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Everything posted by pozine

  1. ahh...I see My Kopernicus config is based on PNG textures. So, by converting them to DDS, the game can't load some of the textures and i've had a similar issue yesterday. So, to solve this: Either revert to PNG or edit the RSS Planets & Moons.cfg file and change every *.png to *.dds
  2. The typo isn't acually a typo since I changed Uranus texture. Did it solved the problem? Anyway, i'm at work so i'm gonna make a clean install and test 0.7.0 later today.
  3. Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is a WIP. Heightmaps were hard to find. And its special shape is impossible to recreate very well in ksp. BUT, it will be in next version.
  4. RVE by Pingopete http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83215-WIP-RSS-Visual-Enhancements-%28RVE%29
  5. There : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129098-1-0-4-RSS-Planets-Moons-expanded-v0-7-0-Now-with-Miranda-the-moon-with-a-10km-cliff?p=2129436&viewfull=1#post2129436 Also, a link is available on the first page. And will always be.
  6. Is the lite version light enough? Because I don't know how I could make it even lighter :/ Exept by deleting some normal maps.
  7. Haha that would be awesome. It's a 8min drop... Lol. Final velocity : 39.7 m/s. Only a small RCS would be enough for your rover to survive It really is a real life representation of the Wall in game of thrones
  8. A Lite version is available. It is in the changelog tab on Kerbalstuff. Its size is about 23mb instead of 63mb. Lite Download
  9. UPDATE 0.7.0 2015/08/09 - Added Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel and Oberon - Changed Uranus texture to make it look more like this : True color Uranus - Added faint rings to Neptune
  10. I just found that SpaceEngine already has created textures for these moons and generated false textures for the missing areas. I'm going to use that. The resolution is low, but better than nothing!
  11. Hey, is there any reason why Mars ground is foggy? This is what i mean :
  12. Only half of the surface of Uranus moons were mapped by Voyager. I will add them anyway in next version, feel free to delete the bodies if you don't like it. (Ariel, Oberon and Umbriel) This is what i mean : http://i.imgur.com/pSe9vl4.png
  13. A lite version would be a good idea then... I'll think about it.
  14. I made a first attempt at making Miranda. This moon of Uranus has the tallest recorded cliff in the solar system at 10km high I hope to get the heightmap a little better. So, expect awesomeness in next version Verona Rupes
  15. I will add rings to Neptune also. They will be very faint,because they probably are IRL. Since we can't know for sure how they look, I'll try to make them look right
  16. UPDATE 0.6.0 - Added Titania - Added heightmaps to Pluto, Charon and Titania. - Resized Pluto to a 4k map instead of a 8k. PM me if you want the 8k version. - Added rings to Uranus
  17. Sure! i'm currently working on heighmaps for Pluto and Charon. Hard to get it right
  18. I'll make the bigger ones. I don't know when though. Aka Eris, Makemake, 2007 OR, Haumea and maybe Quaoar and Orcus (and moons)
  19. Thank you very much guys! Any idea of planetary bodies that you'd like in game? - - - Updated - - - I might color the missing parts on Pluto and Charon if it's not so difficult. I really need to get the biome thing going
  20. Not a very big update today. Added Charon with New Horizon's map. Added color to Pluto and Charon. Charon EDIT : 1000 downloads! Thank you very much!
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