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Everything posted by PickledTripod

  1. Some textures look very wrong in this realease, like they've been over-compressed. Here's one of the worst examples:
  2. I think that the SuperDracos are underpowered. I built a Dragon 2-alike capsule with the Mk1-2 capsule, a shielded docking port, two radial chutes, four SuperDracos, the Dragon fuel tank and heatshield with legs and the trunk (total mass of the vehicle: exactly 10 tons) and they were unable to separate the capsule from a Falcon 9-alike rocket at max-Q (~32 kPa at 9000m according to FAR, rocket has a starting TWR of 1.45 and max TWR slightly over 3.0 on the first stage) I suggest increasing their vacuum thrust to 150 kN, I had good results with this value.
  3. Just my two cents about the Sarnus V diameter thing: I've built several approximate Saturn Vs in the past, most of the time using SpaceY 5m parts for S-IC and S-II, 3.75m tanks for S-IVB and a 2.5m mostly stock CSM. With a little bit of tinkering it looks about right. You mentioned the issue of cryogenic fuels, I use Nertea's Cryo Engines extensively and with J2s for the 2nd and 3rd stages the rocket is quite overpowered in stock, well balanced for a 2X rescale mod, maybe a bit weak for 3X. Just like most of BDB, so I guess a 5.625m would fit perfectly balance-wise. I won't lie though, 6.25m would be a really nice size to have and would look better when compared with other heavy lift vehicles like the SLS or the Shuttle. You wouldn't necessarily have to rescale the Sarnus I parts to 4.25m, with a 5.625m S-IC the CSM is a bit too wide but still looks ok, it might be the same for a 3.75m S-IVB with a 6.25m first stage too. To address excessive fuel capacities and size with that tank width you could make it a little bit shorter than the real thing, people are used to KSP rockets being much stubbier than real world ones so it wouldn't look too odd I think. And concerning the VAB issue, I think it's not really a problem at all. I never used Hangar Extender and managed to build truly gigantic rockets with 7.5m parts from SpaceY, using only the offset tool to get around the camera limitations. The VAB was never intended to build something bigger than 3.75m, but when someone really wants to make something as crazy as Saturn V, they find a way.
  4. If you made a complete switch to B9PartSwitch you could add that functionality to the existing parts, it allows collider switching unlike Firespitter and IFS.
  5. I agree 100% with you. He was really insuferable a while ago on reddit, I called him out on that and his plagiarism once. He's not so bad lately, I guess he realized that upvotes and a mod dev flair don,t mean anything in real life.
  6. You don't seem to like amarius1's planet packs very much. I remember you mentioning that you thought his Alternis Kerbol reboot was awful too.
  7. These fans are awesome! And uh, while you're modeling, I have a small-ish request: a shorter 2.5m liquid fuel tank. Same size as the Rockomax X200-8, but with your amazing textures. Pretty please?
  8. According to another video report from Convair Atlas was actually planned to have a 5 engine variant and longer first stage tanks, but it was found to be unnecessary. I'd really like a 4 engine mount though.
  9. In my experience this all depends on difficulty options. When I play career it's most of the time hard mode and while test contracts are indeed quite lucrative they don't feel unbalanced.
  10. Other than Tycho the Moon has several smaller craters that have white ejecta and many more brighter spots, do you think it'd be possible to add some more to the Mun? I think it would look even better that way.
  11. Well thanks a lot Blowfish! Please tell us when you update it.
  12. How strange, at least for me there wasn't any z-fighting. Only the default texture would appear, as if IFS wasn't installed at all.
  13. Sorry to bother you again with CryoEngine/B9PartSwitch compatibility but now I get the opposite situation: fuel switching is available but not mesh switching. And it affects SpaceY tanks too. I tried disabling the fuel switch patches for CCC and FTP and mesh switching still doesn't show up. My KSP.log file from last session is here, and it's from a fresh test install with a GameData folder that looks like this: CryoEngines, CryoTanks and DeployableEngines are the test version Nertea posted in the thread, everything else is from CKAN.
  14. Do you have plans to rework the landing legs? They are very simplistic and wouldn't make much sense in reality, with those huge, unaerodynamic hinges and lack of structural support when extended. I guess they could look a bit more like Falcon 9's legs. They also angle too low in most cases, for some engines like the Mammoth it's fine but most of the time the ground clearance is excessive, which moves the CoM higher and makes landing harder. It would be great if the deploy limit could be adjusted like with cargo bays. A smaller model for 2.5m launchers would be awesome too!
  15. Nice, thanks a lot! I'm really grateful that you're willing to support this, CryoEngines is a terribly underrated mod so there can't be many people beside me who use it in conjunction with your mods.
  16. My 1.1 install is already very modded but I have nothing other than your mods (CCC, FTP, SpaceY) and CryoEngines that should affect resources in stock tanks. But I did some more testing and found some interesting stuff: Tanks on which you only apply fuel switching like the C7 adapter are fine, CryoEngines' patch replaces your config. CryoTanks themselves are alright of course. It only seems to be tanks that have both fuel and mesh switching from CCC and FTP that keep your fuel patch. Interestingly SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded tanks work as expected, with their own mesh switching and fuel switching from CryoEngines. For logs you'll have to tell me where to find them, I'm not good with that And in any case if it's not too much work maybe you could consider replacing InterstellarFuelSwitch with B9PartSwitch as well. The UI is nicer and resources locked in the VAB don't unlock themselves once you're out like with IFS and Firespitter. Nertea and you were basically the only ones that supported IFS, and one less dependency in people's GameData folders is always a nice thing.
  17. Just wanted to say that I personally like the look of the Agena version for the MOL resupply craft, if it's not too late for that.
  18. Hey Bones, I have some bad news about mod compatibility. Nertea decided to replace InterstellarFuelSwitch with B9PartSwitch for his mesh/texture/resource switching needs, and as a result only your fuel switch options show up on CCC and FTP fuel tanks, no hydrogen.
  19. Hey hooj are you still busy like you said after the ion update? I found myself taking a good look at the stock launch escape tower and realizing how ugly it is, I just wish it had a black tip like your version of the 1.25m nosecone. Or if you want to try a different style the Orion LES looks slick and modern and would fit at least the spirit of the part (it was introduced in the ARM update IIRC, intended for SLS recreation despite being modeled after Apollo's tower)
  20. Another person who builds stuff logically without using CLS? Wow, I thought I was the only one.
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