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Everything posted by V8jester

  1. 2 pages back. Or you can use this to make the leg essentially solid and far stronger for larger builds.
  2. I will attempt to shed some light here. (This is a more advanced and usually very messy thing to play with) Basically imagine control, electricity and general "power" flowing from the command pod / cockpit of your ship to the "base" of any IR part. IR parts will only work in one direction. Example: place any IR part using it's node with the yellow "base" out away from the craft, then try to move it. Nastiness will ensue. Now knowing this, if you dock one ship to another through any IR part. Once they become one ship. Which Command Pod is now in control of everything? And switching "control here" really won't help. But playing with dock, go to Kerbin and then reload the ship without moving anything "sometimes" will allow you to work around this issue.
  3. Check out my youtube channel for ideas, or my forum thread "Advanced aircraft designs" both linked in my signature. I have a mostly complete mod list there on my forum thread. But be warned. My install has close to 150 mods in it. Gonna need some serious joo joo if you want to run them all
  4. 1) Control panel, system 3) might have too many mods if you don't have enough ram. 4) Here you go: Win 7 Page File Adjustment Win 10 Page File Adjustments
  5. Questions would be. 1) how much ram are you running? 2) which game version 3) how many other mods are you running? 4) have you ever messed around with your page file size to cheat a little extra ram out of your system? - Google "Page file" IR really isn't that much of a hog. But if you are trying to run numerous other mods along side it.... Then a laptop may very well give up the ghost on that note.
  6. Forgive me if this sounds like a captain obvious moment.... But.... When you say "can't make them move with AG" You do know how to use the GUI in the VAB / SPH as well as the flight scene to control everything, yes?
  7. Fantastic! Thanks @IgorZ I'll be looking forward to having a look at your handiwork. Does the strength of a winch scale along with its size if using Tweakscale? Something I have been curious to build is a tug boat hooked to a large ship with two cables. (Very heavy / very large builds. So this one is really just more of a torture test) I could rip 2 of the old winches right off with no effort at all.
  8. What do you have the washers scaled to? Typically they won't work over like 150% of its original size. That's why the rework parts are limited in scalability. Also, are you using Autostruts / are you sure there are no auto strut connections between the moving nacelles and the main ship? Lastly, are you using the newest version of KJR?
  9. Well, there is a plugin linked in my instructions that also just makes it work
  10. @Ziw who was one of the "official" devs for IR is the one who has been updating the core plugin. While yes it is not in the OP of the thread. It is still as close to an official release we have all seen in quite some time. As a lot of the core guys have not been seen for a while. You may be waiting a fair amount of time.
  11. There is something way wrong then. And I bet I just figured out what you are doing.... If you open the rework parts zip are you simply dumping the folder named "Rework_Repack_1.1.2" into the Gamedata directory? - this will not work You must open the zip, then expand that folder then "Gamedata" and then you will see "MagicSmokeIndustries" - This is the folder you need to drop into your Gamedata folder. Every single component of IR will reside only in the "MagicSmokeIndustries" folder.
  12. Talk to @SpannerMonkey(smce)
  13. New official version of KJR works like a charm. I have one of these instruction lists on almost all IR threads. Must not have updated that one all the way Glad to hear you got everything working. 1.3 / KJR issues List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.3 Remove "Active struts" as well as "strut" Folders" they are currently incompatible with KSP 1.3 - Unless you opt to use the unofficial Recompiled .dll linked below Steps to install Infernal Robotics 1) Install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR (No parts are in this download) 2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish) 3) Remove folders "IRActiveStruts" and "Struts" as they are currently incompatible 4) Optional - If you wish to use the Surface sampler - Install the Surfacesampler.dll linked below into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins 5) Optional - KJR will work with KSP 1.3 and IR 2.0.12 - Linked below 6) Optional - KAS Magnet / Grasper Breaking? Increase "breakForce" under the KAS module in the part cfg to "= 999" 7) Optional - Unofficial recompile of Active Struts Plugin linked below. Curtesy of Whale_2 Core Download Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.12 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases Parts / Plugin Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) - See Active Struts notes above https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw Surface Sampler dll (DMagic) - Place into "MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins" https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins Active Struts Plugin Unofficial Recompile (Whale_2) https://github.com/whale2/Active-Struts/releases/tag/1.1.0-1 Utility Thread Link For IR Sequencer (Ziw) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Official GitHub Repository (Ferram4) - https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers
  14. If you are positive you are installing the mod correctly.... I would honestly recommend a full reinstall of a fresh copy of the game (I do hope you kept it backed up) and then install only IR and MM. To see if that works. You mentioned "removing all your other mods" when mods are installed and removed people tend to make soup of there install. Sometimes you just need to start over from the beginning.
  15. 1) open note pad 2) paste supplied code 3) save - then rename the file extension from .txt to .cfg 4) place anywhere in your ksp Gamedata folder 5) Profit
  16. It seriously sounds like you are using an old version of something. A long as you are using the links in my post not the OP everything should work. Last thing I can possibly think of. Module manager's dll file is placed directly in GameData correct?
  17. And you are looking under the robotics tab in game for all IR parts?
  18. You are missing something. Please outline the steps you fallowed to install. You did fallow "all" my instructions correct? And this is indeed IR 2.0.12 on KSP 1.3.
  19. @SparkyFox The two best mods I can recommend to go along with this would be. Airpark so that you can leave a boat in the water and fly away / back to it without it going nuts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162504-13-airpark-continued/ And Hanger extender so you can work on such a large scale build like this. And as far as the loading / splody bits. Try to push the rudders and engines up into the hull. So that when loaded the boat rests solely on the main hull.
  20. If you do not wish to use Active Struts. All you need to do is delete the folder "MagicSmokeIndustries/IRActiveStruts" If you do wish to use Active Struts. Update the plugin "ActiveStruts.dll" in "MagicSmokeIndustries/IRActiveStruts/Plugins" with the one linked in my post from Whale_2. Also the current version of Module Manager is 2.8.1
  21. This is MM (Module Manager) You need this for almost every mod in KSP Trust me, If you fallowed "all" my instructions. all the links are current as well as functional in 1.3 IR for 1.3 / KJR issues List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.3 Remove "Active struts" as well as "strut" Folders" they are currently incompatible with KSP 1.3 - Unless you opt to use the unofficial Recompiled .dll linked below Steps to install Infernal Robotics 1) Install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR (No parts are in this download) 2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish) 3) Remove folders "IRActiveStruts" and "Struts" as they are currently incompatible 4) Optional - If you wish to use the Surface sampler - Install the Surfacesampler.dll linked below into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins 5) Optional - KJR unofficial recompile will work with KSP 1.3 and IR 2.0.12 - Linked below 6) Optional - KAS Magnet / Grasper Breaking? Increase "breakForce" under the KAS module in the part cfg to "= 999" 7) Optional - Unofficial recompile of Active Struts Plugin linked below. Curtesy of Whale_2 Core Download Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.12 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases Parts / Plugin Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) - See Active Struts notes above https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw Surface Sampler dll (DMagic) - Place into "MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins" https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins Active Struts Plugin Unofficial Recompile (Whale_2) https://github.com/whale2/Active-Struts/releases/tag/1.1.0-1 Utility Thread Link For IR Sequencer (Ziw) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Official GitHub Repository (Ferram4) - https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases Unofficial Recompile For 1.3 (siimav) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxowaRaYHkjddHc2T28zWEdLcjQ/view Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers
  22. It was built from Sm Marine as well as LBP.... Honestly there are way too many mods (and custom patches) in my install these days to really share most of my builds I'm over 120 or so at this point....
  23. The team of guys that built IR. Has become a bit thin. @Ziw and @ZodiusInfuser are really the two core guys that have stuck around. But even they have been scaling back over time. The only thing that usually breaks with an update is the plugin of a mod. Parts are typically unaffected (not completely the case with IR, an example would be RKE) The closest we are all currently is my compiled list of downloads. But IR has honestly been a conglomerate of downlods for quite some time now. Did you fallow all my instructions 3 posts above yours? - what version of MM do you have?
  24. I am currently using KAX in 1.3. The jump jet having two exhaust trails is the only issue. just don't install "Firespitter" from this mod download the most recent version for 1.3.
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