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Everything posted by lordcirth

  1. Thanks! For some reason the release changelog is just '-' ?
  2. Pretty sure this is intended behaviour; several of the real NASA capsules had off-center CoM to give stability on re-entry.
  3. Well, the first step would be to add support for AST to create habitats ( probably the hard part). Oh, apparently it does. So one would just need to add a special case where they have 200% shielding or something.
  4. The stock way is certainly simple; although I think 5x is far too overpowered. You can max the stock tech tree effortlessly once you get the lab. (Then again, it's not *that* hard without it). Currently, yes, there's little point to a lab in Kerbalism. That's a known issue that Shotgunninja had on his list to fix. One thing he was planning was to add experiments that could be swapped in and out, like a chemical plant. Some would require a scientist, some an engineer, giving them a purpose other than waiting around for something to break. Engineers could also swap experiments in flight once done. While that's more work to implement, I think it's a cool idea.
  5. The lab in Kerbalism doesn't generate free science like in stock; it does convert samples into 100% transmissible science. It is currently a bit underpowered as a result; ShotgunNinja was planning to add some special science experiments to it.
  6. Perhaps trim settings? Mod+X to cancel trim. But that's odd if it applies to multiple craft.
  7. Well, ask N70 on the new Kerbalism thread: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/172400-131142-kerbalism-v15/
  8. The stock lab module gets replaced with the Kerbalism lab, so it doesn't have that. You have to do resets the standard way of EVA'ing and right-click.
  9. Read KSP.log. Usually when this happens the log spams nullrefs that point to the source of the problem. Previously CryoTanks caused this, for example. EDIT: Oops, didn't refresh. Sure, try the jenkins build.
  10. You can in Profile/Default.cfg, but you should just bring a scrubber and the EC to run it. Use the planner.
  11. What situation do you have set in the planner? If you set it to Kerbin, Landed, then these readings make sense. Just click on Landed to cycle it back to Orbit.
  12. @Zorg Personally I am playing on 4x scale using Sigma Dimensions. This means that everything takes about sqrt(4) = 2 times more delta-v. I use the Chelyabinsk instead of the Terrier a lot, I use it for all my landers in particular. Since in 4x two stages is usually not enough to orbit, I often use the Tunguska as a second stage; it's also a vacuum engine though. I haven't been using cryogenic sustainer engines at liftoff. Here's my Mun lander: Chelyabinsk, Tunguska, Bollard + Mainsail boosters with crossfeed https://imgur.com/a/Sd9TJ
  13. Data is stored in hard drives in command pods. Click on the Kerbalism toolbar button -> your craft -> Data. There you can toggle transmission with the >> buttons.
  14. What I did for my 4x scale game was edit Profiles/Default.cfg and halve the 'degeneration' value for radiation and stress. This halves how quickly it builds up.
  15. So, what are the major differences between CommNet and Kerbalism's Signal once this change is made? CommNet has sqrt() range scaling on multiple antennas; what else?
  16. The mod Janitor's Closet will let you delete parts.
  17. (Reposted from NF thread) I'm playing Career with KSP 1.3.1, with NFLV, CryoEngines, and CTT. The CTT engine placement seems odd. The Chelyabinsk and Tunguska, successive sizes of vacuum engine, are both in Heavier Rocketry(160). I seem to remember the Chelyabinsk being in Heavy Rocketry(90) in the past. The Volcano and Odin, 2 sizes of sustainers, are both in Very Heavy Rocketry(550). Why are different sizes of engine in the same node? Unless this is a bug?
  18. Oh thanks, I thought this was the only megathread.
  19. I'm playing Career with KSP 1.3.1, with NFLV, CryoEngines, and CTT. The CTT engine placement seems odd. The Chelyabinsk and Tunguska, successive sizes of vacuum engine, are both in Heavier Rocketry(160). I seem to remember the Chelyabinsk being in Heavy Rocketry(90) in the past. The Volcano and Odin, 2 sizes of sustainers, are both in Very Heavy Rocketry(550). Why are different sizes of engine in the same node? Unless this is a bug?
  20. lordcirth@nezha:/SSD_data/Kerbal/KSP-131-kerbalismC-4x/GameData$ grep -r X200-48 VenStockRevamp/Part Bin/Extra_Tanks.cfg: model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Propulsion/X200-48 VenStockRevamp/Part Bin/Extra_Tanks.cfg: @title = Rockomax X200-48 Fuel Tank
  21. The Kerbalism planner in the VAB tells you whether you'll be able to reach a given planet. Also Kerbalism's range formula is just the range of the best antenna, as best I remember, so you don't really need a calculator.
  22. Currently, Emission is just tacked on to the total radiation being received from the outside. You can't specially shield reactors. Shotgunninja had this on his TODO list, but he's absent.
  23. If I remember correctly, FAR generates the voxels from the collision mesh, not the visual mesh? And I wouldn't be surprised if the collision mesh was as simple as that plate, for performance reasons.
  24. Nuclear engines already emit radiation; any other part can do so with a quick config. Feel free to make a pull request here: https://github.com/ScienceFun/Kerbalism-Continued
  25. Fires in space? That is an evil, excellent idea! Probably take a while to get around to it, though. I imagine that venting the habitat would be the natural thing to do - could even do it automatically. If you have other habs, you're just short on space - but if it's your only pod, then I guess you're in suits until you fix it. However, IRL you wouldn't have time to suit up while venting...
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