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Posts posted by VenomousRequiem

  1. Ahh, I've tried the new R-7 now, but I encountered a couple problems. Of course, the models all look amazing but you know... everything has their issues.

    First, the first stage engines have next to no gimbal it seems, making the craft next to impossible to fly. I can't wait for those vernier jets. :P

    Second, the fairing splits off in 1 section. As in, once you jettison it, it only makes one piece in a ring around the spacecraft, so I'd have to back out of the jettisoned fairing to get out of it.

    Third, this isn't really an issue but it bugs me, the third stage engine clips into the Tavio decoupler when it's placed below the engine, so I had to use another kind.

  2. Ah okay! Yes I think this is quite an old image, IIRC 1.0+ Aero prevents this setup from working (But, I haven't used HGR in a while, I'll give it a try).

    Ah, those pictures are old. The base he's talking about is indeed attatched to the LES tower, however, it's a stock procedural fairing now. It's not the solid 2 piece fairing as shown in this picture.

    The third stage engine looks well, though! Is that a temporary shroud, or is that one staying, because that's not what I meant. :P

  3. An updated release? Welcome back then, Shadow!

    Ah, the hype for an EUS has been on for a while! And I'm sorry my bugging got to the point where you just made one to shut me up. :P



    Really though, adventure has it's ups and it's downs. Shortly after that picture was taken, the interstage containing the lander was jettisoned, and the two fuel tanks of the lander split apart. I'm not sure how, they just did. And upon time accelerating as they were split, the top half shot back to the bottom half, and then started to drift again. Maybe this is a big with KJR? I think I've seen something like this before.

  4. Vernier jets and fins? Nice! That's the only thing the previous R-7 was missing.

    You say you haven't finished the upper stage engine yet?

    Well I have a request. Could you make the decoupler itself a wire mesh like the IRL Soyuz, and then have the engine shroud four solid plates that jettison off of the side like the IRL Soyuz does as well if I'm not mistaken? I'm bad at explaining things, but the Bobcat's Soviet Engine Pack includes a replica of this engines, so if I'm too vague, go look at that.

  5. Well... Maybe the second stage and core stage aren't powerful enough, but the boosters are fine.

    Also, @Beale, as I mentioned a while back, is there any way you could turn those little engine ports around on the bottom of the Proton first stage? I don't know why it bothers me but IRL the bottom of the Proton tapers inward, yours... doesn't.

  6. I don't suppose you are cross-feeding the booster tanks into the core? This is often the cause of <1 TWR at Korolev cross.

    As in do I have fuel lines feeding the boosters into the core? Of course not, that's not how the Soyuz works. xD

    But really, the engines aren't powerful enough, but the amount of fuel is perfectly fine. Maybe should be dropped a little.

    The new tanks looks great, as well! Very basic looking and I like that! I can make my Vostok-K rocket look proper now.

    In other ideas, someone should make an optional texture switch for the rockets to switch the R-7 tanks between the textures of like the classic green Semyorka, or Molniya, or the Vostok-K's boosters having the black coloured bottoms.

  7. Sorry, this plugin from Thomas P. will be a dependency. Really, trust me, you wouldn't get the Atlas V to Orbit without it. +, it makes all the rockets way more stable. ;) As for the other (old) depencies, like smokescreen, I will change to using Stock particles, simply because of the feedback we got about that FX, and offer a smokescreen file as alternative, if you want that more. So yeah, apart from Thomas' plugin there won't be any other depency. :)

    Ah, okay, that's not that bad.

  8. We found a solution!

    Hell yeah! We found a solution for the Fairing issue! Or more, Thomas P. found one! I've asked him to make a plugin, which shields parts based on the collider of the Fairing. He noticed that the automatically generated Dragcubes of the Fairings were completely off, and this made the rocket flip everytime when I tried to launch it. Then, he came up with the idea of completely disabling the Aerodynamics for the part which has that partmodule in its .cfg, and I've added that now to every Fairing, and now, all rockets fly super easy! It's kind of cheaty, but I haven't experienced any bugs, and as long as it works, I'm happy.

    Stay tuned for a soon Update! SOOOOOON!


    Hooray! I can't imagine you can make some kind of version to have as little dependencies as possible, eh? I just want the rocket, not all of these random plugins...

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