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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. make sure you are fully updated. There is a bug in KSP on the setting screen, sounds like you just ran into it.
  2. You need to move this over to the CKAN thread, not this one
  3. I've been able to duplicate the problem, thanks for those files. May take a few days, I'm rather busy right now.
  4. I found a better way to check for the location of the dropdown button, will be updating later today. Rather than looking at the circumstances, I've found how to see if the icons are being displayed or not. Faster, better, and covers all circumstances.
  5. New release, 0.4.3 Added AssemblyVersion to assembly Added license Added Ap and Pe (ApA and PeA)
  6. You need the raw link, not the image page For example, the first one (I forced to show as a link): http://i.imgur.com/zOGSJ3y.png
  7. To post pics in the forum, you need to upload them somewhere else first (imgur is good). Then get a raw link to the image and paste it in the text
  8. New release, 2.3.5: Fixed button not appearing on map view and in tracking screen Fixed dropdown location when Kerbal is on EVA Fixed dropdown location when Commnet is not active Added option to disable dropdown in settings Re the dropdown, I think I got all the situations, but if you come up with one where it is hanging in midair, please let me know.
  9. Yes, and I'm asking for other people to contribute. I maintain over 60 different mods, and the only way I can do this is with the help and support of other users. I can't do it all. so, rather than telling me to do it, why don't you make one for me. It's not too difficult. The file is called StateFunding/Data/governments.settings, and the fields needed are: name = Short name of government/agency longName = Long name poModifier = Public Opinion Reward poPenaltyModifier = Public Opinion Penalty scModifier = State Confidence Reward scPenaltyModifier = State Confidence Penalty startingPO = Starting Public Opinion startingSC = Starting State Confidence budget = Yearly budget gdp = GDP description = long description of the goverment, it's aims, etc.
  10. There is nothing wrong. One of the things that Tweakable Docking Node adds is orientation. The default is a 90 degree roll angle, but you can change that in the VAB. With the sample ship you posted, you need to do the following to dock: Make sure there is a kerbal in each pod Turn on SAS Undock, back away Extend the bumpers on BOTH docking ports gently move forward until they are either touching, or very close. Gently rotate the vessel around the axis using small puffs on the Q and E keys. After about a90 degrees, they will pull together, but will NOT join yet. Retract the bumpers on each docking node, after the 2nd is pulled in, they will dock You can change the roll angles in the VAB
  11. New release, 0.6.2: Fixed check for satellites not being in orbit around the sun, replaced hard-coded name Added Relay type to check for satellites
  12. New release, 0.6.1: added checks for null when getting the game instance Added new goverment which was posted in the old thread Fixed segfaults caused by planet packs which changed the name of the sun
  13. Some planet packs rename the sun (Galilio's among others). How can I identify which CelestialBody is the sun? Thanks
  14. I found the problem, have a quick fix, but need to do some research, otherwise it will cause other problems later. It is specific to those planet packs which change the name of the sun to something other than "Sun"
  15. Already have that one, thanks. Looking for others A qualified Stranded Kerbal is one that is in a vessel without fuel/energy, a science lab, or a mining rig. They are floating without reason to be there. A kerbal will not be considered stranded unless it's been on the current mission for at least 2 years. I just recreated the bug with an install of Galilio's Planet Pack, will work on it
  16. Ok, so I'll look at a test install of one of the planet packs later this evening
  17. I would call that a bug, so yes, look for it in a day or so I see you are running Kopernicus, which pack are you running? I got another report about a similar problem, the user is using the Galileo's Planet Pack, so now I'm wondering if it is a problem with Kopernicus
  18. Right-click the docking port and see if there is a deploy button (unless you did that already) Logs are always useful and necessary (unless it works) Logs aren't necessary if it works and there aren't any exceptions. Glad to hear it's working
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