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Everything posted by jrodriguez

  1. Hi I would need a stock craft file to reproduce the issue and the situation when you see the effects
  2. I just would like to know how big is the impediment from a code/development point of view. I'm a modder myself, recompiling for personal testing is completely allowed
  3. Hi all, I would like to know which RO dependency is actually breaking the RO experience with KSP 1.3? I'm going to start to set up a full KSP 1.3 RO/RSSVE. Looking at the dependencies & forks etc It seems that almost everything is available. I will go step by step, recompiling & fixing if I see any exceptions on the log.
  4. No It is not I have been only doing the basics. Basically, making it usable . I will more than happy if someone else is willing to take over it
  5. Hi all, I have published a new release of Camera Tools, you can dowload it from here https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases/tag/v1.9.0 v1.9.0 Compatibility with KSP 1.3.1 Fixing Dogfighting camera for BDArmory
  6. Hi all, I have published a new release of Camera Tools, you can dowload it from here https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases/tag/v1.9.0 v1.9.0 Compatibility with KSP 1.3.1 Fixing Dogfighting camera for BDArmory
  7. Hey I will do a recompile for 1.3.1 soon and also for latest BDArmory. It seems the BD dogfight camera is not working properly and I need to investigate.
  8. If you see the three views. The more white you see there the bigger the RCS. Those views are light reflections over the surface of your vessel. The white color is the reflection. The missiles are very sharp and a cylinder and they don't reflect too much.
  9. The radar cross section is calculated based on "reflective" area to electromagnetic waves (as the light) is not based on "portuberances"
  10. Yes. So maybe it would be nice to put together a realistic pack of cfgs for RBDA. The code can be the same, but the cfgs needs to change in order to provide realistic performance
  11. Not yet. But I think with future releases RBDA will not be needed anymore. We have already settings that allow to extended the ranges: MAX_GUARD_VISUAL_RANGE = 40000 MAX_ACTIVE_RADAR_RANGE = 40000 MAX_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE = 40000 If you feel like you are missing something using the stock BDAc let me know.
  12. If you try to run the latest version of BDAc on KSP 1.3.1 you will see that the BD parts category on the editor will not appear. Besides, an exception is raised on the logs. We have already fixed this on our dev branch we expect to release a new version of BDAc supporting KSP 1.3.1 (plus new awesome features) soon.
  13. That doesn't make sense The latest version is for 1.3 (But I don't expect any surprise really)
  14. Would you mind to send me a stock craft file were you can reproduce the autostrut issue ? I would like to reproduce exactly the problem. Maybe I missed some situations.
  15. I recommend reading the OP of PRE to know how exactly how to play well with with extended ranges. For the problem with landed vessels, you will need to place them on static objects (buildings,Kerbal Konstruct objects) or on water.
  16. Did you read the guide I posted yesterday? https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/wiki You need to attach the missile to a vehicle with the weapon manager! As you would normally do with a normal missile like PAC-3,etc. Example :
  17. Would you mind to attach some screenshots (imgur.com)? I would like to see the vehicle you are using to fire the missile, actions, etc.
  18. In addition to what SpannerMonkey said, You only need one core but you have added two. I suggest removing the one that looks like the AIPilot and use the missile core instead. I wrote a detailed guide about how to create, attach and fire a modular missile here. https://github.com/jrodrigv/BDModularMissileParts/wiki/1.-Building-your-first-Modular-Missile If you read this guide you will see that you don't need to Throttle up or click spacebar to stage
  19. My mod applies the following modification _globalSituation = new VesselRanges.Situation( load: PreSettings.GlobalRange * 1000, unload: PreSettings.GlobalRange * 1000 * 1.05f, pack: PreSettings.GlobalRange * 1000 * 1.10f, unpack: PreSettings.GlobalRange * 1000 * 0.99f); _landedSituation = new VesselRanges.Situation( load: PreSettings.RangeForLandedVessels * 1000, unload: PreSettings.RangeForLandedVessels * 1000 * 1.05f, pack: PreSettings.RangeForLandedVessels * 1000 * 1.10f, unpack: PreSettings.RangeForLandedVessels * 1000 * 0.99f); Where PreSettings.GlobalRange and PreSettings.RangeForLandedVessels are extended ranges defined by the user (default values are 100 and 10) and are stored on the settings.cfg
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