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Everything posted by lordcirth

  1. You might get get faster responses on Discord: https://discord.gg/9jREM6Y
  2. That seems cool, but way outside the scope of Kerbalism, IMHO.
  3. Keep in mind that Universal Storage 2 is coming soon, so I wouldn't work on it until then.
  4. Correct. Don't forget that greenhouses are habitats and thus have shielding capacity as well.
  5. Radiation cannot be reduced to 0 by shielding. Max shielding blocks 95%, iirc. The active shield directly subtracts radiation so I think enough of those could hit 0. Radiation and Stress are automatically reset to 0 when they are recovered on Kerbin. There is no other way to make them go down currently, you just slow it down a lot. All of the numbers, like how long they will last in a given situation, is calculated for you in the wonderful planner in the VAB.
  6. Known bug. Kerbalism replaces science modules with its own, and doesn't handle DMagic's custom multi-sample.
  7. What other functions? The whole point is to change aerodynamics. The calculators and such? They only make sense if you're using FAR aero.
  8. So if we don't have a separate category, does that mean that drones are legal in the main challenge?
  9. A few rules questions: Would it be allowed to, eg, use kOS to beep if I get near 400m, that sort of thing? No control ofc. Could we have a drone category as well? Any restrictions on part clipping?
  10. When was this changed? Last I checked one greenhouse could handle 2 Kerbals.
  11. Radiation protection is averaged across all enabled habitat's surface area. Check the planner under Radiation to see what your effective shielding is. 0% is 0mm and 100% is 20mm Pb. You will want 100% for interplanetary.
  12. To clarify: You have 100% (20mm pb) shielding on every crew component? The planner shows 20mm pb for the craft? The greenhouse doesn't work at all, or is slow? Does it show an error? It's open, on, and powered? What's the projected radiation survival time in planner? Does what happens differ? Are you using the stock LV-N, more than one, or a modded engine? Thanks. Also note that Shotgunninja was considering disabling LV-N emitted radiation until he could add better options for dealing with it. So you could just do that.
  13. Exactly, yes. That whole tab goes blank if you don't have a connection. Once you do, however, there's lots of handy options.
  14. Kerbalism menu -> craft name -> CFG tab -> uncheck it.
  15. Yes, but early launches don't need any shielding. So no-shielding pods would be extremely light.
  16. Making pods lighter would throw off early game balance, making early orbit *easier* in Kerbalism. Comfortable landing seems great, installing it now!
  17. This forum has had problems in the past with tons of people spamming the same innocent request, causing modders to feel pressured or harassed. As a result, it has been decided that we will not post such questions. If modders want to update us on their progress, they will do so.
  18. Github: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases
  19. Did Near Future pull in Nertea's DynamicBatteryStorage mod? That has conflicted in the past.
  20. KSP.log should be in the main KSP folder. Skip to near the end and look for errors. If you have trouble reading it, pastebin it at, eg, https://bpaste.net/ and link it for us.
  21. Actually venting atmosphere to replace it with fresh air would make more sense as an emergency option. You would rapidly consume nitrogen and oxygen.
  22. Ok so you have a background processing problem. Read KSP.log; it usually spams nullrefs that point to the problem, eg Nertea's Dynamic Battery Storage has occasionally caused conflicts.
  23. Does the pod have a Scrubber? Is it turned on? It should be by default.
  24. The button is "Simulate in Planner" Yes/No in the right-click menu of the antenna, if I recall correctly. Perhaps with the Signal system being removed in 1.5, this has changed?
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