefull and not keep the window opened too long.
  13. Probably, you can try Kerbal Konstructs to create something similar (tutorial is also there): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105247-0-90-Kerbal-Konstructs-%28v0-70%29-Create-New-Bases-and-Launchsites taking Kerbin-Side as an example: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785 Also, there is BoatParts, containing an aircraft carrier which is also possible to use: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-25-R4-6
  14. Isn't that what you are looking for: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105660-0-90-CactEye-2-Orbital-Telescope-BETA-5
  15. The less is T/W the greater is acceleration duration, the greater is the energy loss caused by the gravitation.
  16. Isn't it a proto-Kerbal? Green, brave, stupid ingenuous, funny, not a plant. And also Ker-... http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Kermit_the_Frog
  17. (Just ideas.) As it's generally acknowledged that KSP loads all assets at once on the game start, the problem is not in additional loading of something. As while playing the RAM usage continuously increases until the game crash, we can say that the game releases memory blocks more slowly than allocates the new ones. As while staying inside VAB we can load/create and destroy ships a hundred times per game session with no crash and with more or less constant RAM usage, so game objects are definitely destroyed by the game engine when become unreferenced. So, as C# memory management is based on a garbage collector - a "subprocess" which periodically checks which objects have become unreferenced and releases unused memory blocks, we can presume that: - When we are in VAB, the new objects are being created slowly - just on mouse clicks. The garbage collector from time to time checks the memory and releases unused memory - ad infinitum. - When we are playing, say, on a simple ship landed on a planet, new objects are also not created too fast. The game can last for hours. - When we are playing actively moving (launching/docking/landing) among multiple objects, the new objects are created too fast, and Garbage Collector just lags to release all destroyed objects (as the new ones are created in real time, while GC runs from time to time). That's just my vision, maybe erroneous.
  18. Btw, fuel tanks inside the wings were already implemented by some mods. FuelWings http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97139-0-25-FuelWings-Customize-fuel-quantities-in-your-stock-B9-wings-!-v2-1-11-24 WetWings http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100593-0-25-Wet-Wings-cramming-fuel-into-every-last-corner-of-your-craft! Unmanned command pods (HECS, OCTO, etc) probably either would have enough electric capacity - to reduce parts count (the current KSP trend), or would have no inner battery at all - to play with outer batteries, etc (an early-KSP tamagochi-rocket style). Seems to me that the unmanned pods would be splitted in two categories, with no intermediate cases.. - Lightweight primitive ones - for the original tamagochies such as real-world Sputnik, Luna, Venera, Mariner, Voyager. Just a brain with no jibs. - Heavy advanced AI-containing ones such as KSPI Computer Core ( https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Computer-Core ) - with inner resources. A fully-featured command module but without humans.
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-0-90-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-22-3%29-2014-12-27
  20. I just believe that US government was enough pragmatic to buy Saturn not just to plant a flag.
  21. The idea of lunar warfare was abandoned in late 1960s, when Saturn industry was alreadey built. But it looked enough actual when Saturn industry was being built. Of course, Lunex was not ever even started to be implemented. But as you can see in the first link about it, it was an official blueprint document (17 pdf files). So its authors were enough sure in this idea to officially create this project and were not afraid to be sent to psychiatrist right from HQ. Many things looking strange now were absolutely in order in 1950-60s. Apollo is an additional bonus. Buy Saturn - and get Apollo for it. Of course, USAF is not in theme.
  22. NASA is not military. Apollo (I presume) wasn't too. Saturn manufacturing industry requires a lot of money. No military or commercial purpose for Saturn - no funds for Saturn production. No funds for Saturn production - no Saturn industry. No Saturn industry - no Saturn. No Saturn - no Apollo-Venus, Apollo-18,19,... etc. Looks rather simple.
  23. Idea was abandoned for foreseeable future as absolutely impractical for that technical level. And stiil is. Due to this - the current Lunar attempts slowly progress for the last 15 years and going to spend 10-15 years more until first manned lunar flight. For example: when in 1961 they wanted to go to Moon, they were on Moon in 1971. Even without present day technologies. Of course, you know about Apollo-Venus project. It included already existing Saturn, Apollo and Skylab-style module. It was cancelled too. Was it because a leak of curiosity?
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