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Everything posted by yafeshan

  1. Awesome job NathanKell. Thanks very much for great effort
  2. How likely that my 1.0.5 RO campaign may work on 1.1 when we get 1.1 RO. If simple save does not work, is there a safe way to edit persistent file so I do not have to do everything again.
  3. Something interesting happened to my ship yesterday. its procedural tanks started to overheat timewarping near Jupiter periapsis which was about 3 million m. Is this normal, is getting close to jupiter dangerous. I managed to control overheating by not time-warping but it is still strange. Should I use shielded tanks around jupiter.
  4. I am playing with realism overhaul and kspi-e together. It is going pretty good and I did not have any bugs. Realism overhaul engines have some specific limitation such as limited throttle capabilities and limited number of ignitions. Would it be right to put similar limitations to kspi-e engines. I want to have a realistic career.
  5. Install Realism overhaul and relearn everything again.
  6. My idea was about a reactor which only works in space. For example a station very close to sun or jupiter with such structure that can enable gigantic tidal power of the parent body to generate energy in reactor.It should be huge in size to be effective but it wont be using any resource. In theory its elliptical orbit should circularize in time because of lose of gravitational energy so that no more tidal energy will be created.
  7. I could not wait for 1.1 and installed kspi-e with realism overhaul yesterday. Preliminary tests in sandbox looks promissing. I know how much you try to make KSPI realistic. Thats my core reasoning to try it with RO. I had played in kspi since 0.24, you made it better everyday. The only reason kspi is not considered in ro is most items being just theories rather that realized technologies. I am also excited about your new engine idea. What about new type of generators burning new resources
  8. I was a devout KSPI-E follower when I was playing the game. I was waiting for 1.1 to start again. I will of course want to have KSPI-E but this time I want to try it with RSS, Is there anyone out there playing this great mod with RSS, if yes how compatible are they. I know it is counted as supported mod in first page but I want to learn about your experience my friends.
  9. I have been waiting for 1.1 for months. I had stopped playing but was still following mod updates and news on 1.1 I am really really excited about this. I am planning to twitch all my run this time with crazy amount of mods. The second best news is some modders will get patch before we do. This is like a dream. I cant wait any longer. Someone freeze me and wake up in 1.1 release
  10. If it forces the use of warp engine rather than crazy amount of deltaV that is very nice. I am not looking for realism but just a sense of interstellar travel.
  11. I like this one. It is a much better version of star system mod. I hope distances between stars is rescaled from realistc numbers. That way, the only way to reach them will be warp drive. We have some versions of warp engines in mods already. 1 light year is equal to 63240 au (distant from earth to sun). with this result closest start to kerbol should be around 860bilion km away. I am not sure if its possible in the game tough
  12. Thanks for valuable input. My suggestion is about making antimatter and exotic matter hard to access. At least hard to get in large quantities. It does not matter if we had another resources we will not ever use. It can give us content to work. Trial and error to get optimum fuel production vessels. I like complexity, thats just my preference. Simplicity is fine too but for some people out there KSPI-e is too op. Anti-matter is too powerfull and exotic matter is even free when you have a warp engine. They should be a lot harder to collect in my opinion.
  13. That is what I am suggesting exactly. Conversion operation should be done by Science lab as you suggested before. Science lab should require personel. Torus storage is just storage, antimatter should go into a cool down process done by another module(science lab) Similar process can be used for exotic matter as warp fuel but with much higher power requirements. It is exotic matter after all. All these modules should be at the end of tech tree, same level tech node as warp engine
  14. @danfarsny Very good explanation my friend. Thanks for clearing out some points. My reasoning was possible relation of casimir effect with virtual partcles. Virtual particles causes hawking radiation which happens for black holes. I know it is not completely scientificaly true to connect all this but I wanted to suggest a reasonable method. Viable way to produce warp engine fuel which all science fiction at this point. @Freethinker Temporary containment is needed because generated anti-protonns have very high energy and they need to be "cooled" down. While they have high energy they are cooled while moving around a smaller track similar to particle acceleration track. Energetic paritcles need to move around, this temporary containment supplies it. Therefore the first model is more realistic to me.
  15. Freethinker you are great. Very nice particle acceleration module. I know it is not priority for it right now but I still have some ideas about it. Particle acceleration main mode can be anti-proton generation with a specific amount depending its power usage. It will of course require hydrogen as a fuel. A temporary containment tank should be required for generated anti-protons. After that stage science lab can decelerate anti-protons and store them in permanent containment tank. Required power levels will need some balancing of course. Since exotic matter subject became a discussion this particle accelerator can solve that problem too. Overcharged mod for particle accelerator can create sub-atomic tiny black hole (it was theorized when LHC was being built). Why do we need black hole? Exotic matter supposed to cause negative mass and negative energy. The only known negative mass effect is Casimir Effect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect One theoretical cause of casimir effect is virtual particles which are created as matter-antimatter couples and destroy eachother in an instant. These particles becomes relevant near event horizon of a black hole. This is defined as hawking radiation. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/BlackHoles/hawking.html I know its all theoretical but it is something we can use. Overcharged particle accelerator produces exotic matter by utilizinf a subatomic black hole(Hey there trekkies, Romulan warbird warp drive is powered by micro singularity). I always believed that warp should not be free. Right now warp engines in kspi-e generates its own fuel. I think its better to generate its fuel somewhere else and later refuel warp ship.
  16. Particle accelerator should have at least a minimum effective size. I saw one of the mods have a very nice looking sas module which looks exaclty like a torodial particle accelerator. I am trying to determine which mod it is(I have too many), an enlarged version of it can be quite fitting found the torodial SAS, it is one of the modules from roverdudes freight transport mod
  17. As far as I could learn the most reliable anti-proton generation [TABLE=class: display dcenter] [TR] [TD=class: dcell]p + p ⇒ p + p + p + p– including some extra particles which can be anything. [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] This method will cause the metal plate(iridium generally) to be used up in time. I am not sure if its creating alpha particles, I could not find anything on it but its possible to have free neutrons. http://www.av8n.com/physics/bevatron.htm Waste mass will be mostly useless but extra generated protons can be put back into accelerator and used again for generation. We already have passive anti-proton generation without much effort. The idea is active and efficient antimatter production should require quite a load of modules connected to eachother. That accelerator prototype image is quite beautifull and size looks reasonable, but it is only the first section of anti-proton generation and it will require quite a load of power to accelerate protons(I should recheck fermilab link for power requirements). The higher the power, the higher efficiency we will have. I also think playability is more important than realism.
  18. http://www.fnal.gov/pub/inquiring/questions/antimatter1.html This fermilab answer includes some good numbers about anti-proton production. It says only 1 anti-proton is gained out of 200000 proton. Protons are accelerated to gain very high energy and they are targeted to metal plates (iridium). So any meaningful amount of antiproton will require a lot of proton therefore a large amount of hydrogen(main source of proton). It is also very energy inefficient "It takes about 2 days to get 1012 antiprotons and consider a watt = Joule/sec so with a beam of 1012 protons and the same of antiprotons colliding given they all collide when you want them to which never happens, you get:1012 x 3.2 x 10-7 / 2 x 24 x 3600 ~ 2 Watt Compare this with the 107 Watts you are burning up doing all the accelerating. A factor of 10 million is not just inefficient, it does not even come close." So my primary idea goes out of window. But I believe it is possible to modify our existing orbital antimatter collector arrays. Van Allen belts of planets have anti-protons and anti-electrons. Some studies say there is about 10 micrograms of anti proton trapped in earth magnetic field in any given time. "As particles are lost through diffusion processes, new ones aregenerated to maintain a quasi-static supply trapped in the near dipole field of the Earth" So we can collect it but not over a certain limit of efficiency. We also have about 10 miligrams of anti-electrons in the magnetic Van Allen belt. We can collect these separately, confine them in magnetic confinement tanks. Another module will be required to decelerate them and prepare for combining. When they have a very low energy they are confined in a trap module. In the same environment they will form anti hydrogen but this material should be kept near 0 degrees Kelvin temperatures. If we are only going to use anti protons as we supposedly do in KSPI-e it is not advisable to use real efficiency values. But we can require a large production chain. Anti-proton production require several steps "The proton beam is accelerated up to 26 GeV, and then dumped into a target followed by a so-called magnetic horn.Basically, it is an air cooled iridium target. When the beam is dumped, two protons are converted into three protons and an antiproton. During the dump a powerful current is sent along the beam axis, which generates a magnetic field, keeping as many antiprotons as possible on axis. Immediately after the target there is a “lithium lens†(a Russian invention), which tries to capture even more of the very precious antiprotons. The created antiprotons have a very high energy of several GeV and are then captured by the Antiproton Decelerator(AD). It then takes more than 80 seconds for the beam to slow down. The deceleration is actually not the time consuming issue, but rather shaping the beam, making it small and narrow, so antiprotons are not lost during the deceleration process." (CERN Method) short hydrogen to proton module>>proton smasher(protons hitting metal plates)>>temporary magnetic confinement>>antiproton Decelerator>>permanent magnetic confinement. These are very big facilities. proton acceleration is done kilometer wide accelerators and high energy anti-protons will require some smaller track to cool down before capturing.
  19. Do you have any plans to introduce alternative antimatter production methods. Anti matter can be produced out of any other resources but it requires quite a lot of energy. But the most efficient would be hydrogen. If it was a mod it would require much more infrastructure than a simple refinery. Seperate anti-electron and anti-proton facilities and a central module to combine them. The energy requirement will be enormous but it can be quite efficient after some hard work. Obviously it should not be possible on Kerbin. It will require quite a lot of hydrogen to be efficient so coast of lake or sea (should be water) of another planet should be preferred. What do you think in general about alternate anti matter production.
  20. Thats exactly my point, it is a bug. When I add molten salt, radiator waste heat potential decreases in VAB thermal helper. I know it should not. I am curious if anyone has this bug.
  21. I am having a problem with molten salt reactors. I was using them as long term back up reactors for general electric needs. Today I realized that they decrease available radiator potential. Before I add molten salt, reactor can radiate 130gw, after I add they can only radiate 24GW. This is visible only in VAB, it does not effect anything after launch. Not a big problem but it gives wrong information for our waste heat radiation ability in VAB.
  22. @Jetski Very good play there. Do you always use transmitted power?. Doesn't it limit the destinations you can go? What is your best power station output and how far can you use it effectively. I started kspi with your approach but after sometime it was not enough, its limiting. I still think microwave power transfer is still the best way to navigate through solar system but you need monster power generation stations to make it effective in long distances. My ultimate goal was operating reactor vessels until I build a self sufficient orbital antimatter power station with 1 TW power. I never reached that goal but this is a new start I am playing, hopefull this time. I am asking around for other peoples experiences. I am planning to build a hybrid vessel with microwave powered engine for liftoff and reactor powered engines for long voyages. You should really try thermal turbojet. With your kerbin power station it can really be a beast lifter engine.
  23. KSPI-E engine types are quite balanced. you can build a really versatile vessel with them. That low thrust Vista deltaV was a thing since it was introduced first time. My favorite is thermal turbojet. It has no rival for atmospheric flight and if you can supply enough power that engine can reach LKO with a little extra fuel. It has awesome ISP considering its thrust potential.
  24. I also turned to linux to solve ram problem. However, similar to yours I had too many problems to solve. At some point it made me bored of game itself. I was using 64bit workaaround before that, it was somewhat buggy but it was not like this linux mess. Even I made it work with everything, lots of mods and stuff, it becomes laggy compared to 64bit workaround. The existing KSPRC does not look as good as windows either. Also recently I had some new game related linux problems too. I decided to try my chances with 64bit wokaround again. I went to linux for the sole reason of playing with FAR and good graphics. I do not have any idea how much ram new KSPRC will require but I am pretty sure playing on stock 32bit will be next to impossible. At this point I prefer better graphics over bad buggy game crashes.
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