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Everything posted by Elfmaze

  1. I've tried using the truss sections to make a station... they seem to finicky with what they want to connect to. If they "welded" easier you could build some cool things but only limited connection nodes
  2. Man I felt that after seeing my rockets tumble high in the atmosphere... Most Kerbal launch ever!
  3. I feel your pain. I spent two weeks trying to launch a big ol station using the xl docking ports and xl payload truss sections. Built and rebuilt dozens of times. Never got it to work.. or even to orbit for that matter. Could never get it to hold together long enough. And this didn't even get into the orbital assembly unpacking phase
  4. This is high on my list as well... I keep trying to play the game to build stations. Usually I log in because I have another idea that "might" work. build out the station for the 20th time. attempt to launch(I've never got to orbit with it). Either a bug kills something via docking, parts not sticking together(or exploding apart), or the game straight up crashes in one of two ways( either the revert to VAB freeze, or it just vanishes and drops to windows). I know it will come along... but eventually I just need to shelve it for a few months to let the fixes catch up to where I can actually put some time into building things. I've come down to just deleting my campaign each day I log in(to avoid code bugs that seem to grow over time) And just working on design ideas. Hoping someday I can launch something I'm happy with
  5. I did a few more tests, Found another interesting thing. Docking ports can only be released once each... the drop was too short and it insta redocked... But after three releases I could no longer decouple the assembly.
  6. ok correction... Struts do seem to disconnect when port popped now. I still need to test with two ports in a row
  7. yeah I bring it up as hopefully It can be addressed as we are in the aggressive stage of development. It they want us to be able to build large inter system ships... It seems a basic need that eventually you will have a truss in between two objects. And i could be wrong, But I don't think struts will decouple with docking ports currently as exampled in the video
  8. Here is a video of the issue I'm having trying to send up some large structures. I can never get the parts to weld together correctly(can't do two connections at a time) and it always seems to collapse on the pad. KSP version: Patch one No mods
  9. Im guessing we are at least two to three patches away from success, as Its all docking ports and truss sections that don't seem to like to work very well.
  10. I've been trying to launch a orbital dockyard that's barely fits in the VAB... So far it's not going well. Never gotten it above 15k before some kind of RUD happens. But the newv lower weights on the XL payload truss sections help with Delta V at least
  11. True, and the speed doesn't calculate well under 5m/s it seems. Drops of somewhere around 2ish?
  12. So yeah, at this point well set in direction. But I suppose since the team had worked on ksp 1 they were Unity developers and thus the decision to stay with the same engine? I thought people used to say Unity was part of the limiting factor in the first game. Granted I know nothing about unity. But I assume it's been developing as fast as unreal on a parallel path. Hopefully the new engine version doesn't have the same limitations.
  13. You can get relative motion to the docking port with a KSP stock nav ball. But alignment to stay perpendicular has always been a visual thing. And with rotation missing in ports that's another thing to keep an eye on again. I liked the docking port alignment mod personally
  14. On top of that ... And noting I'm an artist, not a game designer. But unreal engine has been doing whole planetary rendering for a while now. What goes into the decision to stay with unity over unreal?
  15. And truss sections. Parts seem to flip when passing by another node, especially when you have more than one part connected together and moving as an assembly
  16. KSP Version Operating System and version Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, Ryzen 5950X RTX 3080 TI Description of the bug. Game freezes on revert to VAB Expected Behavior : Game reverts to VAB Observed Behavior : It freezes on this screen Steps to Replicate Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) : None A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. : none Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files
  17. i was thinking a lighter than air ship could be fun for EVE
  18. I only played briefly on the new patch. I have some very large "ships" I've been testing. One thing I noticed is it sometimes hangs . Screen goes white like it crashed and takes a few mins to recover. This was when loading a large craft onto a launch pad. Once it loads it seems to be OK. but I haven't tried launching it.
  19. I'm a big joystick fan. was surprised when the new game hit and found out people fly without a stick. esp with aircraft
  20. And its actually sitting on the pad without collapsing under its own weight! undocking a port still causes vessel loss though... Eh, we'll get there
  21. This is a known bug. I believe the only solution I saw was to use a stack decoupler between the docking port and disable fuel crossfeed before separating. But may just need to wait for a patch fix
  22. So I first saw him when I loaded my campaign. it loaded me into space next to this poor little guy floating on top a satellite. Thought it was a loading screen as I was able to access the VAB still. After throwing together some structural elements to play with I put them on the launch pad... And looky there... My little buddy is floating in front of the launchpad too He just sits there in mid air rotating around the probe core. I have never made anything that has looked like that. so Its someone elses work
  23. I was willing to accept it until they put in that beautiful MALSR lighting system on the runway. But yes, not high priority... But we'd be really cool and educational to teach people how we really land planes. Stabilized approaches are key
  24. It seems when you place an object it is only able to form one bond at a time. So making a ring of sorts is impossible as the last section needs to make two bonds at once to complete the ring. this does not seem to matter what kind of object. I tried frame to frame, and even all docking ports. It does not appear to ever connect all the joints around the ring
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