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Everything posted by Vegatoxi

  1. So long since last update... When we can expect next update of this precious mod?
  2. Good day @Themorris, nice mod, nice launchers, but... Your missiles FX makes my eyes bleeding. Srsly, rework it pls. Sprites is in the past, stone age. Particles and only particles! And also, can you pls remove those ridiculous plates under the launchers?
  3. Vegatoxi

    Vulkan API

    Well, Vulkan is now officialy released so i'm interested - what it means for KSP future?
  4. As you might know, yesterday https://kerbalstuff.com/ is gone. Kerbal spacepot, now Kerbalstuff, what next? So i cant understand why SQUAD cant implement workshop. It's solve any future issue with mods archiving. Simple. Reliable. Immortal. Steam workshop for KSP!!!
  5. BahamutoD, last update is amazing, thx for it. But seems you miss that Patriot missile block can loaded only up to 4 missiles in real life, and your Patriot can loaded up to 16 missiles(4 for each shaft...).
  6. [quote name='Randazzo']KSP has one of the best (and player friendly) dev teams out there, period. Take a breath.[/QUOTE] Yeah. One of the best. ...And one of the slowest.
  7. [quote name='LordFerret']I can feel a lock coming. Merry Christmas.[/QUOTE] Dont even care. It's fully constructively. I want my 1.1!
  8. "Dear" SQUAD, can you just keep your promises at least once??? Half year!!! Half ♥♥♥♥ing year you feed us your noodles about 1.1 and what next? Ofcourse, just delay it. Seems that all of your work at 1.1 is just invent new excuses for delaying. Bugs, incompatible code, holidays, anything to do nothing. In devnotes you're saying that reason is a lot of bugs, but hold for a second... When bugs stopping you from release? Right, never. Or remind you about T-gauge memory leak in 1.0 which you couldn't fix for 2 month? That's how you're fighting with bugs??? For a half year you can invent much better excuses... But instead, you're not even trying with hope that players eat your noodles again and sit still. And do not be offended of this message. When you first saying about "Christmas release" i can deal with it and just wait. But now... I'm full of rage! You again proof your words as hayfork on the water.
  9. [quote name='klgraham1013']The fairings already undermine this, but: I think they need to choose a design philosophy and stick with it. I see merit in lego and procedural, but having both in one game just causes confusion. "Why can I make wings how every I want, but I can't stretch tanks to the length I want?" By maintaining the lego-style, a new player understands the system and what can and should be possible. The restrictions are apparent and easy to understand. As far as the number of wing parts, that could become irrelevant with shared textures and thoughtful sorting.[/QUOTE] Well, B9 dond free you from LEGO-style building, especially when you deal with big wings. And B9 wing looks beautiful than bunch of stock wing plates sticked together
  10. Well... for passanger module it's not a problem... and i think for Mk1 structural fuselage too. And anyway, why not add cargobays with fixed roofs?
  11. Question is in the title. Current stock wings/control surfaces not give enough freedom. And mods not always get regular and timely updates.
  12. Try to repeat it with wing root thickness 1000 Or stock FAT-455. It will stick out of the bay top.
  13. There is any mod which add wingmounts (better if it procedural, like b9)??? I mean this:
  14. Well... i cant, at least exactly how i want. There is some collision block. You can look: On current cargo bay, i cant attach part lower than some limit. And if part taller than this limit it looks stupid. And "upside-down" isn't solution, cuz cargo bay doors dont have flat floor.
  15. Yes, exactly. - - - Updated - - - You simply cant attach any part to the doors, so upper wingmount is impossible
  16. Cargo ramp is good enough, but there is no Mk3 structural fuselage, only cargo bays. And cargo bays have doors, which prevent upper wingmount installation. So i'm ask SQUAD to add another parts, same as Mk3 cargo bays family, but without doors. Can you do that pls?
  17. It's almost same size as Mk3 part, and looks stupid. Pls, scale it down at least to 75% from current size.
  18. We are all know that KSP updates usually releases on tuesday, so my inner Vanga tells me that 1.0.5 will released on october 13 and 1.1 will released on december 22 or december 29. And what tells your inner Vanga about it? /discuss
  19. I'm not using F AR. Also, did another tests after my post. Tested almost every missile as AA as SAM Well i can say that all SAM infrared missiles: RIM-116, 9M331 and Stinger are broken for now. 100% miss in my tests. Tested it with legacy targeting too, no changes, missiles just start rolling and loose their speed). Opposite to it, R-27, R-73 and AIM-9 hit all targets. All radar missiles (both AA and SAM) and AGM's (Ataka, Hellfire) is fine. I'm not an expert in coding so just my observations. Decided to use AIM-9 for my SAM's design for now. Also report that 9M331's and RIM-174's boosters is continue flying after separation when it must fall down.
  20. Seems all IR AA missile are broken in some cases... Testing today - if launch without lock it flies directly, smooth and clear, but when i tried to lock and shot down my target, missile starts rotating in V-loop on launch and ofc. miss the target Stinger even worse, it dramaticaly loose speed and fall down within 500-700 meters from launch site. Radar missiles if fine on first look, but i'm not tested it enough.
  21. My fifth try to deal with FAR failed again... I mean, really? Build design prototype which fly perfectly in real life, in FAR it flies like a brick and even worse... Also it fly almost perfectly in stock AD.
  22. Prometheus, can you pls fix GBU-53 and Kh-29? Tried to use it, from six dropped GBU-53 only one reach the target. And Kh-29 miss all the time
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