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Everything posted by Redhaze

  1. Hmmmh. interesting. For optimal testing, you might want to repeat that test, but this time with the parachutes on each arm a different orientation. That way you should get a balance-scales effect if the difference really is that big.
  2. While the way you did it is most certainly NOT the way to do it, (No html!) the forum is still in the process of migrating. Please have patience...
  3. Hee. Now try to blow them over with your exhaust. ...I swear, I'm not cruel, it's just my kerbals that are a little masochistic in their science experiments.
  4. Interesting. Maybe you don't need those airbrakes arranged in a circle, though. Perhaps you could use just one of them per arm like a hydraulic piston. Use three or four these arms and you should get a nice, level lifting platform!
  5. From the sound of it, it seems you need to increase the size of your tailplane(s). Don't worry, this is a a common thing in the real world as well. Especially aircraft with three tailplanes have three because they noticed this during flighttesting or initial simulations/calculations.
  6. Have you tried rearranging the fuel flow in the external tank so that it empties bottom-to-top? Keeping the Center of Gravity further in the front should make the engine gimbals and wing controls more effective at keeping you straight. Not exactly how it goes in the real thing, but it works.
  7. Cute idea, Do continue. One point of criticism, though: the pages are a bit small and the text is hard to read. The last two pages are significantly better than the first in that aspect, but there's still room for improvement. Also, you don't really need any specific 'comic making' programs if you don't need special effects. Microsoft Word or Powerpoint can do the job just fine. I'm kinda curious how you're going to show/simulate bringing the parts back to base.
  8. No, But you should make new pictures that aren't black squares next time. try, i don't know... daytime?
  9. Naughty Bill! I didn't know the bumblebee had a distiller as well. Or did he just ghetto one together, appollo-13 style?
  10. Ooh! I know what bob's concerns about the atmospherikdipperkraft are! ...It lacks a 'hydrazyne' distiller...
  11. Whoops. silly airlock doesn't have a security measure against that, I see. Now who's going to clean up all that explosive bloody nose splatter?
  12. ...What... the... And this isn't even in RSS, is it.
  13. Blindfolded. Facing the wrong way. X( Well said, though.
  14. Oh, i thought the hazmat suit WAS his party clothes...
  15. I imagine kerbfleet's PR department is having a wild party. Kindaof a shame that you got stickied just as updates are on hold due to your vacation.
  16. Whelp, We had Duna, we had Ore, and now we almost had Bust. What's next, kuzzter?
  17. Claws don't work on planets and moons, i'm afraid.
  18. Do you, by any chance, have Distant Object Enhancement installed? Afaik it's an issue with (older versions of) that mod.
  19. I'm literally seeing nothing but blackness with a bunch of stars with some nondescript black shapes. Please don't post invisible things like this.
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