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Everything posted by Mythos

  1. I only can add, that this is a known bug since 1.11. I also can't say anything about 1.12 yet.
  2. From my experience, if you manage to load a quicksave type of file instead of your main persistent file, it will not take you to the flight in progress, But the flight should be available to switch to from the tracking station (unless doing those few clicks takes long enough to have your craft without control being considered as crashed). If I want to load a specific quicksave then I would launch the game with any normal persistent file, no matter the content, and then load the quicksave from there. I have to confess that I'm quite an oldschool KSP player and only use the one persistent file and the one quicksave and rather rely on my OS to backup and restore via renaming those two. I think I never used a named save from within KSP, so my advise lacks some experience on this part of your question
  3. Some guys might recommend to run KSP as admin. Don't do that. If you have a second drive or partition, install it there. I would always recommend to separate your system files from data and not-so-system-installs. If not, then go for something like "C:\Games\KSP". In case of Steam, set the library to something like "C:\Games\SteamLibrary". Those folders then are not under special treatment from windows.
  4. I'm getting out of ideas now... Well, you did quite a lot between correcting the ID with KML and then figuring out how to construct... Maybe KSP has lost the ID again?
  5. Usually you can attach any specific part of that type, so the ID of the part to be attached does not matter. Can you provide some more information, the full contract text? Maybe this a "repair part" contract? In that case it might want you to use a repair kit to fix a specific part (and then it makes sense to have a part ID in the contract) and not to attach a new one. There are other "repair vessel" contracts (I remember rovers, not sure about satellites), where you are meant to attach new parts. They do not really check about the construction. It usually wants you to prove the vessels functionality by moving to somewhere. If it can do, you probably have repaired it, and get the reward.
  6. This is the M4 Kerman. It does fit into a 5m Service Bay (Tweak Scale), where since 1.11 some ramps can be attached and retracted by an engineer. I have not yet planned a mission to move that garage around
  7. This seems to be a case of figuring out how the construction works, then. I think attaching batteries should be possible. If there were no nodes, you could also surface-attach them. Usually contracts offer plenty of time (well, there is/was also another bug about impossible deadlines), maybe you should try again
  8. Actually I don't know, but asteroids are class A to E. And according to this, that seems to be correct:
  9. Well, asteroid and comets are different things. It's not that one turns into a comet when it is close enough. It needs to be a comet to begin with.
  10. You could dig into the save file. There you can find the contract and it will mention the ID number KSP uses to refer to it. And then also all you vessels will have ID numbers assigned. But to make things not so obvious, there are different IDs and contracts of different types sometimes use the one or the other. Here is a thread where I reported a little but about that (and the obvious advertisement, that I did make a save file editor called KML to help with that): My guess would be, that the contract just refers to a non-existing sattelite and in the thread I described how just to build a new one and assign it to the contract
  11. The alt+F12 is the legit easy solution. If you prefer the kerbal style hard way, this information I collected may help: In the end, I extended the functionality of my KML save editor, to help with that.
  12. One reason to keep one per planet/moon with some experiment on it is, so that you can fulfill any "get science from orbit of X" contracts within seconds.
  13. Yeah, use Kerbal Alarm Clock, and then whenever there is an hour of time to the next alarm, launch a new thing... Like me, you will have lots of concurrent missions and will never go past year 2 in any of your games, and will never get anywhere
  14. "Reentry" just means entering the atmosphere, not necessarily that you stay within So if you only dive into the atmosphere a few meters for a few seconds, then the speed to survive that is pretty high. But you only get close to zero deceleration from that But still, if you come with a little bit over escape velocity and aerobrake just below escape velocity then this maneuver has got you captured and enables a second run, and a third, etc So then the question is about heat management in general and depends on your overall ship design. If you aim for a single shot to land immediately, and worst case come in straight vertically, then that speed is very low. There certainly is a distance where you can have 0 relative velocity to kerbin, and still won't survive because gravity will accelerate you too much on the rest of your journey. So you even need to specify your idea of speed a little more (what's your reference?)
  15. I think at least switching to another vessel, e.g. an EVA kerbal, should do. Maybe even going to map mode and back. Something like that has often helped me to click through really long lists.
  16. Sorry for being late... I was around here almost every day, but somehow I didn't get notified or mail. Yes, Windows did get more and more suspicious about executables you got from the internet and sometimes warns you about. Did you download the KML_Mono.zip? That is currently a CLI interface only. That might have popped up a console and immediately closed it again. In that case open a console window first and then start KML from there and you should see the output (you need to give parameters anyway). But for Windows users, there is the KML_Windows.zip. That should show a GUI when the KML.exe is started and does not need (but can do) parameters.
  17. Is that what happens, when modern browsers tell new users, that the "http(s)://" part needs to be hidden/excluded?
  18. Try mounting a landing leg as sort of lifting jack first, so that you can attach the wheels while they don't clip into the ground. Just like in real life
  19. Yes this is how it's done. If they are not assigned to any ship, there is only the KERBAL node below ROSTER, where you need to change "name = Valentina Kerman". If they are assigned though, you also need to change data within the capsule part, where it says "crew = Valentina Kerman". As far as I remember, the game really doesn't like it, when the crew uses a non existing name. There is also a history of completed contracts and achievements, where names are mentioned. But I think, this can be treated as history books and that same kerbal does not need to exist any further. Some advertisement: I made the KML save editor, where it is quite easy to do those changes. And it even let's you change the KERBAL name and does the crew thing automatically. I don't know of any limit. Usually I only hire one or two and then get lots of them from rescue contracts (if you play career mode). But in career you also need to know that the price to hire the next one gets raised after each hire. Yes, the applicants will look for other jobs, if you don't like 'em. So they leave the list after some time, and also new applicants are generated. In the save file you'll see some more, where some have a date assigned when they get visible. But even beyond those, they will always be more of them generated, when the list gets too short (I think).
  20. There are no details what has to be fixed. It is up to you, the rover must just be able to move. But the IDs referring to each other in some kinds of contracts get messed up. So the game thinks it's not the correct rover. If you don't want to alt-f12 it, you could also fix the IDs in the save file. I made the KML save editor to help with such things. Here is my "devlog" post that mentions details about some contracts, that are automatically checked and repaired by KML (includes links to similar threads and to the KML tool):
  21. Each science lab can process each variation (biomes, altitude, etc.) of science only once. Also recovering data twice or even more yields less and less science points, excepts crew and EVA reports that yield nothing on any further recovery. You can achieve the same effect by transmitting one copy and recovering another copy. If I wanted to squeeze out the most possible science, I transmitted twice, then put 3 copies into different capsules or science containers to recover, and also kept another copy of each experiemt to be processed in the lab. So in total I ran each experiment 6 times. But you have to plan and sort beforehand, because of the unability to pick individual data, like you mentioned. Before science containers existed, I even built additional capsules without any crew, just for storing data
  22. Ah now I remember, what I could check in 1.11.2, but haven't played much, yet... This bug was introduced in 1.11.1. I couldn't find a proper changelog for 1.11.2, the announcement had a really short one: And the wiki seems not to be updated, yet: Version history - Kerbal Space Program Wiki So if you are using version 1.11.2, this might tell us, it wasn't addressed in the update. Which is very likely to be the case. The bugs were mentioned here, where's also no hint about having them fixed: Bug #27162: SAS options do not correspond to the pilot - Kerbal Space Program - Squad Bugtracker
  23. Were you able to solve the problems with KML? From your description, it should be able to. I'm always willing to offer more help, if needed. Yes, that bug is quite old and still not fixed, but this also means the old solution in the mentioned thread still applies.
  24. Yes, I think a mirror of mirror was involved. And probably my usual builds don't use that, so I didn't notice before.
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