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Everything posted by DirtyFace83

  1. Two more agencies added to d/l link and a few new flags too. The ones from the above post are included.
  2. Something like these? Personally I prefer the second one and I may switch the one in the download. It's a little shabby Others that are done but aren't yet in the .zip: Union de Surkermerika Afrikan Union (seems KSC is in Afrika) Chile, between the Kandes Mountains and Kalm Ocean The above are formatted correctly to just go straght into the game. More to come when wife allows. Next up: Other South American countries and a couple more Space agencies.
  3. Done. No agency though. I'm thinking about redoing Kerspaña. It's a space helmet instead of a crown, but yea..... it doesn't really work. Hehe, yea... if you put it right side up, it's hard to see that it's a rocket is all. Added 3 new flags and a new agency. Thanks for nice comments too, btw Appreciated, even if this is only a mini-modette.
  4. **Kerbal Heads Not Included - If you really want them, then click here. Credits and CC-BY-4.0 License included in the zip. Some of the heads you will see in images below are part of @benjee10's Historical Kerbal Suits mod, which has nothing to do with this mod, and as such, are not included. WHAT ARE THESE?: A Really simple add-on to an add-on. (Addonception?) An ongoing WIP suit picker suit pack which will eventually feature several (really not sure about 'all' - there's a lot...) of the flags, agencies, and decal stuff you can find below. WHAT DO THEY DO?: Kerbalized Flags, Agencies and Decal Textures adds Many Kerbalized national flags for your Space Agency. Several Many Space Agencies with logos that offer you contracts in the contract window. Decals for your crafts and missions for use with drewcassidy's Conformal Decals - Links below. Kerbalized Suits will eventually allow you to further Kerbal the shizzz out of your space agency. Currently included: Kerbal States of America (Base, Slim, and Future): Pilot, Engineer, Scientist, and MKS professions Koviet Union (Base, Slim, and Future): Pilot, Engineer, Scientist, and MKS professions Russia, and China (Base, Slim, and Future): Pilot, Engineer, Scientist, and MKS professions for both ESA (Base, Slim, and Future): Canada, UK, Belgium, Romania, Norway, Iceland, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Spain, Ireland, Austria, Israel, Sweden, Finland, and E.U. for MKS suits. ALCE for South America (Base, Slim, and Future): Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia and Latin American Union (CELAK - the flag is based on UNASUR) for MKS suits An imaginary International Space Agency (Base, Slim, and Future): Aus, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, North Korea, NZ, Malaysia, Iran, and United Kerbin for MKS suits. Two Vintage (Kerbal States/Koviet Union) suits Apart from the Vintage style suits, they are all colour coded for Kerbal Skills (based on Community Trait Icons colour scheme), including those used by MKS. The files are organized in such a way that if you don't use MKS, or don't want to use a particular set, it's as easy as deleting an obvious folder. Not a fan of a particular flag/agency/whatever? I'm not here to do politics, there are plenty of alternatives and use is not mandatory... Things to note: By default, the suits are only visible in EVA (see below for how to fix this) and are also not currently set up for use with Texture Replacer - As the suit mod is standalone, TR is not needed to use it. A TR version may or may not appear in the future. You will need to disable to Custom Kerbals option in the TR in-game menu in order for the suits to work correctly. As far as I am aware, TR reflections are unaffected, but the visor up/down feature (stock) doesn't seem to work with TR installed. Ask in TR forum about that, not here. Also, this suit pack isn't magic. Suit sets are only compatible with versions of KSP that include them. Obviously... Download Link below. More images at bottom of this post KERBALIZED SUITS DOWNLOAD: SPACEDOCK To install, simply extract everything in the zip directly to your '.../Kerbal Space Program/GameData' folder. You can safely delete/not install undesired suit sets (delete the appropriate subfolder) without affecting any of the others. Credit goes to @overkill13, @GregroxMun, @fast_de_la_speed, @Scart91, @Omega482, the Green Skull people for the inital conceptual inspiration of this whole affair, and very likely others for prior work which was modified and/or incorporated into this suit pack. If you want the suits to appear in IVA, Benjee10's Historical Kerbal Suits is required. If you don't care, it's not needed. Answers to a couple of FAQs: 1. Why aren't the suits appearing when my Kerbal is inside a vehicle/ship/etc? This is because the stock suit picker doesn't provide a way to change IVA suits. The mod linked directly above contains a plugin that allows this to be a thing. 2. Why does my Kerbal's suit texture look all mangled? This is a Texture Replacer issue and will only happen with Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val. These steps to make this not a thing will need to be done for EVERY/EACH new/saved game: Load KSP - Start or Load a game - In the Space Centre view (the one where you see the buildings), open the Texture Replacer menu and uncheck 'Personalize Suits' - Go back to main menu and quit KSP - Open your .../Kerbal Space Program/saves/mysavegame/persistent.sfs (notepad++ or some such is great for this) - search for: 'hero = True' - Set it (and all other 'hero = True) to 'False' (the CaPiTaLiZaTiOn is important) - save the persistent.sfs - Restart KSP - Play. You could alternatively simply not use Texture Replacer, but then lots of other things might stop working. I use and love Texture Replacer and recommend it highly. FLAGS, AGENCIES, AND DECALS DOWNLOAD: SPACEDOCK [Latest] I try not to, but if I make any changes that affect an ongoing save game, use: ---> PREVIOUS VERSION SPACEDOCK LINK NOTE TO ANYONE UPDATING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION - Much pruning has occurred. It is entirely possible that savegames started prior to 19 Apr 21, and any Sandbox savegames started prior to 03 Aug 21 might be affected by this pruning. Any savegame using Decalc'o'Mania will require downloading the previous version -install the lastest version, then download and extract the previous version but don't overwrite and it 'should' be fine. If you overwrite, then you won't get the new things. To install the flags, extract 'KerbalizedFlagpack' to your '.../Kerbal Space Program/GameData' folder. If you are only interested in Flags and agencies, then only copy this folder. For the decals, first extract 'KerbalizedDecals' to your '.../Kerbal Space Program/GameData' folder. Then download the required mod (and any dependencies) below: THE FLAGS (512x320) AND AGENCY LOGOS (256x160) WILL WORK WITH STOCK AS YOUR FLAG (KSC, Mun Landings, etc) - The flag/agency stuff that is visible with only this pack installed will also work with the stock decals TO USE ANYTHING ELSE (Fuselage and Higher Res Agency) IN THIS PACK AS A DECAL FOR YOUR ROCKET, THE FOLLOWING PLUGIN IS REQUIRED: drewcassidy's Conformal Decals on SPACEDOCK For Decals to have a separate category in the VAB/SPH, install one or both: Community Category Kit WIldBlueTools Be aware that installing both will give you (at least) two decal categories. Hurts the OCD a little, but on balance, much better than scrolling through a bajillion parts. I'm totally happy to take requests and suggestions, but if what you're asking for isn't within the scope of this particular pack, please ask in a private message. National/Regional flags: From time to time more are added. This image is just a sample. Agencies and Decals designed to work with drewcassidy's Conformal Decals: These also get some love from time to time. Mission Patches designed to work with drewcassidy's Conformal Decals: Moho 1-4 (Mercury), Kermini 1-3 (Gemini), Kerpollo 2-11 (Mun) The rest have been edited, changed, revamped etc, but the essence remains the same. Eventually I also want to have crewed mission and probe patches for all Stock and at least OPM bodies. Ideas for mission names are welcome. I also plan on adding things like STS and SpaceX mission patches. Some Suit Pics: KASA Slim and Future, Vintage CKCP and KASA Left to Right: France (Sci), Germany (Eng), Canada (Pilot), UK (Pilot), Italy (Eng), Spain (Sci) - Also included are: Belgium, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Austria, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and although neither are part of the real ESA, Ukraine and Israel because game. Others have been added since this image was posted. Other contributors: @madsailor : Private Agencies KerbeX, Koeing, Kheed Martin and Korbital (not shown in preview, but they are very nice.) @DJ Reonic: For shuttle tail decals, and the will to make more to go with them. @flart : Russian-ness advice Any bugs/glitches/oversights specific to MY stuff should be reported here first - such as blank white textures or missing localizations - and not in the Conformal Decals thread. These are entirely separate entities. To be safe, if there's an issue and you're using this stuff, ask here first, and if it's not an issue with this pack, I'll refer you. This way we can minimize nonsense. Kerbalized Flags, Decals and Decal Textures License: CC BY 4.0 Kerbalized Suits License: MIT Looking for REAL agencies? I don't do those. Try this:
  5. Nice. I like the idea of diminishing returns. I just don't want a space money farm is all
  6. Retexture AND more parts? Yay! Also, yea, nerf the rent. Even 100 Kerbals = OP. Maybe you could try to balance it with Kerbanomics?
  7. You can obviously edit which tech, but you need to add the line in green to the part.cfg: TechRequired = heavyRocketry cost = 1600 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 title = MK2 Lander Tank manufacturer = KSC Space Museum description = A fuel tank designed for larger landers. Flat sides make great attachment points for landing legs and other handy and probably necessary parts. As an aside, basing it on the Mk2 Tank's capacity, I have found that having the Mk1 capacity set at around 75-85% of the half size 1.25m cylindrical stock tank makes it useful for other types of craft too, such as stubby docking craft for crew transfers and Station Scince mod experiments, etc.
  8. One of the things I like about this mod is that if something is added, it adds something to the gameplay, rather than repeating something that's already present just for the sake of adding it. It also doesn't take the ' ' approach to making new bodies.
  9. Does this plugin allow adding contracts for planet pack planets?
  10. This might be what you're looking for? Be warned though, it's not pretty and there's quite a few bugs. But as Streetwind said, just opening ready made .cfg files like this one and doing it with notepad is not so difficult once you know the non display name (the name the game uses to find stuff, not the name you see) of the part and tech you want to edit.
  11. If what is happenening to PhilMcgroin is anything like what's going on with me then the issue I think is that yes, indeed, the ship being docked with has a resource value of -124 days left and so when you dock, your controlled ship becomes part of that ship and shares those values. So the process (for me at least) is something like this: Ship full of LS supplies coming in to dock. Yay!! Dock. Supply ship becomes part of MunStation X Resources status update on vessel focus. OMG There's been no food or air for YEARS!!!! And.... Instadeath. All dead. But from the little I understand about how KSP works, umm... that's how KSP works, so no blaming the modder or the mod on this one. The main general issue I see is that while resource consumption is calculated very well, the production of resources (recyled air, etc) is not calculated at all if the vessel is not active. I'm not complaining, far from it, as I read all the information regarding this issue before I downloaded it and so far I like it a lot. If you only run one mission at a time and have no stations or surface bases, then the mod works perfectly as intended and there's no real issue because there's only one ship to update, which is likely going to be the active vessel. The problem arises when you have multiple long range (say to Eeloo or Laythe) and/or long term (ISS or Munbase) crewed missions. If you focus a vessel which can max time warp, then the mod almost (as you say in the wiki) always tells you when resource y has run out on vessel x but it almost never does this in the tracking station. This is a particularly troublesome issue when you try to align planets for transfer windows. I would also point out that I wasn't specifically referring to the BackgroundProcessing mod, but rather similar functionality relavent to TACLS. The only issue is resource production on out of focus. Nothing else needs touching IMO. This was why I ended up toggling LS off (your assumption about this is correct btw) but doing this essentialy meant not using the mod anymore without extensive editing of the Persisitence file. Don't get me wrong, I love the mod. This is just feedback on some issues and has no positive or negative critical value.
  12. Having similar issues. If TAC LS could be made to work with something like this then it would make an already great mod practically perfect.
  13. Can someone point me to a DRE config for KSOS? Edit: nvm, i r nub.
  14. Sorry if repeating a question, but many many pages makes answer easy to miss.... How to keep Kerbal experience and KSC upgrade progress in career mode? Is it a problem my side or is it just not possible with DMP yet? edit: found answer and it made me sad.... still, mp is better than no mp
  15. That Voyager contract is fantastic and the Apollo missions were great fun. I'll never understand why they didn't stock this along with Fine Print (which was also very good) Big props malkuth. Would you consider doing some kind of 'Munny Poligon' (but not robotic) 'Duna One' contracts? And also is there a video link showing off the newest additions?
  16. Just made another sound set for a shuttle launch. Apollo 17's launch is included in the download and due to a weird bug I found when switching between 11 and 17, if you downloaded the one above, delete it. Link
  17. Alternis Kerbol... that was it. Lol. I guess the tail would look really out of place far far away from the sun
  18. That's what I did, and then I used Minor Bodies mod's alternate Berdim OPM config (it puts a former moon of Eeloo around Plock) to plug the gap.
  19. I'm running this with OPM and OP+. So far so good, all seems to be running smoothly and not too RAM heavy, which is good. I was wondering about this too. And also have you had any progress with giving Zem-Po a tail? There has been at least one planet mod... New Kerbol? Or something like that... that had a comet with a tail. It wasn't dynamic and didn't disappear at the Apkelion but it was really cool.
  20. I came across thos New Horizons Probe 3D Model a while back when I was looking through NASA's website. Maybe it'll be useful for someone?
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