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Everything posted by Zeroignite

  1. The Protractor mod calculates phase angles for you And yeah, if you want to have a non-gigantic fuel budget, you'll want to be able to do Hohman interplanetary transfers. That said, I often botch it for worlds that have highly elliptical or eccentric orbits...
  2. Welp, further investigation seems to indicate that it isn't an issue with the cfg. I've set debug = false on the HL pad, as well as tested with the stock EL launchpad, and in all cases ships spawn full of fuel. My one last idea is to try re-downloading the plugin in case something was corrupted, but honestly it's starting to seem like the codebase itself has a bug somewhere EDIT: re-downloading (yes, with the updated .dll as well) hasn't fixed it.
  3. Get into an orbit with a high inclination. As you orbit, the world will rotate under you.
  4. Restarting. I didn't know the latter was an option. Trying. EDIT: No luck. In-game console shows that the config is indeed set for "debug = false". I also tested the pad that Extraplanetary Launchpads comes with (which ships as debug = false), and it also spawns ships full of fuel. I'll take things there, as at this point it seems like a plugin issue.
  5. I'd like more inline stack parachutes. It really bothers me to have capsules w/ docks descend all sideways after the chute deploys.
  6. Hydrocarbons can explain it just as well... look at Uranus and Neptune. And if Eve is indeed a Venus analogue, it's plenty hot for lead oceans. I rather like that hypothesis. (Current temp readings are a total placeholder.)
  7. None of those work. Really frustrating since I've spent several hours building up requisite base infrastructure Is the debug setting maybe buried in the savefile somewhere?
  8. Okay, I'm having an issue with the HL portable launchpad (for use with etraplanetary launch). It seems to be stuck in debug mode, even though I've edited the .cfg to set debug as false. All rockets spawn on the pad fully fueled. MODULE { name = ExLaunchPad debug = FALSE } Any idea what's going on?
  9. The Jeb version is only designed to work if you have MJ v<2.0 installed.
  10. Water/ice/vapor as a function of temperature and pressure: OP, how do you get potassium for Jool? Why the lack of frozen carbon dioxide anywhere, esp. Duna's ice caps and Vall? Also, Iodine would definitely purpleify Eve to the degree that it is, but I don't know if it's stable or abundant enough to remain that close to a star.
  11. Splashdowns would be rather more exciting if they didn't. Good luck recovering Kerbals from under a kilometer of water.
  12. Oh dear. I've built a nice launchpad and trucked Rocketparts to it (the hexcans seem to be filled with a particularly exciting form of exotic matter). Now, when I build something on the pad (using the HL version, though I don't know why it'd matter), it spawns totally full of fuel, even though there isn't fuel available on the pad and I explicitly set the build sliders so it spawns dry. Not only is this kinda cheat-y, it messes up my plans for base infrastructure, since full tanks intended for storage are too heavy to KAS-winch off the pad.
  13. I glued my launchpad to the surface with SQUID landing legs. Haven't launched from it so far, but I think things will be ok. I guess one benefit of low-g is that the pad will have to support a lot less weight from the rocket. I don't like land-docking things anyway... too wobbly and it's hard to design ports to line up.
  14. I don't know why everyone is so keen on building Munbases... Minmus is so much less expensive in terms of delta-v, and has nice, flat lakes that are ideal for basebuilding.
  15. Be default, crew respawns after a while. You can enable permadeath in your settings.cfg
  16. Does FAR break MechJeb's aerobrake predictions, or does MJ incorporate the different drag model?
  17. Default behavior is to have killed astronauts resurrect after a time. You can enable permadeath in settings.cfg
  18. You folks should see the visibility of real spacecraft... Apollo LEM: Space Shuttle: Instrumentation will almost always be more important than a nice view. However, putting the first pilot in a seat with a window is definitely a good idea.
  19. Canonically, all Kerbals are genderless. Apart from the original trio, I pick pronouns for them mostly randomly.
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