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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Immediately on having combined the boy from the Addams Family and the lizard from Terminator. What were they feeding Jonesy with, when they had never shown a cat food package? Btw, how could it be that Jonesy was never jumping around the table and meowing when they were eating? Was there a litter box onboard?
  2. Granted and extended: I wish the IBM's JobControlLanguage was still in use on the IBM PC for the system management instead of those primitive and ugly command lines. Also, I wish for a punchcard reader and typer to use the JCL on the PC, like I was doing that in my early days on the IBM-clone mainframe. But this should be some new, compact and stylish devices and credit-card-like punchcards to have some in my wallet. P.S. Btw, I indeed would be excited to have this.
  3. Calling 911 because the daemon, you have summoned, doesn't want to get away.
  4. Banstralopithecus takes away banana from the oranguban.
  5. Flitwick 5760: A miscasted spell, sticking out from the wall.
  6. Actually, Harry Potter is a mindless NPC, a placeholder to substitute a random kid's ego.
  7. Granted. You have installed Linux Mandriva 8.1. I wish Linux was a professional OS rather than a student parody.
  8. You can answer everything about every thing. Does thinking a thing makes think a thing?
  9. Yes, our fisherman is fishing the fish right through the window fly, sometimes he losts balance. Pharmacist! Some cakes and tea, please.
  10. You may laugh, but the way I had run into fizzix-schmizzix and later the university, was my school studies on making a fusion charge from scrap materials (lithium from tobacco leaves, deuterium by distilling water, ignition by thin wire electric explosion). Alas, it got frozen on the design and calculation phase, but it's just because I then turned to computers. Of course, now I understand that the project was doomed, because I would need tungsten, but had no way to melt enough electric lamps.
  11. After reading the article about the foreign (particularly - Italian) harsh words, I start thinking that 90Sr was named not after the Scotch village.
  12. The ratio of the air above and air below the 1 atm level makes. On Venus it's at 50..60 km. The gravity on Venus is same. So, if your heatshield is able to pass throw the amount of gas, corresponding the Earth atmosphere, you have another one below you to aerobrake again.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_height So, the Venus atmosphere uniform height is twice thick as the Earth's one. As SS can barely pass the Earth air, it will be disintegrated a little bit later. (More or less, as the gas composition differs.)
  14. 10.5 and even 4 kg work just brilliantly. As they can crash stone walls with spells, they probably could apply similar pressure to the plasma ball to confine it. And the protective spell can provide an opaque bubble shield to hold the photons inside.
  15. It will reach the surface. In pieces. Because at it will be aerobrake into much denser atmosphere that on the Earth.
  16. Got it. Probably, it's about the zipper on photo
  17. Interesting, what would happen if the best Hogwartz mages had compressed a fissile ball to critical density and held it then.
  18. The tutorial tells me: "Open the file folder". I do this. But what should I do next with these files?
  19. It's hard to say something definite about true emotions of a person from the society where everyone is smiling to each other every moment without a reason, apologizes where nobody cares about, and tries to inspire every desperate attempt doomed to fail. The only thing, which I can say for sure is that, while I was never going to purchase KSP-2 in any way after knowing its system requirements, it clarified for me the desired requirements to recently buy the new desktop for the modded KSP-1, so the KSP-2 didn't pass in vain.
  20. Do you prefer the soup recipe from 2rin or from 2louse? Waiter! Please, engage your 2rbo mode and bring my food!
  21. They are good, compared to the bad. If mystress causes my stress, does mister cast mist?
  22. Granted. The creeper explodes from fear. I wish for a pocket universe.
  23. Darth Vader is defeated by Darth The Vadest. Sith Empire Vademecum
  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(1938_radio_drama) Everyone knows, it was a fake. It wasn't.
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