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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Pumpkin A small pump.
  2. Calling 911 because you are the last human on the Earth.
  3. The only substantial question is: does he play KSP?
  4. It's falling! Falling! https://edge-upvideo.rbc.ru/archive/2024/12/03/____24_mp4/576p.mp4 Entered the atmosphere in 19:14 MoscowTime near the Lensk city. "Happily, it has passed above the atmosphere", the local MChS (analog of FEMA) department reports.
  5. Gets Moral Thirtyfourtude in change. Inserts sulfur from several tens of matches, and ignites.
  6. Gather a collection of rare multitools from the bunkers I've met.
  7. "You couldn't hear Mexican speech in the Perseverance external microphone audio, it's a lie. " ... "No, it's absolutely impossible. We always clean the audio pretty well."
  8. You are now a snail in the Boeing-747 cargo cabin. I wish for a Minecraft slime cube for more jelly.
  9. Healing the lava burns. Heal Hill
  10. Chew-baka Stupid extraterrestrial being.
  11. Here you go, sir. The left side, the right one, the front, the counter-front. Waiter! Some seafood, and quickly! I'm ready to eat a bansilosaurus.
  12. Wrong state for musting something. Teleportation in 3 seconds. 2... 1... 0! Milwookie.
  13. Calling 911 because only they want to listen to you.
  14. The capitalism needs the enterprises for food. Is "miss" "mistress" or "mistress"?
  15. ~70 cm in diameter, they say. No danger, they say. Interesting fact, the parallels and meridians do actually exist on the sky, you can see them by photo. They are engraved in the sky dome surface.
  16. Yes, because they can't pass through the 110 kV powerlines. As there is Miskatonic, is there Miskajinic?
  17. Toylet 1. A small toy. 2. A part of a cluster toy.
  18. Spacedock.info appears to be the most reliable part of the KSP ecosphere.
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