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Everything posted by mreadshaw

  1. Something similar also happens when I'm in orbit and point the camera in a certain direction. I assume its the same issue or related to the disappearing ocean issue?
  2. [quote name='GokouZWAR']No, its still going. Theres a minor bug if you let the kerbals run out of supplies...so don't. ;) They turn into permanent tourists...:([/QUOTE] Cool thanks! Is there information about how it works somewhere and is it included in the main download or a special WIP version? I'll download and check it out!
  3. I've taken a few months off KSP but looking to get back into it now. Just before I stopped this thread had quite a bit going on about requiring kerbals to have extra crew capacity for longer missions. The OP doesn't mention anything about that now though. Is it still a WIP or was it scrapped or moved to one of Roverdude's other awesome mods?
  4. Love the mod, so useful for lowering part count. One suggestion/request that I have would be the ability to exclude modules when welding. Most of my welding is for aesthetic purposes and usually I don't want all or some of the regular functionality of the component parts. It's easy enough to go into the part .cfg and remove stuff but it would still be a bit of a time saver.
  5. I'll add that I changed the flight category icon back to the stock icon, stockIcon_flight I believe, and it works just fine. But any R&D_* icon doesn't generate the second state. However the R&D icons still work just fine in their normal spots and if I make a custom category using Squads in-game system. Also I downloaded through CKAN and only got the plugin and stock replacement files, I didn't download the default config. Is there maybe something I'm missing from that?
  6. I tried to change the electrical icon in the stock rework config to one of squads R&D icons and the right icon appears but it is always in the depressed view. If I'm in pods the electrical icon will have a light blue background but white icon. What can I do to fix this? Thanks!
  7. It is quite annoying, hopefully it's an easy fix. In the meantime I've sort of cheated it away by messing with the nodes (?) so that at 70000m the post-processing alpha is at 0 so that it isn't noticeable in orbit. Then I've added the astronomer's atmospheric scattering layer for eve in so that you still get a nice orbital and map view. It works pretty well visually but it has required using the x64 hack so not the best (if you just used the scattering layer without clouds you'd be fine, but who wants no clouds).
  8. This is the same issue I reported. Thanks for making a video Dante80 and thanks for all the hard work blackrack! If you need any information let me know. I never used the 0.151 version but I'll download it now and see if there issue is present there too. Edit: Tried v0.151 there is still flickering but it is slightly different. If only occurs at certain camera angles and it flickers in checkered patterns. There's a lot different between the two so I'm not sure if it's the same issue or something else. I tired openGL mode and the issue is gone. Maybe something to do with directx 12 and windows 10?
  9. I get a lot of flickering/flashing when I'm in orbit from the post processing. Disabling post processing or changing the alpha to 0 makes it stop but otherwise changing other values doesn't do much. I don't see any mention of anything like it in the thread and it is extremely noticeable (hurts my eyes) so I'm wondering if it's something strange on my side. I'm running in stock + scatterer, Windows 10, dx9 with a AMD 6870. I'd post a screenshot but it wouldn't be noticeable.
  10. That's the problem with all these awesome mods, never want to actually play my "real" career because I'm always just waiting for something more. Can't wait for this!
  11. Is drag working properly? The post for V2.2 says it supports 1.0 drag but the OP still says drag is broken.
  12. Ya I figured it was difficult or you would have done it already considering the great job you've done so far. At the end of the day I usually get rid of all the extra parts in big mods anyways to save RAM and just keep the few I think I might end up wanting.
  13. My one problem with FE that I think SPO solves is filtering mods out. FE is great for seeing everything a mod adds but if I want to get rid of a certain mod (say b9 because it adds so many parts I don't usually use) it can't do it in a quick & easy manner.
  14. Ok cool, I wondered if that mod could help. I'll try it out. Thanks for the help.
  15. I'm trying to change the nose cone from this pack http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105063-1-0-Mk3-Mini-Expansion-Pack-%28Mk3-NoseCone-and-Alternate-Cockpit%29 so that it uses LF+Ox but regardless of whether I use a MM patch or change the original .cfg something breaks. It will properly use fuel no matter which direction I try to translate but only pressing L will produce an animation and thrust. If I hold down L and press another key then the new key will also fire properly until I release L. Below is my MM patch, I basically just copied over the differences from the vernor thruster. Is it something wrong with how I'm doing it or is it a limitation game engine or the model file? Thanks @PART[mk3_shuttle_noseCone]{ @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @resourceName = LiquidFuel PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } @atmosphereCurve { key = 5 0.001 } } !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {} }
  16. KSP is throwing an error when it tries to load the .dll at startup. I have tried it on my normal install and on a clean install with Filter Extensions, MM, and PartSearch but have the same issue. Here's a pastebin of my log http://pastebin.com/jLnQBb1y. I have the .dll in the Gamedata folder.
  17. Here is a preview from inside the VAB. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76972-0-90-KSPRC-Renaissance-Compilation-artworks-remake-V-0-2-%2818-04-15%29?p=1899767&viewfull=1#post1899767
  18. It seems the big shuttle strake wing doesn't have a tweakscale patch. I searched this and the dev thread and don't see anything so not sure its been noticed yet.
  19. Awesome! Thanks tetryds. There is a small gap at the back currently but I should be able to fix that easily. Is there a good guide on how modify a craft to change specific stability derivatives? Also am I correct that +z is up in the SPH and +x is toward the doors?
  20. I welded a bunch of wing connectors together to build a under-body for my shuttle. I removed the stock wing modules but I'm not sure if I need to add something for it to function properly in FAR. My thought is that the voxels should do the job just fine since it's really acting as a body piece but I know that FAR wings still need a special module.
  21. That was definitely it. I see it is your mod too, you have my thanks twice!
  22. I seem to remember I had a plugin for 0.90 that allowed toggling an engines gimbal in each axis. I did a quick google search and the only thing I could find was TweakableGimbal by Honeyfox. Based on the picture in the first post it isn't the right mod though. It seems to add more control. The one I remember was only axis control, all or nothing. Can anyone help me out?
  23. Is it possible to download the github version right now? From my quick look it seems like it is only source code on github.
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