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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Now I'm not sure, what is millimeter in Scandinavian...
  2. It's already melted. It's spring again!
  3. 0x10c made it really needed in its time.
  4. Interesting. It's semi-declared that Roskomnadzor is going to block CloudFlare in Russia. Aren't these two things somehow connected?.. Hasn't CloudFlare modified something? Isn't CloudFlare somehow touched from somewhere?
  5. To distinguish a friendly Su-27 from a hostile Su-27. With camouflaged decals. By the pilot on-helmet emblem. Through the anti-sunflare cockpit glass.
  6. To provide stabilization and artificial gravity. Everything good has already been invented. Disclaimer: The testers tell that it works (though, can be easily replaced with a towel), but the scrambled egg taste is worse than thr original one. P.S. Btw, and idea for the KSA game. Let the creature species be reptiloids and have eggs, send them to another planets, aerobrake and softly land to found a colony.
  7. After feeding the hen with U/Pu-rich food: "100% egg Pu-rity. Explodes the market!"
  8. Yes. (From Myst V: End Of Ages.)
  9. Shapeshifting Werekerbals. Or, like in Poul Anderson's Technic Civilization series,about Nicholas Van Rijn, when they found an alien ship, belonging to the civilization consisting of two races: semi-sapient strong gorilla-like ones and their smart but small neck-riders, and two sets of manual controls: very small for the riders and big-and-rough for their gorilla mounts.
  10. Well... Sometimes. moose - meese, mouse - mice, house - hice
  11. Calling 911 because actually it was Corp. Hicks' Boson.
  12. Too excessive. The only real-time thing the community need to see is the water level in the gamedev office cooler, showing the rate of developers' coffee drinking. It's absolutely objective indicator of the developers' activity: are they lazy pigs, coming at 10 o'clock and relaxedly sucking coffee till noon instead of working, or are they trying to match the deadline by drinking buckets of coffee two hours after midnight.
  13. If add some naughty dread and iron onboard, it will be a whole ironclad dreadnaught.
  14. Sequel?! It was under development long ago, since Harvester had quit the KSP right before it was predated by the premature so-called "KSP-2" project, which was just a false step from the proper path! But happily now the never-stopped development of the KSP ancestor is accelerated, so it's not a post-KSP2 or KSP2 replacement, it's what the proper KSP is and always was, regardless of third-party failed spinoffs, known for their overpriced early-access demo-alphas! As a small part of its rebranding, the "Kerman" brand is rebranded into "Kerbrand" brand. Der Oberraumpilot Jebediah Kerbrand from Raketenwerke GmbH will guide you through the tutorial.
  15. I believe, the KSA developers, due to their previous KSP background, have so many drafts of KSP things, that the problem for them is not starting from a ground, but to choose the ground to start from among other grounds they have.
  16. (from https://pikabu.ru/story/pochemu_u_amerikantsev_imperskaya_sistema_izmereniya_11981479?cid=327750950)
  17. But many of them would be excited by KSP3, cuz KSP. The advantage of a monopolism is that brand doesn't matter, when you have just one brand in the category. I would be one of the first its adepts. Because kitties are cuties, while Kerbals are st(a/u)ff. That, IMHO, was a mistake. It was not just a mistake, it was a crime against humanity. As the further events have demonstrated, many space agencies and airspace corporations are using KSP to design their crafts.
  18. https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/worlds-first-wooden-satellite-developed-japan-heads-space-2024-11-05/ The first wooden satellite Lignosat made by Japan is in space. This inspires further expectations: 1. First wooden orbital station like it was originally planned for Alien 3 (a wooden asteroid with monastery inside). 2a. First eggsat, using a hen egg as a pressurized hull. Preferably with Arduino or so. Stabilized by attached feathers. 2b. Mass eggsat production by a chickenfarm.
  19. KSP 3pisode 4: A New Hope For whom? The fans don't care, the profans don't know.
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