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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Toylet 1. A small toy. 2. A part of a cluster toy.
  2. Spacedock.info appears to be the most reliable part of the KSP ecosphere.
  3. The ability to ban is almost banned by the 502s.
  4. Sliding between 502s became very hard these days, it's really cheating.
  5. Gets amused by the muse to make music. Musicookie
  6. No. But our owl does. Waiter! Please, one gre502 error: Bad Gateway.
  7. Haven't watched this. But it's the blinds' usual practice. Knocking the floor with the stick and/or clicking with fingers to the left - to the right, to hear the echo from walls/massive objects, and its absense from empty space or amount of soft matter (bodies, curtains, etc). Also, when you are walking along a wall close to you, you can hear the difference between the left and right ear sounds. https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/how-blind-people-can-use-echolocation Just recalled. The See series is all about that.
  8. They rotate the rear end of the torso, and the tail is its distant part, with the greatest rotation amplitude and frequency. *** Also: https://i.sstatic.net/oBHlfm.png
  9. The blinds were doing this all the way by knocking with a stick or clicking with fingers.
  10. Never going to do at least anything is called laziness.
  11. (from pikabu.ru) What I see when playing with cat. What my cat is seeing.
  12. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/8/19/air-force-invests-in-hybrid-hypersonic-missile-engine
  13. Counter (in a bar, diner, etc.) A tool to measure the rad level of your food and drinks. Often called "Geiger counter" after the restaurant, the cafe, and the hotel, who probably had implemented this service first. (see google, images, "geiger restaurant").
  14. Cats are laughing at this thread. They use tail as the attitude control in free fall.
  15. The CoM doesn't play a role. The rotational momentum conservation law does. If you hang a mini electromotor in zero-G, and engage it, the engine body will start counter-rotating opposite to its rotor, while the CoM stays unchanged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_wheel That's why you must hold an electric drill strongly, otherwise it will counter-rotate into you with its handle.
  16. Chemistry A house with chemists. Chemist Adept of chemism. Chemism A totalitarian system where even the electrons aren't free. Electron A particle of electorate.
  17. No need in intuition when you have a physics schoolbook. Btw, the gyroscopic stabilization works exactly this way. You are rotating a small mass fastly to counterrotate the big mass slowly.
  18. When you are rotating a finger, your whole body is rotating in the opposite direction, together with the attached spacecraft. It's basics from the school 6th grade.
  19. The rumor is that as such subwoofer roaring, as well as night bikers' and street racers' farting and screaming, are transferred via the ground and their seats to their down end of the torso, it is their mating call, like the whales have.
  20. Even more, you can even fly to the stars without rockets, just by having two masses (say, the dumbells) and sequentionally bringing them together and extending them sideways. That was the idea of a gravitational engine from the Tekhika-Molodyozhi / Tech For Youth magazine from 1970s. You are a material point at some R distance from the reference body (say, Earth). You have two weights masses of M mass. (For simplicity, you don't have a mass yourself). When the masses are put together, the gravity force = 2 * PlanetMass * M / R2. When the masses are extended sideways by B distance from you (i.e. their CoM position stays same, but each mass is now at B distance, perpendicularly to the radius vector), the gravitational forces changes, as each mass position relative to the planet center is changed, and is equal to sqrt(R2 + B2). So, in the extended position the gravity force = 2 * PlanetMass * M / (R2 + B2). As the total mass of the ship stays same = 2 M, so the radial gravity acceleration is: retracted = 2 * PlanetMass * M / (2 * M * R2) = PlanetMass / R2. extended = 2 * PlanetMass * M / (2 * M * (R2 + B2)) = PlanetMass / (R2 + B2). So, by extending/retracting the masses perpendicularly to the reference radius by any engine (electric, Stirling, muscle, or any other) sinchronously to the passing the apocenter and pericenter, you can make your orbit evolve from round to highly-eccentric, and then hyperbolic. Of course, there are no hyperbolic orbits in the Universe, only elliptic ones, as any hyperbola means just changing of the reference body of your current elliptic orbit. Moon - Earth - Sun - Galaxy - something-bigger-than-galaxy - ad infinitum. This lets you move either around the Earth, or between the galaxies, depending on your patience and amount of fuel for the engine (food for your arms if you are using the dumbells), as the resulting acceleration is of course very low, unless you are orbiting a neutron star or a black hole. On the other hand, if you have a quantum teleporting device to produce a quantum oscillation of two masses, maybe you can use some quantum effects to save the energy.
  21. Halflingerie 1. Hobbit pants. 2. Bonnet head cap.
  22. It's enough to sit and rotate a finger. The spaceship will be rotating in the opposite direction.
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