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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, 1.9.6 Fixed the Collect All so it now works with science containers which have a gui available in the PAW Added check so that if no science containers are available, the button will be greyed out Now doesn't show the Collect All if no data is available to be collected Note that Collect All requires that there be one or more parts available which can collect all science; most if not all command pods don't have this ability. You can tell by right-clicking the part and looking at the PAW, if it has an entry saying "Collect All", then that part can collect all science
  2. Ok, so it' s going to depend on the following: What science containers are available What experiment you have If the experiment has already been collected. Which version of KSP you are running. The CollectAllEvent has been in KSP since at least 1.2, so this should be ok. The Collect All button is merely triggering the CollectAllEvent on all the available science containers. If nothing can be stored, then you should at least get a screen message. I just did a test, and I see it isn't working. I'l get it fixed in the next day or so Thanks for the report
  3. Small bug: Create a time-based alarm and save it Click on the alarm in the KAC window A message will be shown in the window that "Stored VesselID no longer exists" Warp to the end of the alarm When the window shows up when the timer is done, you get the same message "Stored VesselID no longer exists" Time-based alarms don't have a vessel associated with them. The message is wrong
  4. AVC should use the KSP_VERSION_MIN and KSP_VERSION_MAX first, if they don't exist, then it should use the KSP_VERSION field. The Min and Max have priority Do that for your tests, but please don't change it. As you say, it will simply create problems with confusion No. See my comments about the MIN and MAX @4x4cheesecake these comments are really for you Again, see my comments about the MIN and MAX, they MUST have priority
  5. Ok, so you will need to do this: cd; cd Desktop/KerbalSpaceProgram cd GameData/SXT bash BashCopyTextures.sh exit
  6. yes, well, I said the same think about KCT. But this one is right now, outside of my consideration
  7. If I don't get any more bug reports by Sunday, I'll do a full release, update CKAN and create a new thread
  8. Ummm, no? I'm already in the middle of working on OSE Workshop and Kerbal Construction Time, I really don't have time for any others.
  9. Not yet, although I recently found some code which shows me how to do it, so I may be getting that done sometime in the future.
  10. You can probably lay that at my feet, I hadn't bothered to update the executable, just updated the version file on github. I did a full release 3 days ago. FYI, I install over 250 mods using CKAN, and don't have a problem with CKAN itself; usually with mods which aren't updated or aren't updated properly
  11. It should work, best way to know is to try it. Please let us know your results
  12. I started the compatible stuff, but never finished it Since it wasn't documented anywhere, I didn't expect people to use it, at least not without asking me
  13. For those people who don't want it (why, I have no idea), why not just put in an option to disable it? Stock settings page would be simple, and then all you need to do is check to see if it should be shown or not
  14. Fixed Fixed Fixed Unable to replicate, but I added a bit of code just in case New release, Fixed DPLD module to only show one of the Group fields Fixed nullref when attaching an EC detector to a tank and having detector set to "single part" Added check to the timer to not do anything in the OnUpdate if physics wasn't ready yet (probably not needed)
  15. Cool, glad to help. So I gather it is nothing I have to do anything about?
  16. New beta, Added line to initialize vesselid when creating a KAC alarm, in both printer and recycler Fixed timer for recycling https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Workshop/releases/tag/
  17. I think I found where it's happening, KIS_Item.StackRemove(1) The items were made by OSE, and put into an inventory, when they are being selected to be recycled, StackRemove(1) is called, and that is what's generating the error. I commented it out, and no more errors, but, of course, the items weren't being deleted from inventory
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