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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Awesome new Geometry there buddy!!!

    PS: May I ask, why don't you call the CSM parts SLS?

    If you're talking about the Orion MPCV SM and whatnot, I thought it would be funny to call it Scorpio, as Scorpio is a constellation for killing the hunter Orion. :P

    Speaking of which, I should probably integrate the descriptions and such... That's my only real job here but I'm just so... lazy...

  2. From your first post, I'm not sure how helpful kOS is for you in this instance (I say this as one of the developers for kOS).

    Basically, Mechjeb is an autopilot that already knows how to play the game and can even be used to teach you how, by example. Whereas kOS is entirely the other way around. It's an autopilot where you're supposed to teach IT how to play the game. (It lets you make your own custom autopilot, rather than providing you with a one-size-fits-all working autopilot out of the box).

    That being said, It's amazing how much you *do* learn about how to pilot a rocket when you attempt to automate it. It forces you to notice what you're doing and transform subconscious actions into conscious ones.

    Yeah, heh heh... I can't figure out how to work kOS anyways. :P

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