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Everything posted by Redhaze

  1. Actually, it's the opposite. It didn't get buffed, it's just the other engines which got nerfed harder. Yea, except for the fact that that 1000m/s dV smaller launch stage is still as big as before, due to atmospheric engines having been nerfed as well. It also makes landing on non-atmospheric planets a lot harder as well.
  2. So am I the only one who thinks the vacuum ISPs got utterly nerfed to oblivion? I mean, I'm okay with atmospheric engines having had a bit of a nerf, it fits with the lower atmospheric drag so that, if you've got an aerodynamically sensible rocket, the same one will work in both .90 and 1.00. It's the part where all your non-nuclear transfer stages are nerfed that i can't stand. I mean, Where you had 1600m/s vacuum dV in .90, an identical setup in 1.00 would be lucky to 1200, a reduction of 25% for most engines. Essentially, the new so-called 'rebalance' made interplanetary/mun shots without nuclears pretty much useless. TL,DR: Chemical vacuum engines got nerfed, LV-N is even more king now.
  3. Yea, i'm considering doing that, too. ...If i actually get around to actually working on constellation again. ^.^;
  4. Once again I look to brotoro when a new update arrives, and once again he saves my green butt. I would +rep to thank you for your work, but they say I +rep you too much already. :/
  5. Oh dear. You're not trying to dial other galaxies, are you.
  6. Look, If you really want to have an alternative history german flag, i suggest you 1933-1935 national flag or war ensign. They're slightly less... tainted by certain historical figures and events.
  7. Actually, no. Those are just paved, commercial airports with publicy known characteristics. Scroll down that wikipedia page, and you'll learn more. Edwards Airforce Base for example, has 7 dirt runways over five km. one even 12km long. KEDW, as you may or may not known, is mainly of note as testing ground of a lot of America's X-craft and the space shuttle. Then there's Edwards' dependency Groom Lake, better known as Area 51 (Yes, that area) which is rumored to have a 7km runway, and Nellis Airforce Base, with a 7.3km strip. All three of which in the same Nevada Testing and Training Range. All those airstrips are closely tied to aircraft/spacecraft testing and training, and all of them were spaceshuttle runways. Mind you, those are just the publicly known (or suspected) runways. I highly doubt there's no runways like that in Russia and China, for example. TL/DR; Nevada state is pretty much one big airport.
  8. Used to be that my 1000part 1000t space station had some trouble, but then i upgraded from intel E2200 to I5 4670k.
  9. So much grain, you could feed half Afrika with it.
  10. Well, the essence of the Bechdel test requires not so much conversation, but attention of the character to something else than men. Conversation just so happens to be one of the easiest ways to judge that.
  11. *Googles* Yeap. Mars must be a warm place for those people to wearing those 'clothes'. Most covers wouldn't exactly pass the Bechdel test.
  12. Dang, brotoro, you're on a roll! New chapters released so fast, and with a lot of stuff happening in them as well! 0.0 Thanks for the rep, btw.
  13. I assume, that he, like I do, has more living space than kerbals to roleplay 'sanity space'. I for example, mandate that on longer trips, stations and bases there has to be at least two seats per kerbal so that they don't go crazy (crazier than they already are, anyway) from being cooped up in too small a space together. Nice new chapter, btw. Still waiting for Gus to come around, though.
  14. Ehhh, I dount the rover will be killed - I expect it would be nerfed, though, what with air resitance being a big deal on Eve, and likely continuing to be (a little less) so, especially for big un-aerodinamic things like that. All your ascent vehicles, planes, and anything else relying on Thrust-Weight Ratios or atmospheres, however... I for example fear my vertical SSTOs will be nerfed massively.
  15. Huh, I realized that my latest two missions both qualify for the K-prize. I claim Advanced Pilot Proficiency medal and Utilitarian Commendation for both. The Iolani 1B from Mission 9 could also claim the docking APPM, but that one is still in orbit, serving as emergency lifeboat. The Iolani 1A The Iolani 1A/B Read my AAR thread for more. Btw, I think the Kudos list should be reworked. For example, the altitudinalist one is plain obsolete with SSTOs visiting other SOIs. I propose to add kudos for a polar/retrograde orbit and more distinction between the APPMs for docking and landing on the runway.
  16. Whoops. I just realized I already had a finished mission sitting around. I was waiting with posting it until I came up with some more story to add outside of the album, but I'm not being struck by inspiration so far. Constellation mission 11: The boys go on another GooSat delivery mission, this time to a polar orbit. Bob gets to go too, so everybody's happy.
  17. Just an idle thought, which I should try out some time. Why not design a high-aspect-ratio aircraft, where the wing with a short nose and integrated engines is launched sideways, left- or right side up and have the tail dock to it with three or two jr clampotrons on deployment?
  18. Aww man, I feel sorry for Maryenny. I hope she'll be able to join Gus on the next update.
  19. Ah, right, now i took a closer look at it, You can see some of the back-lighting. Subtle, I like it!
  20. Out of curiousity, how did you draw it? Just drew a vaguely kraken-shaped black silhouette, or something more advanced?
  21. Constellation mission 10: Jeb and Bill pretend to be spacetruckers and deliver two sattelites for contracts. Bob is sad not to be included. Thanks for all the feedback, fellows! I agree, spaceplanes are hard. It's truly an art, taking ages to master. I would know, I've been fooling around with them since they first were included in the game... Next up: the reason why Jeb and Bill returned to KSC so soon.
  22. Hmmmh, I quite like the idea of a dead dwarf as the extra-joolian gas giant. One tip, though: Venella should be in a resonant orbit with both Jool and Eeloo so that it won't spoil their orbits.
  23. Another nicely narrated piece of what would otherwise be routine jobs, Brotoro. Reminds me I still have some similar work to do.
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