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Everything posted by pozine

  1. UPDATE : Ceres is done. Pics will follow in a few hours.
  2. Ok a first release is out for the ones who are courageous enough to try
  3. Link to main thread Hello there! I'm currently working on an expansion pack for RSS and Realism overhaul mod. I plan to add working biomes and height maps for all of the bodies I add. So far, i've added jupiter's closest moon. It is named Metis and has a diameter of about 42km. Gravity is almost inexistant there. UPDATE 2015/07/17 Vesta is done. This dwarf planet of 525 km in diameter has a surface area roughly the same as Venezuela. It was visited by the Dawn probe in 2011. UPDATE 2015/07/18 Ceres is now out! It's made from pictures taken by the Dawn probe. UPDATE 2015/07/18 #2 Solved timewarp bug Issue(s) : Biomes are not working yet. Vesta isn't oblate. Not completely satisfied with Vesta. (low resolution) Future plans : All of jupiter's moons. All of saturn's moon Close earth objects (maybe) Suggestions are welcome! Download [Moderator removed defunct website link] License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  4. Ok, i'm using procedural parts with Realism overhaul and i can't change the textures of any procedural parts Everything works but the textures
  5. Hi there, I tried to install your mod and failed. RSS doesn't load at all after merging the folders. Also, I had a look at what you've done and it looks like really good work!
  6. Jupiter's axial tilt or its moons inclination is off. Its moons are orbiting closely to the equator irl. Ingame they seem to have a 30 degres inclination relative to the equator
  7. Got new planets and moons ingame hehehehe. Here is Ceres, from SpaceEngine
  8. Uhhh Why? There are two ways to add Scaled Space to KSP. In the RSS cfg. In a dedicated cfg file (planet clone). Which one is the correct way to do it in RSS? Neither?
  9. It does not work in RealSolarSystem. The when I added ScaledVersion in the config, the game did not load the planet anymore.
  10. Using RSS settings you mean? I have really no idea how to use Kopernicus to texture the SS textures. When I add a Scaled Space config to my clone planet file, the game does not load the planet anymore. Also weird shadows (not the sun, the shadows )
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109122-WIP-KopernicusTech-An-integration-attempt-between-Kopernicus-and-KittopiaTech-%280-121-02-13-15%29?p=1711151&viewfull=1#post1711151 Also see post 104. People that could know about the issue
  12. In short, it is a dead end if this issue is not resolved. It seems like that something doesn't like it when two texture sets are called by the cfg. Is there a way to get a complete of KSP when it loads? It could help a lot
  13. Ok now textures are messing up. Currently looking for a fix
  14. Thanks, I managed to get ceres ingame. For Sedna, there may be a way to edit camera settings. Any idea how to make planets not spherical? Like phobos and deimos. I want to add Vesta and other small bodies. - - - Updated - - - I think the sphere of influence is calculated from the mass of the body
  15. How do you do it? Do you just add a few lines in the Realsolarsystem config file, put some textures inside some folder and then your done? - - - Updated - - - God. If only we could add as many bodies as there are in Orbiter 2010...
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83215-WIP-RSS-Visual-Enhancements-(RVE) https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-0.90
  17. Have you played with EVE manager? Sometimes it did the same thing to my game when I was changing config files ingame. Just time accelerate until you reach the clouds (those in the pic). Then your problem should be gone...
  18. In theory, you could put any texture anywhere. You just have to specify the path in EVE config file, and the texture must be loaded within KSP.
  19. I highly recommend making rockets based on real-life counterparts using the procedural parts mod. There is a soviet engine pack (link on RO main thread) and Soyuz boosters (the first stage) in KW rocketry. Using data from internet, you could relatively easily make a pretty realistic soyuz. BTW it is really fun building real rockets. And I recommend the Soyuz-FG since it is the most used.
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