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Bug Hunter
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Posts posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. 24 minutes ago, Elkram said:

    The mod is fun. But I got a question, not sute if it's a bug. Anybody nows if it works with parallax continued and volumetrics clouds? This 2 mod changes the textures and what you see from orbit. It makes planets looks more detailed but when I use the telescope, where the planet is suposed to be there is a hole. Could it be becouse parallax or the volumetric clouds?

    Can you post an image?

  2. 4 hours ago, ColdJ said:

    Hold middle mouse button in Linux. I don't know why,I find it annoying, but that is what works.


    48 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

    Please and thank you.



    The game doesn't have a way to swap that, but I did find a solution for you:

    Use also xinput to do this.
    It will switch the buttons on one mouse only.
    First use-
    xinput list
    To see where you mouse is will be somthing like
    "USB Mouse"     id=12       [slave pointer]
    So use the id number for the next command to switch the button assignment.
    xinput set-button-map 12 3 2 1
    So, you would switch out 12 with the id number of your mouse.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Syczek said:

    Checked on my 2ndary installation gyro are gone despite files are still present

    I just checked on versoin and 1.5.4, I don't see the gyroscopes on either.  I went back to 1.5.3 and then they showed up.

    No idea why yet, the parts didn't change, th change  from 1.5.3 to was a simple internal change.

  4. @zer0Kerbal

    The patches you have for this mod are broken, they are being run two times, resulting in some double entries.  This can be seen in the following image, where the title has the ODFC in the title in indigo two times:

    and when I looked at the ModuleManager logs, I see the following:

    [LOG 19:32:42.484] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/LargeCrewedLab/@PART[Large?Crewed?Lab]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg/PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]
    [LOG 19:32:42.486] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell,FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell.cfg/PART[FuelCell]
    [LOG 19:32:42.487] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell,FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray.cfg/PART[FuelCellArray]
    [LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg/PART[cupola]
    [LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer.cfg/PART[crewCabin]
    [LOG 19:32:42.491] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg/PART[mk1-3pod]
    [LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan.cfg/PART[landerCabinSmall]
    [LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg/PART[mk1pod_v2]
    [LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan.cfg/PART[mk2LanderCabin]
    [LOG 19:32:42.492] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:FOR[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg/PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]
    [LOG 19:32:42.496] :AFTER[ONDEMANDFUELCELLS] pass
    [LOG 19:32:42.497] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/ReStockPlus/@PART[restock-apu-radial-1]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells,RestockPlus]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to ReStockPlus/Parts/Electrical/radial/restock-apu-radial-1.cfg/PART[restock-apu-radial-1]
    [LOG 19:32:42.500] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/ReStockPlus/@PART[restock-apu-radial-1]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells,RestockPlus]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to ReStockPlus/Parts/Electrical/radial/restock-apu-radial-1.cfg/PART[restock-apu-radial-1]
    [LOG 19:32:42.510] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/UniversalStorage2/@PART[USFuelCellSmal]:NEEDS[UniversalStorage2,OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Electrical/FuelCellSmall.cfg/PART[USFuelCellSmal]
    [LOG 19:32:42.514] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Compatibility/UniversalStorage2/@PART[USFuelCellMedium]:NEEDS[UniversalStorage2,OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to UniversalStorage2/Parts/Electrical/FuelCellMedium.cfg/PART[USFuelCellMedium]
    [LOG 19:32:42.516] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/LargeCrewedLab/@PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg/PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]
    [LOG 19:32:42.522] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCell]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCell.cfg/PART[FuelCell]
    [LOG 19:32:42.525] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockFuelCells/@PART[FuelCellArray]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Resources/FuelCell/FuelCellArray.cfg/PART[FuelCellArray]
    [LOG 19:32:42.537] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/cupola.cfg/PART[cupola]
    [LOG 19:32:42.538] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/hitchhikerStorageContainer/hitchikerStorageContainer.cfg/PART[crewCabin]
    [LOG 19:32:42.539] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/mk1-3.cfg/PART[mk1-3pod]
    [LOG 19:32:42.540] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1LanderCan/mk1LanderCan.cfg/PART[landerCabinSmall]
    [LOG 19:32:42.541] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg/PART[mk1pod_v2]
    [LOG 19:32:42.541] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCan/mk2LanderCan.cfg/PART[mk2LanderCabin]
    [LOG 19:32:42.542] Applying update OnDemandFuelCells/Config/StockPods/@PART[crewCabin,mk1-3pod,landerCabinSmall,mk1pod,mk1pod_v2,mk2LanderCabin,mk2LanderCabin_V2,mk3Cockpit_Shuttle,cupola,mk2Pod]:NEEDS[OnDemandFuelCells]:AFTER[OnDemandFuelCells] to Squad/Parts/Command/mk3CockpitShuttle/mk3CockpitShuttle.cfg/PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]

    The fix is to remove this:


    which is not needed and, as you can see, results in the patch being applied two times

  5. 2 hours ago, Elkram said:

    Well, just in case someone needs it with accurate values, I'll post it here fixed with that value:

      Hide contents

            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 58


    I'll incorporate this into the next release

    New release, 1.5.4

    • Thanks to forum user @Elkram for these patches
      • Patches to add the ModuleCargoPart to all the processors
  6. 2 minutes ago, Elkram said:

    Oh! I had no idea how it worked. I copied the module from thta little thing that is used to empty the fuel tanks, then I changed the stack amount to 1. I thought it was somewhat the same... Thanks, I'll change it in my side. I supose anyone interested could change it.

    And thanks for all the wonderfull work you have done with an incredible amount of mods!


    I'd go with the value of 58, that's calculated from the actual dimensions


  7. 11 hours ago, Elkram said:

    Hello, thanks to everyone involved in this mod.

    Since I don't use kis/kas I wanted to use the serviceable parts with the stock construction and inventory systems. Looks like it was easy, I wrote a small MM patch to add them the cargo module needed for it. I'll post it here, in case anyone needs it too. If it's necesary to say so, @linuxgurugamer you can add it to the mod if you think it deserves it.

      Reveal hidden contents

            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2
            name = ModuleCargoPart
            stackableQuantity = 1
            packedVolume = 2

    Thanks.  I'll look it over, but first glance is that the volumes are off.  I checked a few ways:


    • KSP PartVolume mod calculated :     packedvolume =58
    • A similarily sized part from DMagic Orbital Science, the GoreSat has a packed volume of  49
    • Stock Mystery Goo has a packedVolume of 75. 
    • When I forced KSP PartVolume to calculate the stock Mystery Goo, it came up with a value of packedVolume = 76

    These numbers are in liters.  Packed volume can also be discussed, but in general, completed parts like these really can't be made any smaller


  8. 1 hour ago, M5000 said:

    I would like to report what I believe is a few separate issues. I've ordered them by (my opinion) severity. A zip with screenshots labeled in association with their respective issue and log files will be appended at the bottom of this post. These are all reproducible in a stock installation of KSP with only the mod and its hard dependencies installed, assuming that CKAN is trustworthy for cloning and cleaning a stock instance from Steam, which I do believe it is.

    Thanks for the report.  I've opened a new issue for this on github and copied everything into it.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do.


  9. 2 hours ago, skrkaxh said:

    Yes, I cleared all mods from GameData before installing CKAN.

    I tried to manually spot the collision between mods, but everything had seemed to work with eachother.


    Good news is that I don't see any directories out of place.

    Can you please upload the ModuleManager.configcache file?

    Also, if it's all in CKAN, please export a ckan file and upload that as well?

  10. On 2/21/2025 at 5:49 PM, skrkaxh said:

    Initially I had all mods installed manually. But when i got troubles with Xscience i switched CKAN

    It is beginning to sound like you have some badly installed mods.   You can run the following commands (windows cmd prompt) to get a pull list and then send me the file:

    Run the following command:

    dir /s >files.txt

    This will create a file called "files.txt" in the GameData directory.  
    Send this file to me, or upload to a filesharing site and send me a link.

    You can even make it available on the forum for others to look at in case I don't get to it quickly

    This will help us figure out what might have been installed incorrectly


  11. On 2/21/2025 at 7:18 PM, Richmountain112 said:

    I'd have to make more textures to accommodate OPM though...

    And also, I still want balloons optimized for OPM (as well as the gas giants)

    This mod is not meant to lift huge loads. As such it has a fairly simple interior design.  Quoting from the OP:


    Designed to gather scientific data without the expense of a sounding rocket, Kerballoons are small, light and can easily be sent with your probes to any planet with an atmosphere gather that all important scientific data


    Not sure what sort of changes you want for OPM, if you want to lift rockets, frankly this isn't the mod for you.  You should look at the Airships mod

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