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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. Goes boom on its own or goes boom when it meets the ground? A Chinook setup tends to be a little less stable in KSP as you aren't adjust lift between the front and back rotors to control pitch (unless you use the mod TCS) so more reaction wheels
  2. Ninja'd I totally missed your response and I went and found the exact same post to link as you already did. -Thanks for helping out!
  3. Further refined my Titanfall ATLAS. Getting closer to servo animations and ultimately a video
  4. @Shadowmage I think I love you man! @SpannerMonkey(smce) how could you leave in the dark like this. I feel so alone. So very alone in a sea of mods (incessant ranting continues) 4 hours later...... Ok I forgive you
  5. I think I see what's wrong. Open GameData/procedural parts1.2.8 - and tell me what you see. I think you put too much in your game data folder. You should see gamedata/procedural parts You also appear to have put something in your main KSP directory that shouldn't be there. The "parts" folder there should be empty.
  6. A good beginner design is one that works Dont let anyone hold you back. If you have an idea. Keep hammering on it until it works. For the winch I just surface mounted two KAS winches to the belly of the osprey, and clipped them in slightly with the offset tool in the SPH. Then used a kerbal to attach them on the ground in "undocked mode" with the howitzer next to the osprey. Once connected I hovered and leveled the load with the KAS winch control panel. Then it was just a matter of keeping the osprey in heli mode so it didn't crash .
  7. Well, VTOL's are easy yet can be difficult at first. In the beginning just remember COM (center of mass) bellow and directly under COT (center of thrust) And use lots of SAS / RCS until you learn to build more stable designs. That's a lot of acronyms... Propeller mods off the top of my head... Firespitter Quiztech KAX KRX SXT (Zodius Infuser is working on rotors for a future update to IR Rework)
  8. Do you have module manager installed? And are you using this version?
  9. You can only right click Procedural parts after the part has been attached to the craft. It was a change after 1.2
  10. If you guys are using Rework parts. Then simply add a (-) in front of one of the moving components. If you are using legacy. Use the same numbers left and right. In the SPH one wing will move backward. In flight it will move correctly video with legacy docking washers in 1.0.5. In hanger one wing moves backwards in flight works like a charm.
  11. Which mods are you still waiting for? ALG is one of the last "big" mods left to be updated. (For aircraft anyways)
  12. Boston Dynamics ATLAS. Coming to a cinematic thread near you "soon"
  13. @Ziw I could give you a big sloppy wet kiss right now @Tirehtoori R.I.P taught me how to properly use Sequencer. And I successfully built SPOT. And Atlas is next!
  14. You're going to laugh when I tell you what that is Its 3 parts. Fist a cylinder procedural parts "structural Element" then another structural element at the rear configured as a "Smooth Cone" with a BD ray dome at the front. (Or just another structural element. - Then just clip the whole thing into the plane and voila! Welcome to the forum by the way
  15. I stand corrected. I checked this morning and it is not in SXT. It is from LLL
  16. Oh man! I've been waiting for a mod like this one. I went to extremes to do this using several mods quite successfully. But really wanted some better models. Thank you!
  17. Where you build stuff S.P.H. - Space Plane Hanger V.A.B - Vehicle Assembly Building
  18. Type "inflatable" into the search box. Should pop up. Those are just flat discs in the SPH
  19. Asking the question exactly in the same vegue way does not tell me "exactly" how I can help. What "base" parts? The big structural white squares? Those are SXT
  20. What parts exactly are you specifically talking about?
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