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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The video shows him using the mod, but not demonstrating what the toolbar buttons should be doing.
  2. Here is another build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ge1beav5ehxk708/FMRS-1.2.0-Debug-Beta.zip?dl=0 No real changes, but the beta code is activated, and you can also click a button to mark a place in the log file as where a bug occurs. Also, I just pushed the code to Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FMRS
  3. I'm looking for the last release of CIT-BAM (last file was BAM-1.1.1.zip) If you have it, or even have it installed, could you get it to me please? thanks
  4. I have a request. Could someone load up an older game, and make a video showing the functioning of the mod? Specifically, I'd like to see how the toolbar buttons worked. The code is not at all clear, and I may just redo the button code, but would like to see how it used to work before I do anything there. Thanks
  5. ok, I see what you are talking about, but I don't consider this a big thing, at least right now. Crashes and nullrefs are more important. I will keep in mind the save at seperation delay, may make that configurable if I can, will have to see
  6. For someone who wants help, you are being rather obnoxious. I didn't write this. If you think that it should only do one revert, then be my guest and do your own debugging. When I see numbers like this in the file: 89% memory in use. 1940 MB physical memory [210 MB free]. 3855 MB paging file [205 MB free]. where both the physical memory and paging file are at about 90%, it doesn't take much to fill it up. The error in your file (attempting to access inaccessable memory) coupled with the minimal amount of memory available led me to the conclusion that in your case, it was most likely an out-of-memory situation. And then you mentioned, almost as an aside, that you are running RazerCortex, which may be affecting this? Please, give it a rest. You really have no idea what else is using memory in your system. I have (most likely) many more years of coding and experience than you do, that based on your own statements earlier. It is quite possible that there is something else going on, especially since my understanding of this mod is that it was never totally stable (I would appreciate clarification on this from people who have used it in the past). A lot changed under the hood between KSP releases. I'm working it as I can. Test, report, and wait, is what you can do. If you can look in the code, that's good as well, I'll be pushing my current changes to Github later this evening. So now some questions which you might be able to answer: What did the toolbar button do in the older version? How stable was FMRS in KSP 1.1.3 (or whichever version you were using) Assuming the old version had problems, can you give me some idea as to what they were?
  7. I just tried it, worked for me, so I think I need some more information. Can you detail the timeline, or, better yet, make a video? I'm sure that I'm not doing the the same as you , and it's probably affecting the outcome.
  8. I'm not sure what you are talking about in the first screenshot. Re. the GUI, I'm aware that it can't be turned off. I'm trying to understand what is the intended behaviour before I touch that code.
  9. New release, 0.1.6 Fixed nullref when switching to a scansat
  10. In that very message which you quoted, I did post a link with the full package: To make it easier to install, delete the ENTIRE FMRS directory in your game, then use the following link to download a complete beta release: https://www.dropbox.com/s/flzr38g8xi9k6f7/FMRS-1.0.3-beta.zip?dl=0 Open it up, find the FMRS directory and copy the entire directory to your GameData directory You can't really compare previous version of KSP to the current, when it comes to memory. And, regarding what you just said about a dozen reverts, that is kind of what FMRS is doing internally. Based on the files you posted, I can pretty much say that you ran out of memory
  11. The only thing there is the navball, I'll add a check and get out an update this evening
  12. When you switch to the scansat, is there a NavBall visible?
  13. Hate to say it, but it looks like you just ran out of memory. The clues are in the error.log: 89% memory in use. 1940 MB physical memory [210 MB free]. 3855 MB paging file [205 MB free]. Looks like you have 2 gig of memory. Not much free, and your paging file is also full. Are you perhaps running on a laptop? You also don't have a lot of video memory. Regarding the window, the problems I've seen are the following: Toolbar button doesn't do anything Window flickers when dragging I've fixed the flickering, but haven't yet looked at the toolbar. I did try testing with the Blizzy toolbar, and when it's there, I will see the toolbar button in both places, and both are useless. Finally, you are NOT USING THE DLL I POSTED! Therefore you are wasting my time. I can tell because the KSP writes the mod version to the log file, and you have the wrong one. Using that old dll with the new version of the game is guaranteed to fail, in strange and unusual ways. I'm going to assume that you sent the wrong files, so I'm just going to ignore these files and this error report until I get a valid test. To make it easier to install, delete the ENTIRE FMRS directory in your game, then use the following link to download a complete beta release: https://www.dropbox.com/s/flzr38g8xi9k6f7/FMRS-1.0.3-beta.zip?dl=0 Open it up, find the FMRS directory and copy the entire directory to your GameData directory
  14. Here is a new beta, window is more stable, and it's working for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibgegzoc42m2pwk/fmrs-beta2.zip?dl=0 Just replace the dll in your install with this one
  15. New release, Reenabled ability to be a root part, thanks to @pellinor
  16. Thank you. I've been banging my head against this for a while now. all I need to do now is figure out the name of the model. Edit: Duh! it's called "model", and this fixes the bug. Thanks @pellinor New release in an hour or so. Without knowing what's in the log file, I can't say. But it doesn't get large for me.
  17. New release: 1.5.5 Added undo ability Fixed node size for sizes < 3.75 If there are any modelers who would be interested in making an in-line version of NRAP, please contact me. All the blender model files are available I just realized that this was a bug, which was the same but fixed in the 1.5.5 release, so once I finish testing, I'll release a minor update, which will reenable to root part ability Edit: Testing shows the problem is still there, so no new release for that right now
  18. NRAP has the bottom node offset from the center, and recalculates it when the height of the part is changed. This works fine in the editor, and when launching from the editor. However, the following problem exists, when doing an undo, when loading from a saved craft, and when going to an existing vessel in flight: If the height is changed, the part is misplaced. If the height is less than the default, the part will be recessed into the part it is attached to. If the height is greater than the default, the part will be in the air above the part it is attached to. The height is checked in the OnStart(), but I'm guessing that it's too late at that point. I tried doing something in the OnLoad(), but the part doesn't exist at that time, so it's height can't be adjusted. Any ideas? Thanks in advance Edit: More investigation, appears that in the save file, the "pos" is being saved with a wrong value. When I set the value to the original value, it loads correctly in the editor, yet when I load the same vessel on the launchpad, it's now floating in the air. If I build a ship, go to the launchpad and then save the game and reload, it's still positioned correctly. so the problem is only in the editor for some reason when it loads from a save file Problem fixed, I had accidently disabled a check for initialization from the original mod
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