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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. My feeling is: balance it against stock - if it happens to be overpowered, so be it (Perhaps pointing that stock parts are overpowered?).

    So basically, fuel amounts should be correct to stock ratios, and engines should be of a similar mass, efficiency and thrust rating.

    I think the current parts are not balanced in this way - hence why they are so powerful.

    Hm... "Tremendously OP"... Actually quite the contrary. Honestly, I play with Kscale2, but the rockets should all still work fine, however the current R-7's TWR drops to an almost unusable level whenever I jettison the boosters...

  2. Please read the very first sentence of this thread :P

    Ah, it says this is for RO, but it isn't stopping anyone from making a stock config. :P

    WHICH, I did. Kinda. I just like... edited the .cfgs to be stock compatible because I was to lazy to deal with MM.

    Works very nice! I made it 5m in diameter.

  3. I think Tantares is already a unique mod, but if you were to make all of these new crazy sizes, then you've effectively made it so unique, that it hardly works with anything else, so honestly it's very conflicting.

    I love the sizes that Curtquarquesso displayed in his earlier post, but what about compatibility with other things? The sized would be completely different!

    Also @gerishanakov, you have Module Manager installed, yeah?

  4. now that you mentioned it... :D


    could work neatly, the problem would be the ICPS though... what if, in the case of these variants with a payload area, you made them just with the EUS and just the core, Jupiter-like?

    BTW... remember that PM? just tossing out the idea, especially with the image above :P

    Is that... an asymmetrical engine configuration? Will someone please explain to me how that works??

    I know the Atlas V does that all the time...

  5. Well the only mod that has all the european launchers is Yogui87s European Historical pack. Problem is, none of Yogui87s Lionhead mods have been updated since 0.25. I'd be happy to maintain them. They are easy enough to update, seeing as most Lionhead mods are parts packs, which only needs minor re-balancing, node flipping and configuring the different engines.

    That's be neat! You should message him. I already have an updated Probes pack that MeCripp provided me with, but you'd have to talk to him about that.

    No worries about that though, I think it's rather see these rockets done! Real scale rockets are always neat. Gives you a perspective of how small KSP really is.

  6. I assume Brethern referred to the degree of overdimensioning of the RTG. If it can function with half the power output of a new RTG, it can still function to full capacity after many years, until the power output drops below 50% of the RTG when it was new.

    So like the half-life of the element decaying in the RTG?

  7. So, the Curiosity gets it's electricity from an RTG mounted on the back, right? I don't know much about how the RTGs work, but they degrade after time if I'm not mistaken.

    How long will it take for Curiosity's RTG to degrade and have it's electrical system's grind to a halt because of this?

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