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Everything posted by vsully

  1. *wonders where he's heard that song before* *rewatches TSCC*
  2. Well, now we know how Jerdous became evil. Poor guy. Great start to the third part though!
  3. Looking good lol. Can't wait for the return of the GNSM. Though, since the astronauts are now humans, the GNSM should become the GNSK... Ze Great Nekked Space Kerb!
  4. Meesa no sure-sure... Meesa thinky maybe yousa impostor!
  5. Good God @Ten Key! You want Meg to dispose of poor old P. Kerman, Dibella to have been behind Val's death, or Val to go knuts? Jeez man! @CatastrophicFailure, you are definitely my favorite KSP fanfic author. Thanks for writing this stuff, and hope to see Revelations of the Kraken Soon™!
  6. Aha! So the next story sees the origins of the Krakensbane, in an ancient, highly advanced Kerb civilization that is threatened by the evil Kraken. The story ends with the main character managing to hide the Krakensbane in a place inaccessible to the Kraken. The Kraken then splats the main character and destroys obliterates the civilization. In the epilogue, modern day Ussari miners find the Krakensbane...
  7. So.. T-there's gonna be a third story, riiiiiight? Make it a trilogy? *Starts tugging on CatastrophicFailure's sleeve* I want to see Val make a comeback!
  8. Noooooooooooo... Val died D: But that was a great ending.
  9. War Thunder. So KSP with BD Armory. Also WOWS. Also KSP with BD Armory (and the ship parts mod).
  10. It is indeed! Will the real @KSK please stand up?
  11. Haha, my bad joke made a cameo! Also, two chapters in one week! Huzzah, happy days! So.... The guy she finds in the station wouldn't happen to be... Door-Pay?
  12. I almost spat water on my keyboard when I saw that there was a new chapter up. Now it's getting interesting...(not that it wasn't before) looks like it's time to go to Jool!
  13. Soooooo.... Does Val blow up the Kraken with that hexano-something stuff or does she tell the Kraken to say it three times fast and its brain implodes?
  14. *le bump* Can't let this thread go to the second page Looking forward to seeing more Val kicking Kraken butt!
  15. What do you call a cheeseburger without the cheese? A burger. What kind of fruit/vegetable is round and pink and juicy? A tomato painted pink. What do rockets and wooden houses have in common? They both go up in flames. )))
  16. Hehehehehe, nothing like some bad jokes to start off the day. -insert badum-tssss meme here-
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