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Everything posted by Musil

  1. Thanks, guys! I don't think I have ever had such a good reception for any of my fictions, and that includes a novel I will make my best effort not to dissapoint. Good catch, Deutherius. Unfortunally, I noticed that it would be kinda messy to correct it: I would have to edit the file, save it as jpg and upload it again... So I will do it when I am feeling less lazy. Still, please keep reporting mistakes. I want to keep the clutter to a minimum, but I will post new chapters in the thread to let people know about them. As for bad language, I don't plan to use it much, but I found no other way of saying "BS" without a bull being part of the equation. By hand! Lol. I can't draw a stick figure to save my life. I am using "Comic Life", for Mac (yes, I am on a mac, shame on me). As for the first launch, the idea is for both to use conventional, as they don't have the tech for anything fancy. Who get's to orbit first will be decided by Kerbal Construction Time: I plan to design both rocket's and see who's finishes first. Keep in mind, they could also fail to make orbit on the first try. Yes, I thought about that. It would be unfortunate if anyone would read into it that way, but I really wanted to give kerbal society some character, and why not invert the roles to give it some more spice? Also, that gives them a good reason to fight.
  2. Started a KSP graphic novel. Check it out if you like!
  3. Thanks. Starhawk! Glad to have a first reader. And yeah, I figured that since kerbals are reptiles and lay eggs (make it canon!) there could be good reason for gender oppression to be inverted
  4. Well, I took a chance and did it. Here it is, in case you want to check it out
  5. I proudly present to you my first attempt at a KSP graphic novel. It will feature a career game with a twist... Jeb and Val run separate space programs. This means they have separate funds and science: they must compete to fullfil contracts, gather science and, in general, be the first kerbal everywhere. A spreadsheet (in google docs) will show what each one has earned and expended so far. The story will follow their efforts according to what happens in the game. Kerbal Construction Time will be used to give further limitations to what each program can do, since each will have to build their own vessels in order to complete their goals. Tech and parts unlocked by one party will not always be available to the other. So, with no more ado... A DIVIDE IN THE SKY — Chapter 1: The Wedge — Chapter 2: Engineer's Rush — Chapter 3: The First — Chapter 4: A Grudge, Part 1 — Chapter 4: A Grudge, Part 2 Note: please point out any and all spelling mistakes. English is not my native language, so I am bound to make a few. Note 2: credit to @Parkaboy and @tylerraiz for the inspiration needed to get started. Note 3: first to correctly guess the reference in the main title get's a cookie and a chance to name a kerbal.
  6. Awesome. Read it entirely on one sitting. Subscribing! Great story and art, by the way. I am thinking of doing something of the sort, but doubt that I have your skills and patience.
  7. @Nefrums Yeah, I had a chance to see that before I had to terminate my test (my fuel run out at Jool and I didn't have a refueling station yet). But I am thinking that a bad Dres transfer is still better than staying so long in the very outmost reaches of the solar system... I Have to test that this afternoon...
  8. @ihtoit he launched on y6 d331, sais so in the album. A good date for Eeloo->Jool, but I fiscovered that around y8 you can go to Eeloo in 230 days... For an awfull lot of dV, in a Kerbol escape trajectory. And later changin path to Jool is another 6k. But very very fast. Already did that, but still have to complete the challenge, next week.
  9. Too bad. I guess it could just be done manually, by the simple method of keeping tabs of what each program earns and expends. If I had a youtube channel maybe I would do it, for the pleasure of telling the story to others... Or if I can think of a way of doing it with another player (that seems very messy). Anyways, I think you should think of complementing this idea with Kerbal Construction Time. That way, time becomes a relevant factor. So you could have an event that fires at x date, "Others landed on Mun". If you already did it, no loss, if you still haven't, loose prestige and so on, not to mention the "world first".
  10. Great WIP, Clifton. I would really like to compete agains myself or other humans rather than against AI, but any form of space racing would be awesome.
  11. Awesome stuff, Clifton. Not quite what I was looking for, but I would totaly play with this mod. Now, question: would it not be possible to let a human manage the second program, instead of random events? Imagine the possibilities! First, you could compete against yourself in a space race, which would be fantastic, in my opinion. But eventually it could also be used in multiplayer, either in a turn based system (sharing the save file back and forth) or even simultaneously, with the help of DarkMP. Ok, ok, I realice that's not what you are going for here, but I am just obsessed with that idea. Now on topic: what kind of events are you looking for? Things like "random public opinion change, the other program is now more popular", or something that would be reflected in a vessel sitting somewhere, like "other program strands kerbal on Mun, go rescue him for x rep."?
  12. Ok, so I did some experiments today. After messing around with ions for a while, I decided that Nefrums' design is probably the best posible one. The only improvement that I can think of is moaaare fuel, to reduce the number of refuelings stops. That seems completely unoriginal, but the only alternative I can think of is building some colosal behemoth with very low TWR, and it does get very boring to fly those. Maybe, I am yet undecided. But that's not really what I tried. I wanted to see if I could go low first, very close to the sun, and accelerate to Eeloo at Ph. To my amazement, it works! I got a Ph of about 500.000 Mm, getting there in 85 days, sling to Eeloo for about 4k dv. My test overheated so close to the sun, of course, so that was that, but the idea was fine. The real problem is that it does not really get me there any faster than what Nefrums managed: it was bellow 2 years, but many more days, and the burn at Eeloo to get to Jool was immense. Also, I think my Jool encounter would have been much later than Nefrums'. So it seems I will have to discard that concept. As for the departure date, even my attempt with a completely different path was close to Nefrums', so I guess if you go Kerbin-Eeloo without the sun aproach, around year 6 is the best possible one. More experiments will follow, I am sure. Meanwhile, congratulations to Nefrums for a really nice mission.
  13. Just today I had an idea for a mod that would let them run separate space programs (in career), competing for the glory. Someone please make me that mod. Pleeeeease.
  14. I am not aware of any mod that does this, so i am tagging it as a request. I recently started watching "Being Kerbal", a YouTube series by Tyler Raiz. I found the idea quite cool, and it got me wondering how I could replicate a similar feeling in my own career. The only way I can think of doing something like that is having competing programs, maybe one run by Jeb and another by Val I remember reading Squad had discarded this idea, but I have always felt it would be fun. Of course, without multiplayer, it's a bit like playing chess against yourself, but with some rolplaying I think it would be amazing. So, to be specific, my request is to have two space programs at Kerbin, with separate funds, science and contracts. Is it possible?
  15. Completed the smallest SSTO SS that I could, with Mk.1 inline cockpit, docking port and crew cabin. Flies like a charm and is really cute. Had less luck with a shuttle. As usual, getting to orbit is not so hard... reentry is a pain.
  16. Discovered that my interplanetary ship had not enough fuel to get back home after entering orbit around Eve. The crew, now doomed to die when the food runs out, is as demoralized as I am. After a series of other failures in my space program, I think it's time to end a fun 1.05 career and wait for 1.1... still undecided.
  17. I use a Delta-V design: a main stage with two LF boosters. After launch, and reaching about 100m/s, I throtle down the main engine to about 60%. After booster separation, throtle back up. Still haven't found a payload that wont go up with this when it's 3 mainsails... It also makes the launches more fun and, in my mind, more realistic.
  18. Spent a lot of time calculating a maneuver that would give me an encounter with Moho. This was my second probe, after I discovered that the fist launch (sent up a week in advance) had useless oxidizer in the tanks for a "Nerv" engine. I still have to deorbit the failed craft, or crash it into the Mun, so there are no dangerous radioactive leaks in atmo. Anyway, I was halfway through the burn and I wanted to see how it was going on the map. Accidentally pressed "stage" and sent half my dV into eternal Solar orbit. Still have more than enough for a flyby, but forget about an orbit around Moho with 1k dV (is what I should have after a hard correction maneuver midway there). And now I am upon my Eve transfer and haven't even designed a craft to take some kerbals there (no landing planed).
  19. As I understand it, no. Proper Lagrange points require relativistic physics, and KSP doesn't have them (for good reason). There is a Way to simulate them, I believe, but they will need correction from time to time.
  20. Yo, I heard you like complaining, so I put a complaint in your complaining so you can complain about the complaint in the complaining. - - - Updated - - - Absolutely. But one has to try and understand the perfect game, with all the xyz you can dream of, is not going to pop up ex nihilo just because the developers stick a "1.0" on it. People need to be patient and give the developers the respect they deserve. That, of course, does not take anything away from being able to criticize in a reasonable fashion.
  21. Probably true. But I can't be blamed for trying.
  22. Maybe. But that would only prove how heated the forum has become, and how disinterested in continue advancing the game instead of just venting hatred about small features people dislike. Again: don't get me wrong, there are thing about the game I am disliking (parachutes, what's up with that). But that can be solved â€â€either by moding or a patchâ€â€, it's not like I preordered KSP and got completely ripped of by a bad, unplayable game. And a lot of the whining is just people saying they don't like the way career works, witch is baffling to me not only because I happen to like it, but because you are not forced to play career. So, there is that.
  23. I don't get what you are saying. Did the OP somehow not make it clear that criticizing the game is good and important? Has anyone been condescending and stated that KSP has no problems and is at the cusp of gaming? As I have said many times already: criticizing the game is good; whining and belittling the devs or the QA testers... well, that accomplishes nothing.
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