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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New beta, Restored missing localization lines https://www.dropbox.com/s/cv762xyldfqu005/B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings- I am especially interested in testing this without FAR installed. Please let me know, if all goes well, I'll be able to release this in a few days
  2. Great! Re. multiprocessor, it's both a function of Unity and the fact that the sort of calculations being done by KSP are, in most cases, not possible to do in parallel It's quite possible that was the built-in TU config for B9, not TURD's
  3. In this video, was this the first time running after installing the mod, or had you restarted the game at least one time after the first install? Makes a big difference
  4. If a ship type is there, it doesn't try to do it again, it should use what's already there If not, then a problem, can you do a short video demonstrating, please
  5. Not true, although I'd prefer if it was. In order to avoid the need to do a restart of the game, it puts in a new part module into all parts which don't have a ModuleCargoPart at the end of the MM patches. This is used to allow new parts (ie: parts added via a new mod, or even the first time run) to have their volume data available. So it's quite possible it's a bug. I'm treating this as a bug report. But need a bit more information: First, a log file (as usual). Second, when you say "you can't put it in any inventory", are you referring to stock inventory, or KIS, asking since you kept referencing KIS in your previous comments. Edit: Please install this debug version before generating the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yi09u40vmhxt23a/KSP_PartVolume-
  6. Cool. Turd needs to be updated for this version of B9PWings., I’ll try to post a link to an unofficial patch later today, once I release B9 I’ll submit a PR to TURD for this.
  7. You really need to provide a complete log file. Snippets are mostly useless without knowing what else and what other errors might be going on. For example, the log file can provide information as to what mods (and the version of each mod) are installed. Also, what version of the game is being played. Etc.
  8. Make sure you have the latest version of both mods
  9. May it shows how little used the mod is ?? and no, I don’t have time to test in all versions.
  10. It actually is, I'm not sure which version this changed, but it was when they introduced the ability to name individual command pods/probe cores/etc.
  11. And it was actually pretty simple, I had to add the name to the VesselNaming class as well as the editor. Expect a new beta soon Beta 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2u085nj0fpwxvx/ChampagneBottle-
  12. yuck. It was a quick fix, seems that I'll have to do some more digging I was actually just booting it up to do a test for something else, will look, but don't expect anything until Sunday at the earliest (although stranger things have happened). And what's the old expression? Break a leg? Also, craft file, please
  13. Not sure about 1.10.1, but that's essentially what's going on.
  14. Please try this beta: https://www.dropbox.com/s/53iatk3c468educ/Champagne- Changes Creates a VesselNaming class if none exist. Sets vessel type to probe if first part found with a commandmodule can't have crew Sets vessel type to shp if crew is possible Does not work on vessels without a commandmodule Removing vessel naming will revert ship time to Debris, this is KSP, not this mod This isn't finished, but would like to have you check it out. I'm not sure how to deal with the first commandmodule found being a probe and a following one having crew
  15. Interesting. I'll look into it, but it's quite possible that this is actually the cause of the previous bug, and may be a lot harder to fix than I expected. But you provided a clue, so I'll look into it
  16. Ok, I'll update the patch in the next release Does this patch include whatever you need for Ulage?
  17. New release, Fixed Nullref which occurs when VesselNaming.FindPriorityNamePart(EditorLogic.fetch.ship) doesn't find a part (weird) Removed old logging code
  18. It is a beta, will be a full release soon It isn’t, was more of an observation of the differences.
  19. Would have been nice if had tried, which was posted in the message right above. Also, this may be picky, but "v1815", "v1812" was very confusing, as those are NOT the version numbers which I use. No dots mean it could have been a build number, or any other number. Dots are there for a reason, please use them when referring to the version of the mod. I got some time to test this in a stock 1.11.2 game, initially with the default settings: Worked, got out of the atmosphere on first stage. GT stops working when out of the atmo AND desired AP is reached (not at the AP, but when the AP is what is set) I then tested using your settings: Start m/s: 40 Turn Angle: 24 Destination Height: 120 Besides the fact that this was much less efficient, it worked. I then tested the 2xF3S0 v4 craft. Worked with default settings, tried your settings, also worked, again, a much shallower launch, but that's not what's at issue here
  20. Ok, please take the rocket which worked, and replace the Rockomax+X200 with the C7, and test again. This will help show if it was something in the craft file or something else. I'll download and test your files later, am at work now
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