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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24639-0-20-0-162-Ordan-Industries-Telescope!-Last-Updated-May-27-2013! There ya go, this mod will let you see any planet from Kerbin orbit, really cool. Also, you can use this mod to zoom in on Kerbin artifacts from low Kerbin orbit. You can see the launchpad with great details if you zoom in quite a bit. Great for "spy satellite" missions.
  2. The first one I remember is the 2000 "ILOVEYOU" virus that was a pic/text file attached to emails. Got everyone scared off the internet and appeared on the news every week. Wikipedia: To protect themselves, The Pentagon, CIA, the British Parliament and most large corporations decided to completely shut down their mail systems.This virus affected over 45 million computers and was one of the world's most dangerous computer related disasters.
  3. That is freaking hilarious.
  4. KSP needs more analog indicators like this one. Looks awesome.
  5. I think someone had attempted this in 0.14 with Tosh's rover mod, don't know if they ever finished it. More recently, someone posted their circumnavigation around Duna, it was cool because it took a unique route that went through the various terrain types.
  6. Looks very cool. So if this is similar to how easter eggs work, would cities be viewable from orbit?
  7. Yeah the way the game is currently structured, models cannot be extracted anymore. But here are the Jeb, Bob, and Bill in real life!
  8. Class of Astronauts 2013: Welcome to NASA. Due to budget cuts, we will train for 6 months on KSP. First one to land on the Mun gets to go to space first.
  9. Pre-ordered 0.14 *Remembers refreshing the store page on the night 0.14 experimental came out*
  10. There is a reason we've never gone back to Duna..
  11. Nice pictures Lexil, I'll see if there is a chance of an overpass of my area of both vehicles.
  12. The real ISS is NOT in GSO around Earth, it's on an inclined Low Earth Orbit. A few reasons I can think of as an advantage in real life: -Constant line of sight for communications to a specific spot -Constant view of the same area for weather monitoring
  13. Pretty cool. Matter of time before a someone who played with KSP as a kid becomes an actual astronaut.
  14. It would be awesome if you could see satellite reflections from Kerbin during dawn/dusk. I know objects aren't rendered in those distances, but maybe a fake point in the sky to simulate an actual satellite. I remember this was possible in 0.13 since objects remained loaded.
  15. Speaking of the ISS inclination, I tend to mimic that inclination on Kerbin with any new space station I do. The views are really nice and it gives a nice challenge when trying to send a rocket/shuttle to dock to it within a couple of orbits
  16. Nicely done. Looks like that Iron Man space station is probably MIR.
  17. I like how there are 0 first landings on Tylo. Truly the least welcome place to go on the Kerbal system. My first landing was on Duna, crashed a few times before I could properly use the atmosphere to my advantage.
  18. Clouds of smoke from all the explosions.
  19. For smaller ships/landers, fewer RCS thrusters is definetely better. For bigger ships/rockets/boosters, just a few extra well placed RCS thrusters can make a big difference. On bigger ships, more RCS thrusters just help rotate faster. I would keep the number of thrusters low on any ship that has to do fine adjustments for docking/maneuvering
  20. JTK - Not sure, that would be a question for SQUAD. I used a model that was available in a pre-0.16 version of the game. It was .mu file that I converted in a format that could be opened in Google SketchUp then unfolded on Pepakura. I would have liked to make free paper models of the the new pods, which I may ask SQUAD for permission. No promise though, takes some time to create a new papercraft.
  21. Yep, these models are pretty awesome: Great quality, I will get the rest of the trio *Pod papercraft can be found here: http://www.paper-replika.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7586
  22. It would probably act more as a binary system, with a common center of gravity point between both planets.
  23. Gotta go with Jeb on that one. Mine should be coming in around JUne 5th, so should be interesting to see how it turns out.
  24. Game does not have PvP, probably not for a long time. No way to discuss that in this game's current stage.
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