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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. I don't know of a way to enable clipping automatically (I honestly never understood "enabling" it as it works natively....) And I can say the same for Node attachment. The only way I know is the cheat menue. But On parts with weird nodes I tend to attach them "wrong" and then just rotate with the rotation tool set to snap angles. You can actually play with nodes in game with the Node tool @linuxgurugamer has taken over. If I find the link before he responds I'll post it here.
  2. This can be circumvented by using the new release of. ALG and quite possibly KF (still in Dev so beware of bees)
  3. Module Manager? And do you have the mo installed correctly? Like GameDate/procedural parts/.. Or is it: GameData/GameData/procedural parts/..
  4. Unless you build really delicate Mechs like my Stryder Mech That would have been a nightmare without physic less parts, Quantum Struts and KJR
  5. Hey @SpannerMonkey(smce) Looks like you aren't the only Lord of war any more Thanks @TMasterson5 for reviving this one. There are quite a few of us that appreciate it!
  6. Are you asking on the "Sequencer" thread for an update to IR for legacy IR parts? BTW all of this does indeed work For those having install / KJR issues List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.2.2 courtesy of: @Agustin @V8jester Steps to install Infernal Robotics 1) install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR (No parts are in this download) 2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish) 3) Optional - If you wish to use the Surface sampler (Install the Surfacesampler.dll into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins) 4) Optional - If you are using KJR you will need to use the supplied DEV Version Linked below. Core Download Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.10 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.10/IR-2.0.10-Final-Core.zip Parts Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw IR Surface Sampler dll (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins Utility Thread link for IR Sequencer (Ziw) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/104547-12-ir-sequencer-v101-add-on-to-infernal-robotics-updated-30102016/ Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Fixed for IR "Dev version - use at your own risk" Dev version of KJR (Ferram4) https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers
  7. Add an antenna to the craft. 1.2.2 makes you use them on probes now. Correct, FAR is not required.
  8. Bummer. Well thanks for the response none the less.
  9. I am still messing with it and while 17GB is a lot. It takes it (what seems to me) quite a while sitting in the flight scene to creep up that high. I haven't noticed the old memory creep during scene changes nearly as much as 1.0.5 did. But I will try disabling clouds / EVE next to see what happens.
  10. Fine as frogs hair, but how is @Avera9eJoe
  11. Open the zip and start opening folders. This will show you where to install a given mod. Most .zip files contain a folder names "GameData" Open that folder and it will show you the next folder. In this case. Yes everything goes into "MagicSmokeIndustries'
  12. For those having install / KJR issues List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.2.2 courtesy of: @Agustin @V8jester Steps to install Infernal Robotics 1) install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR (No parts are in this download) 2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish) 3) Optional - If you wish to use the Surface sampler (Install the Surfacesampler.dll into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins) 4) Optional - If you are using KJR you will need to use the supplied DEV Version Linked below. Core Download Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.10 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.10/IR-2.0.10-Final-Core.zip Parts Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw IR Surface Sampler dll (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins Utility Thread link for IR Sequencer (Ziw) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/104547-12-ir-sequencer-v101-add-on-to-infernal-robotics-updated-30102016/ Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Fixed for IR "Dev version - use at your own risk" Dev version of KJR (Ferram4) https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers
  13. Actually it's a concept aircraft called the CAS - 1
  14. @Crzyrndm It looks like B9 P-wings is having a mirroring issue in 1.2.2 with toggling control surfaces. The gimbaling works flawlessly but to toggle flaps / airbrakes it acts like it is in radial symmetry. Strangely enough, I imported a craft from 1.0.5 grabbed an assembled wing in mass off the plane. Reattached in mirror symmetry and some control surfaces work as they did in 1.0.5 but other are borked. This only affects flaps and air brakes so it's not a major issue from a playability standpoint. Just a minor nuisance.
  15. Also there is an "unofficial" release of ASET props with the fixed color tags http://spacedock.info/mod/1180/ASET Props - Community Edition
  16. Question.... Is it possible to scale a "fuel tank" without altering its capacity? I made a MM patch file to add Tweakscale to some BD Armory weapons. And the rocket pods which have a resource in them, when scaled won't have a full loadout of rockets.
  17. You can also take this one step further using IR Sequencer. You can have multiple stopping points assigned to multiple buttons.
  18. Hey has anyone else noticed the Jumpjets have two separate exhausts streams? one directly out yhe vents and the other offset 90 degrees.
  19. A few people have made this same observation. I hit 17GB last night on my 32GB system myself. It seems to have a memory leak the I believe @blackrack is aware of and I'm sure will tackle in due time. One of us just needs to go down to his dungeon and change his water and food bowls first
  20. Just stopping in to say I too miss this mod.
  21. Hey guys. It seems to be working great with an updated version of RPM and ASET props http://spacedock.info/mod/1180/ASET Props - Community Edition
  22. Another aircraft that would be impossible to build without IR And a golden onion to the person who can properly identify this aircraft
  23. And a golden onion to the person who can properly identify this aircraft
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