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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I still insist that the whole movie/series makes no sense without Tom Bombadil. Everything in the 3rd epoch biosphere shouts out that he is the main demiurge of the specific MiddleEarthian species since the very first days. So, without him Him all that skirmish is just a mouse coaster with no aim. P.S. Like with Jackson's LOTR, I've never seen Jackson's Hobbit with original text, only parodies. They are anyway not farther from the book that the Jackson's ecranizations.
  2. Has been advanced since 1959... https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB479/docs/EBB-Moon01A_sm.pdf Page 29 https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB479/docs/EBB-Moon01_sm.pdf
  3. No need. Use wood. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Газогенераторный_автомобиль?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  4. When you are crossing quadrobobers with hobbyhorsers to move the science.
  5. He is being sang by Sarah Banrightman. Why do they name a theater after the browser, Opera?
  6. They told that Crew Dragon is for seven, but they are sending two to have room for two.
  7. Hyperjumping is cheating when you have a galactic highway.
  8. "...manus meas ad proelium et digitos meos ad bellum". Look, I still remember something from the student years. Expector! Stop waiting, bring us something like food.
  9. People are sitting on the hill and thinking positive. Philosophers' Hill.
  10. Granted. Now the SCP Foundation has to neutralize you. I wish the Fallout games were not so clownish.
  11. Gets music about the radioengineers. Inserts a sparkplug.
  12. The Solar System is banned by the Solar Chaos.
  13. Calling 911 to purroduce some purrpose.
  14. Well... https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvIVGIZgmvj1T3hUymOw4BtF7ap08G7V47ceLaupzkWOacOA/viewform
  15. https://www.fadedpage.com/books/20210549/html.php
  16. When you are first time trying to land the Hooligan Labs airship at the KSC. https://edge-upvideo.rbc.ru/archive/2024/09/26/335480.8___mp4/576p.mp4 (Today, Brazil, 1 injured.)
  17. The brainless unicellular humans are hunting-gathering. They are your genetic clones, with same DNA, in no way connected to your neural system, swimming in your blood, treating the big-you as a substrate, providing the constant temperature and chemical composition of the liquid they live in. You may be an engineer, an artist, a lawyer, but deep inside you are still a tribe of hunters-gatherers, which have no idea what are you talking about.
  18. Granted. You get some clay. I wish to have a domestic SCP of Kether class..
  19. https://www.livemint.com/news/us-news/spacex-to-send-five-uncrewed-starship-to-mars-by-2026-elon-musk-kamala-harris-regimes-threat-to-choke-america-to-11727058044185.html Caution! Politix! So, now almost everyone in this thread is responsible for proper choice for the Martian flights, lol! The pro-Mars party has some trumps in their deck of cards, lol2. Of course, the doubts are understandable, but five marsships is five marsships.
  20. Granted. There is a lot of Kerbal Fried Crafts around. I wish there was a fast-food diner at the KSP's KSC, with neon lights and other visual garbage.
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