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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. I agree with Zodius (amazing work by the way.... Only how about this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn3FWb-vQQ4 edit I do believe you two unintentionally may have given me a challenge
  2. Yes they do. But, They will however (I believe activate upon undocking from mothership) And as I said. Still tinkering and just asking if anyone else was working on Replusor crafts docked to larger crafts and what they have come up with. I am using the Kerbal Foundries and KSPWheel
  3. Hey @Shadowmage I'm off to a very "explosive" start with that new update Obviously I'm still tinking with everything so nothing solid. But. I am still working on that LCAC / LPD setup. So now it will spawn in gracefully. As well as I am able to get the boat in the water with VM. But as soon as I decouple the docking port connecting the LCAC to the Boat...... Well lets just say I found a new way of making Pea soup. I am still working on I. But I wanted to throw out the idea to see if anyone else is having better luck with docked Repulsor craft. It very well mayt be something I can design around. Just haven't found the answer yet. This new update looks great. Gonna take me a bit to see everything on this one.
  4. Hey! It's you! The original KSP badass I learned from good to see you.
  5. I can also confirm this statement. FS 1.5.2 and KSP 1.2.2 run perfectly (aside from the aforementioned wheel issues until they are updated. Which we are all aware of) Firespitter runs like a top. Thanks to @RoverDude's efforts. - Thank you btw.
  6. Thank you my good sir. I'll be sure to give it a shot later this evening.
  7. @IgorZ I personally vote for you to keep doing what you do, how you do it. SD, Curse or Git..... We still get an update. So agreed. "Who cares"
  8. @SpannerMonkey(smce) - Wanna chime in on this one, with some of what we have been talking about?
  9. Oooo no Bueno.... That version actually breaks more than it fixes. Not sure what happened between the two but 1.0.2-5 actually conflicts with other mods where 1.0.2 did not. More specifically myself @XOC2008 and @SpannerMonkey(smce) all have an issue with disappearing SM Armory parts among other things that 1.0.2 left alone edit And apparently adding in the missing parts as noted above (while deleting the old ones) from 1.0.2-5 into 1.0.2 is working. I suspect there must be a patch file somewhere doing something obtuse.
  10. Fallow the link in the post directly above yours all relevant IR downloads are linked there with instructions
  11. Actually both speed and accel are relevant when creating something. For instance my and @Tirehtoori R.I.P's walkers use speed and accel numbers in excess of 200+ during assembly, to get things moving fast enough.
  12. I can confirm. The optical launch / landing systems cause a horrendous amount of lag remove them and everything speeds up.
  13. What version of RPM do you have? https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/releases Did you turn on the cockpit lights and the /hud? There is a button / toggle for each function.
  14. The only current issue I am aware of is mirroring issues. The flaps are non functional so no flaps / air brakes for the time being. (I've been noticing a lot of strange mirroring behavior since 1.2 came out)
  15. That coupled with the newest version of the ALCOR runs fine on my end? No color tags showing up. What version of ALCOR and the ALCOR IVA patch are you running? Edit Wow that's what I get for posting everywhere. Which version of MK22 are you currently running? do you have the 1.2.1 version of the MK22 plugin? https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/releases
  16. Google is your friend https://spacedock.info/mod/1204/ASET Props
  17. Well more accurately..... You do all the hard work.... I just build stuff with the parts and provide emotional stability to all the staff members
  18. Hey Spanner, I had a thought for a future addition. Lifeboats / Utility boats for either LPD type vessels / carriers. I plan on trying to build something small that can be launched from a much larger vessel. These would also make great detail items to hang from racks on much larger vessels.
  19. Bumer to hear KAX is in a stall currently. But KRX has some Osprey rotors if you are still looking. We hate to see you go @keptin but we sure do appreciate everything you did for us. - Thanks
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