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Everything posted by lordcirth

  1. Have you tried the monoprop tanks in Restock / Restock+? They are very nice.
  2. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-17x-near-future-technologies-enormous-nf-solar-update-may-12/&do=findComment&comment=3563611
  3. Copy or edit Profiles/Default.cfg: Declare the process: https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/blob/master/GameData/Kerbalism/Profiles/Default.cfg#L380 Add the process to the ISRU parts: https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/blob/master/GameData/Kerbalism/Profiles/Default.cfg#L1507 And you're done. If you make a copy of Default instead of editing it, you will need to edit the first line of Settings.cfg to point to it.
  4. Yeah, but the Kerbalism Auto tab, as mentioned, shows all devices. Experiments, antennae, and resource converters.
  5. I just leave the Auto tab open and watch it go.
  6. Perhaps try installing SnapDock? That should let you dock if within 5 degrees.
  7. A test image of roasted chicken made it's way into a previous release
  8. All RCS and engines in KS P are measured in kN, yes.
  9. How much RCS thrust do you need? Even the stock Vernier thrusters create 12kN, and I've never made a craft that couldn't turn with those.
  10. If you install CryoTanks, then Kerbalism adds a new process, Hydrogen Liquefaction, to turn Hydrogen into LqdHydrogen. Also a reverse process and an LH2/Ox fuel cell process. https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/blob/b2817c44da96248c371f406af54794f2199e174d/GameData/Kerbalism/Support/CryoTanks.cfg
  11. Do you have a version of Kopernicus that works in 1.6?
  12. Other people are using it in 1.6 just fine.
  13. Ah, I see! Currently the Kerbalism Alpha is breaking the animations, so I didn't have that button. That makes sense, though. Thanks!
  14. What I am doing wrong here? The Cylindrical Fairing does not clear the Advanced Material Bay wedge's door when open. Or is it normal to just not use a fairing for these parts?
  15. What do you mean? They are using only hydrogen? You need to be much clearer if you expect useful answers.
  16. Community Resource Pack. Kerbalism requires it.
  17. Other people are running Kerbalism 2.1.2 on KSP 1.7 just fine, I believe. Is this the version you have installed? Do you have MM and CRP?
  18. Would you like to mention what this issue actually is?
  19. You'll get a warning, sure, but doesn't it work anyway? I have like 10 mods that throw that warning every start.
  20. Also, you can now just leave all experiments running, and they just automatically measure whatever's there, which is *really cool*.
  21. Fine by me. Maintaining a few major versions is really nice so all my mods actually support the same version at the same time, but 1.3 is way back. Good! Although, perhaps scrubbers should be buffed slightly as well? In the past turning a scrubber off was a death sentence because it struggled to catch up when you got the warning and turned it on. Earlier warning is good, but perhaps +25% scrubbing speed would be good too?
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