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Everything posted by Bubbadevlin

  1. Thanks for all the ideas, and i think the narrow band scanners will work after all, and klesh, i know how to make bearings, i just need a form of propulsion (turbos dont really work on the mun)
  2. Wow! very cool dude, could i by any change have a download for that?
  3. I was wondering if that even worked, it seemed like the rover wheels did not work at all
  4. Well i am still working on miniaturizing my walker (found in signature) but I was wondering if there are any other ways of spinning something in stock KSP I currently know two ways, A turboprop Using the Narrow-Band scanner Any ideas people?, turboprops are just too large and fuel inefficient, and the Narrow-Band scanner provides no torqe
  5. WHERE ARE YOU THEN? I mean, i am not crazy about Halloween, but i figured it was celebrated in some form or another almost anywhere! And just joking, if i am being too snoopy say so I will respect your privacy
  6. Just noticed, surprised you didn't do SF "spooky edition" or "Halloween edition or something" since tomorrow IS Halloween
  7. Hey dude, as my description says, i am great at ksp, but i just dont really know how to work the forums. This is honestly the only forums i am on
  8. FENGIST Well seems like my question got caught up in stuff, so i will ask again, how do i get the badge, do i need to do something that i am missing? I am kinda a noob at forumy stuff.
  9. Well, really you can just use a moon lander with a more atmo. efficent engine and parachutes The decent does not need to be powered untill the final last like 100m
  10. Well i just saw this is the Video Wednesday, thanks to all for your compliments!!
  11. Hey Fengist, i finished by Kerbin circumnavigation a little while ago, and I was just wondering how I could get the badge for it. Do you have to send it to me, or is it just something i am missing?
  12. Very cool!!!! cant believe that those scanners have been out for, what, 6 months now, and people are just realizing their potential, but hey, innovation every day. I do wonder what unique side effects 1.0.5 parts will have... I blame the fact that they are in science... As a sandbox player i rarely look in that category.
  13. Thanks again to everyone!, also Rthsome, note that the video is sped up x2, so it really only goes 8 m/s, although comparatively i guess that is quick.. And yes redshift the clipped jet engines do work, there is a small "sensing" buffer to when the jets realize they are blocked, as long as you keep within that, it works fine. Yes i am sure it could be miniaturized, but it would be hard considering the size of the landing gear, i really just went for stability in the design process
  14. Well without the breaks on they would not move, and just kinda moonwalk in place. I used landing gear as well because they were so durable. Also i should have fixed the download, darn google
  15. Thanks everyone!, and MajorJim, turning on the wheel breaks means that the feet dont just slide, and have grip. Odd that you have to request access, sorry everyone!
  16. Bubbadevlin Presents The Stock Walker As far as i know, this is the first successful walker in KSP without mods. It however is extremely complex with 6 separate moving parts in the entire craft, and over 500 parts. It is powered by 20, yes 20, basic jet engines in a turboprop configuration. It uses landing gear for their incredibly high durability and break strength as feet. The walker can currently only run for about 5 minutes on its 800 liquid fuel, and carries only one Kerbal. To turn you must use the hotkeys 1 and 2. Hotkey 1 turns left, and 2 right. These hotkeys raise large landing gears, which prevent one foot from hitting the ground, causing the other side to move forward faster. This was the only way I could make it turn, but it also means that the turns are highly inaccurate and laggy. Here is a quick video of me driving it around. This craft does work, however I cannot tell you how many times i crashed during the development, and even at lowest settings KSP runs at 2 FPS when I am driving it. Use at your own risk The pre-flight setup is fairly complex and here are the steps. 1)Activate breaks and decouple the first stage 2)Deactivate breaks and decouple the second stage 3) Throttle up the engines and activate them. Wait until they spool up, this will usually take about 1 minute. 4) After this period the walker will start moving forward. It should be fairly stable, with a speed of roughly 8 m/s DOWNLOAD - But prepare for lagzilla
  17. Ok my walker is done, and fully functional. It can now turn, and moves at a speedy 8 Mps. It sadly takes like 30 seconds to spool up, requires 20 jet engines, and is 500 parts... This will be posted when i have made a video, as it will need a vid to show how it works
  18. I dont believe they really drain any power, but at medium to high torques the scanners just slip out of the holding, no matter how strong or precise you make it . They also dont work with symmetry
  19. Well the second generation of my walker is done, and its a failure. I did however make a very functional gear system for providing more torque. The problem is i tried to have both sides be separate, however i could not get them synced, so it would continuously turn one way or another.
  20. Very cool!, however i don't think the real Soyuz had SRBs, and it thought it had many small engines.... Other than that great rocket!
  21. Well, I am still refining my walker, but i need help. I am trying to figure out a way to make something spin with lots of torque and very little speed. Turboprobs do work, however they produce such low torque it is no really working. Any Ideas?
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