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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. ...well that makes a lot more sense --- I must have misread badly. I was wondering how you could get that fast a time with the screenshotted rocket.
  2. Contains racial slurs. There's prolly better material out there.
  3. iirc, KSP does use quaternions for physics calculations.
  4. SaturnVee, sorry for missing your post --- added to leaderboard numberosis, I've added you to the OP as a special proof-of-concept. EDIT: If I miss a submission, please PM me! Sometimes it seems I load threads in the wrong place.
  5. More chutes means a worse mass ratio for any stage, and I get bored with descending at 2m/s.
  6. Added to leaderboard Procedural wings make you the first entry in the "Extended" category.
  7. Working as intended. Setting target velocity to a small negative value is the correct way to use an airship anchor.
  8. I love the forums, always pushing things to beyond what looks possible S'part of why I tossed down this challenge. Welcome to #1, Zakaron.
  9. Yes please. It always bothers me when I have to use radial chutes and I descent tilted sideways.
  10. When it comes to resource scanning, on most worlds I don't even bother going above 30° inclination for the primary scan, since if the surface gravity is significant then I don't want to waste any fuel doing a plane-change on launch or landing anyway. I aim to put bases within 10° of the equator, and it's usually possible to find a combination of flat terrain and kethane in that band.
  11. It's impossible for us to debug a design without images.
  12. "Gossamer Mini" Eve airship probe using Dodecs, Firespitter electric propellers, and KAS anchor. Feel free to use for whatever
  13. Any chance we could get some updated configs to mesh with the "light and fluffy" RocketParts from the latest Extraplanetary Launchpads version?
  14. The return chevron does not need to be associated with the chosen vessel label. It just means you got /something/ home.
  15. Well done, Octagon! What kind of cruise altitude did you get, and how many engines are stuffed into the back? Added to leaderboard.
  16. Aircraft pilots still use slide rules hmmm... now I'm wondering what kind of useful hardware flight computers I could make for KSP...
  17. Well, at least you don't have a tippy canoe on Tylo too. That would really suck to do a rescue from.
  18. iirc, the breakeven mass where a nuke engine's efficiency is worth it's own mass is ~9 tons of fuel+payload.
  19. That is quite excellent. I especially love the atmospheric shading and edge outline.Couple suggestions though: it might be nice to list atmospheric pressure at datum altitude. Additionally, Dres and Eeloo are in kinda weird places. I'd move them in-line with each other and maybe more centered, nearer to Ike.
  20. One word: Infrastructure. That's Aldsby standing under the heavy kethane rover, which is used to collect from a deposit around 3km away. Structures in the background are used to dig up ore and convert it to parts for cheap Minmus launches --- fully loaded, the large spherical tank will weigh ~120 tons.
  21. I'd like to increase g-tolerance of parts, but reduce thermal tolerance of non-heatshields. How should I edit the .cfg? Also, it seems odd to me that the fastest rate of AblativeShield depletion isn't at max temperature, but rather at max deceleration. The shield is keeping the rest of the craft cooled by burning itself off, after all.
  22. So, as of 0.21, we now have to hire crew. The default behavior on losing a Kerbal is that they appear as "MIA", but eventually return to your available roster. However, you can make it so once a Kerbal has been killed, they're gone forever. Around line 58 in your persistant.sfs, set: DIFFICULTY { MissingCrewsRespawn = False } I want my mistakes to stick, and thus disabled crew respawning. How about you?
  23. 3d printers can be built for ~$400USD.
  24. Glerp,never mind, missed the edited configs posted earlier. I don't know why I fail at reading so hard lately :/Though hotfixes should probably be posted to the frontpage.
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