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New Horizons

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Everything posted by New Horizons

  1. I am running on KSP 1.7.3. But my mods are a nice mixture. If I deleted that dlls all without installing your mod, there won't be any update suggestions, right? I wish to have such tip, but only once for each mod. Today they appear 2-3 times on start up.
  2. I never used this mod before. For now I have 12 MiniAVC.dll files in in Gamedata. They are from from my 93 mod folders I guess. What shall I do, to improve this? 1) delete 11 of those 12 dlls? The remaining one will check for all updates correctly? 2) Install this mod here and everything might become better and less messed up? 3) Do nothing, because 12 dll do not worsen loading times or performance in any way?
  3. --> The game pauses correctly. I couldn't repeat my observation. It might have been a weird conflict with other mods (such as KCT or whatever) and i save pre sim and load post sim.and if i dont do all 3 steps i see old version failing on lunch. --> Heard this workaround before and it guaranties success but takes more clicks and time :-)
  4. I checked it. Your tip was very helpful. Stock parts do remember there last settings before a simulation run. So I changed gimbal range of an engine and it was restored to me choosen value after sim. But parts, which have fueltanks from PP or RF (doesn't have to be tanks - capsule shows it already, when changing its electricitiy stored) forgot their stats. I am not, sure, wheather it is PP alone or RF. I have a comination of them. I have a nother very old problem. How to stop a simulation after hitting escape once and neglecting the abort of simulation? Is there a secret short cut? Recovery is not available, too? I always have to hard close the game and restart.
  5. Thank you! Deactivating KAC entries helped a lot and with Better Time Warp mod gameplay is much more fluent now.
  6. I created a new setting called "RSS" with time warp factors from Real Solar System. It works fine. But everytime I leave VAB the Standard Warp Setting is activated again. Did I miss fixing the choosen setting?
  7. How can one enter settings menu, when there is no button anymore? I left the initial settings menu too quickly and now Ii wonat to look my settings up and maybe change them. Another question: Is it possible to have building and roll out in one pass? It can be annoying to click on rollout after time warping to the finished build rocket. Counting down the last seconds takes the ongest time from each step.
  8. Krash still has an annoying error. After a simulation you lose the last modification on your rocket. It loads a variant, which is at least one iteration older. I noticed this while using procedural parts on a non saved rocket. After the simulation the modified tanks went back to a prior state.
  9. Gaming cannot be as important as caring about our beloved ones. Nice to learn that about your activities, had cats myself for a long time.
  10. DR 7.7.3 gives an incompatibility warning with KSP 1.7.3, is it just overcautious? Nice match of numbers I guess. DR 7.7.3 with KSP 1.7.3 :-)
  11. @JadeOfMaar I understand your irritation. What I wanted to say was "good old KSCSwitcher" not KSC++, my mistake. Sorry. Acutally I am not that interested in exploring the home planet, but further more I am aiming for a game play, which is pretty much restricted by low funding and by Kerbal Konstruction Time, so it is important to have other Space Centers working early on. But nice to hear that Kerbal Konstruction Time might/or might have worked with Kerbal Constructs and its variants. Maybe a thing to remember of, when KSP 1.8 with its better garbage collector comes out.
  12. Is this version supposed to work with Universal Storage II or only I?
  13. Well, it seems KK isn't the right additional mod for me, way to much content I wouldn't use anyway and somehow to complicated to set up. I will try to set up some more Space Centers with good old KSC++. One more question, if I might ask. JNSQ contains some kind of working Kronometer. Thus an separate install is not needed anymore?
  14. How many launch sites are provided by JNSQ? In Tracking Station mode I see KSC and C. Yeager Helipad at the other side of planet. In VAB I only have KSC and some Helipads and very low resolution icons. (Can not import a picture here.)
  15. Okey, still much to learn. So I need KK + Omega's asset pack? Is their a link to an official version? Only found this: JNSQ is not pointing out its requirements for a full install clearly. Such things seem hidden in the long and very informative (if you read it) ;-) text at download section.
  16. Has anyone used Kerbal Konstructs with KCT? I want to find out how upgrading Launch Pads and such work then.
  17. Kerbal Konstructs is not very intuitive to me. At least after a few tests I don't find options to switch places. And using it aside Kerbal Construction time is another topic. When I install KK I still have only one Launch Site and it is under ground now, might be a problem with larger Kerbin in JNSQ?
  18. What is the best way for implementing multiple launch sites? Is KSC Switcher recommended for JNSQ?
  19. I have this "unBlur.0.5.0.dll" in my folder. Shall I delete it while using lates toolbar version from here?
  20. Can this mod used with stock real fuels? Or is it overpowered then?
  21. Do you experience that bug in Krash, that undoes last change in VAB after a simulation. So a simulation can go well, but latest chances on fins, adding parts or or something like that get lost, when not done again before building/launching the rocket.
  22. Thos one here https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/RP-1-v1.1-Installation-Instructions suggested a special RO build of CustomBarnKit. What does this do beside the normal CustomBarnKit?
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