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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Fixed exception when Scrapyard was installed, caused numerous other issues Thank you for bearing with me during this transition period. This issue was caused by a difference between compilers; it worked perfectly well compiled locally, but was failing on my build server. There were actually two lines which had this problem, they are both now fixed. This would have caused all the other issues which were reported about going directly to the launchpad, etc
  2. New release, Update small_decoupler_stack.cfg Hide 0.6m Decoupler
  3. Doesn't apply. That isn't a stock feature. Period. Therefore, it can't be "not fully developed", it has "never BEEN developed", and most likely never will
  4. Unity is a free download Angel-125, Roverdude, are two which come to mind. There are others, just look at the popular current mods
  5. Please don't post logs like this, it causes real problems on mobile. It's best to post a link to a download of the log file. A dozen lines is ok, 600+ lines is not Also, since you only posted a portion, I can say with certainty that what I would need is missing, I did look at it, and I did see the exception I was expecting, but there is other data in the log which can be useful. Anyway, for this, I don't need any more log files
  6. Would be best to direct those questions to one of the excellent 3D modelers on the forum.
  7. @NavyFish Of course I don't need another mod to maintain. But, I'd be willing to take this over in a maintenance mode, with no promise of any refactoring. This is absolutely essential for me, so I'd be willing to deal with it. LGG
  8. I'm currently using Control Surface Toggle in 1.6.1, works fine. And the author is still active, was last on the forums on Feb. 19. Maybe ask him to update it for 1.6.1?
  9. Check your log file, you should see an exception, both issues are most likely related to it
  10. Same here. It's amazing the amount of Dv you can get with an Ant and a T400 tank
  11. No need, thanks. Although if you remove KRASH to verify it still happens, that would be helpful
  12. This mod is in a maintenance mode, I don't do 3d work. If someone contributed parts, I'd be happy to include them I believe they are used for connecting things
  13. This saves the data in the experiment Please clarify, you say that after saving the data inthe experiment, that nothing is shown in this gui? What I mean is that if you've done the above step, the experiment can't collect any more data until the data currently stored in it has been removed in some way
  14. Please send me a log file, there may be something in it. Start a game, try to add a vessel to the queue, and when it goes to the launch pad, exit and send the file. This bug was squashed one or two releases ago, is there any chance you have an old dll somewhere? The log file will show it.
  15. New release, Fixed Exception upon entry into the editor, caused when multiple launch sites are NOT enabled Fixed embedded version number Disabled the KCT_UpdateChecker class @unclepirog This should fix the problem, please test and let me know
  16. @unclepirog Is there any chance that you have multiple launch sites disabled? If so, please enable them and try again
  17. Well, if the previous data is still stored in the experiment, then it can't collect any more data until it's been emptied.
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