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Everything posted by Catto

  1. Hello. I would like you guys to share to me some of your modern military vehicles. This includes Humvees, APCs, Tanks, Boats, Carriers, Fighter jets, VTOLs, And much more. So, the year is 1997. It is a war between Germany and America. Make sure to build German vehicles, And American vehicles. The mods you need to use are: Airplaneplus, And bdarmory. No other mods can be used other than those mods. Good luck!
  2. Ksp 2...3.66 If they remove the kraken i swear i will sue private division.
  3. What about KSP version 999999999999999999999999999999999999.0
  4. Compatibility with textures unlimited? i wanna make a police helicopter Also, fenestron rotors!
  5. Hi, i've been downloading some KIS expansions, I downloaded PRO Props and BD FPS. I can equip the kis items from KIS Itself, but not the items from PRO props and BD FPS. i need help!
  6. sorry i went a little crazy... You can't trust stuff you find in deep space! Everyone who goes to astronaut training school knows that!
  7. How the heck am i supposed to know the launch date? HOW IS ANYONE Supposed to know? ITS COMING OUT. IT WILL COME OUT WHEN IT COMES OUT.
  8. What if it won't be released and its just a.. A HOAX! (yeah i don't think so)
  9. This is probably gonna be the most popular forum ever in 2020. Lets make it the MOST popular forum page! (Yeah i don't think thats gonna be happening.
  10. Ah. I get it. So they will be back up soon! I guess i have to wait, but thats ok! Just like i am for ksp 2
  11. (don't read)

    1. HebaruSan


      I don't think he wants to be bothered about this by random people, since he requested both of the forum threads for those mods to be closed in March 2019.

    2. Catto


      Ok i'll close this.


    3. Catto


      How do i delete this

  12. I Mean nobody is Nostradamus, except for nostradamus. so nobody really knows when it will come out.
  13. I mean, i don't know. One day they are there, the other day the links just dissapear..
  14. I think its December 21st, 2876 I'm also excited for multiplayer, maybe also first person for kerbal view, like YOUR the kerbal!
  15. i have kerbinside installed, but whenever i install this, it doesn't work and the kerbinside buildings dissapear. i'm trying 1.7.3
  16. Does anyone have a download for all of spannermonkey's mods? They look REALLY cool, But none of the downloads can be found. Can anyone tell me what happened?
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