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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. I was showing that there are working RCS ports.

    Don't know about a custom docking port with parachute yet, maybe after I complete all the original goals of this mod.

    Okay! No rush! I'm pretty sure there's a mod that adds an inline parachute that I can stack under the CxAerospace CBM. Problem solved.

  2. Is the aft-facing RCS flare in the picture the engine firing, or was that just the RCS like it looks like? :P

    Also, you should consider a CBM looking docking port that's compatible with the stock clamp-o-tron with an integrated parachute! That'd be hella sweet.

  3. I can give you an example of what an animated decoupler is: the clamp that's used to hold Apollo's Command Module and Service Module together, unlocks and moves away from the CM to decouple it.

    The Orion MPCV does the same thing, yes. I assumed that's what he meant. But real life can hardly be compared to KSP, eh?

    Do you stage it, and then it runs the animation, and THEN it decouples? Or does it do it all at once?

  4. Sure, I can try to make them myself.

    I would really help if I knew what part of what belongs to.

    Some parts I can identify, for example: Proton or Soyuz and N1,

    with other parts its not so easy :) .

    Names and descriptions some of the parts, are far from original names.

    For example, to build Antares from parts of Ariane-V is not quite correct :D .

    I barely guessed that NLV is Black Arrow.

    Until now, I was not able to correct assembly Black Arrow :(.

    It doesn't matter what parts go to what! That's the joy of this pack. If it looks nice, go with it! :P

  5. Did you install it correctly? If you are playing in RSS, all you need to do is copy the "Liquidhype" folder and paste it into your GameData directory. No need to fiddle with the "optionalStockConfigs" folder.

    If you are using the .craft files and they don't have enough deltaV to get into orbit, I'm guessing I somehow screwed up the .craft files for stock vs. RSS. In any case, just build each rocket part by part, and they all will make it into orbit just fine, with some deltaV to spare :)

    Ahh, what? No, you did fine. I'm saying I just don't know how to go about launching in RSS. xD

  6. And, let me introduce a new heavy lift engine, the Emu. It has a 3.75m base, which can be switched to a narrower, cylindrical profile for surface attachment. The 7.5m variant will be a cluster of four of these.

    I'm still playing with the paint job. But it's already looking better than the first pass.


    Is that an F-1 nozzle I see? :P

  7. Yes, it should. I don't know KScale2, and don't know how different things are, but you can totally get into orbit in stock with each rocket. I will record a video of how I am flying the rockets, ok?

    KScale2 doesn't mess with anything too bad, I don't think, but the full Atlas V 401 stack (No boosters, single engine Centaur, smallest payload fairing), with no payload at all only has around 3000 Delta V.

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