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Everything posted by vsully

  1. So... Whimpers Of The Kraken? Cause it will, after Valentina's through with it! Or on the old socks theme, Stench Of The Kraken? Or Unsterilized With Green Hair™ And A Really Bad Smell™ of the Kraken?
  2. dun dun Dunnn! OK, that was a cool chapter. And on a COMPLETELY unrelated note.... I wonder what the next .... of the kraken will be? Hisses of the kraken? You should publish these two and a third as The Kraken Trilogy.....
  3. Dun dun dun.... So is there now a good entity to fight the Kraken... or is it the Kraken being.... kraken-y? We shall see....
  4. Well, good luck with your moving! Don't drop the plates!
  5. That was really cool! Prepare to die, Kraken-artifact-thingy!
  6. Awesome! And a thought just occurred to me (Well, actually it occurred to me when I first read this, but I didn't post this until now) " Igor held him up like a gloating barbarian as he struggled helplessly. Fear flashed across his twisted face. "And now," Igor bellowed, "I break you!" " I was thinking that "Hasta la vista, Kerby!" would be more appropriate. Or "You are kerbinated!" Also completely unrelated, I watched Terminator 2 for the first time a few days after this chapter came out.... Hmm....
  7. ANASTASIA NOOOOOOO i almost cried :'( But this is looking interesting....
  8. "Is powered by pair of sugared-up toddlers," Igor explained, "limitless energy but need frequent naps." Bahaha I love it! Oh yeah, and Igor Kerbinator is awesome. The Russian, Green Terminator, Now Coming to a boxing ring near you!
  9. 3K words? Woo! Looking forward to it, take your time!
  10. Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-raa THUNDER! Great work man!
  11. WHAT?!? KASPER NOOOOOOO! It's been great having you Kasper. Best of wishes for your future exciting projects
  12. But I want to know how Valentina would get away from Edmund, because in Shadows Edgas ended up killing Edmund when he did what he is doing to Valentina ("DO YOU SEE IT?!"), so Val obviously doesn't kill Edmund, and I feel like he doesn't intend to let her go as Val.
  13. So I wonder... Is this the end? Does Valentina become part of the Kraken or go insane or something? If so....
  14. Sure, keep going with this! A lot of other great KSP stories got left off halfway through
  15. Awwww! Now you should've put a Goalkeeper turret on the police cruiser. Oh wait, you wouldn't be able to see the cruiser anymore! Never mind. I love making weird things with BD Armory, like a plane that had hollow fuselages (Structural Fuselage) and I used a part from Infernal Robotics to make the plane slide apart in midair, revealing a 20mm Vulcan inside the fuselage. I don't have pics, but it's pretty dang cool.
  16. haha, i like the pasta. ... .... ........... DARKOWL! YOU MADE ME HUNGRY DANGIT!
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